8 ● Food ●

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Kuma clan symbol on the picture.

For centuries there has been forces all around us that we have been too oblivious to see.
Forces that have watched over us when our weapons clashed against each other drawing our blood and soiling the ground forever with our greed for vengeance.

Terra is one of these forces that reign over this world alongside the other guardians.

With her benevolence and hope of peace she guides us like a mother bear with patience and gentleness but with a stern hold which never lets you give up and fall down.

But even the greatest forces, without help, are doomed to fail on the face of the enemy.

Lumi's pov.


"Coming!" I shout wrapping my headband around my forehead. I smile excitedly at my reflection in the mirror.

Yesterday I had my picture taken for my Ninja Registration form and then I had to spend the rest of the day cleaning the rest of the house. Dust got in to places it never should go and I thanked the one who had been smart enough to build a sauna on the backyard.

Today is the day~! I've looked forward on meeting Naruto again so much! The last time had been lots of fun, but it had ended so shortly it felt like a trick of my brain.

I ran down the stairs, it seems I'm unable to normally walk them up or down and the only reason why I wasn't gliding down by the railing was because Hugo nearly bit my head off yesterday when I actually did it.

The large table in the kitchen is something I love. You can fill it with so much food that I could eat until my stomack blows up. Not that Taru would let me. Luca is already eating there and I also grab some porrige from the bowl and start eating.

"How did that exam thingy of yours go, Luca?" I had found out there was somekind of separate testing and training for the bears of Kuma clan and Luca had taken it yesterday evening and I didn't have time asking him about it then because I was already knocked down by all the cleaning.

"I passed of course!" Humble.

I had no time to say anything, because Taru started speaking to me. "Okay, now, you need to remember Lumi that stay calm enough not to lose control, these gening are only kids... normal kids with frail limbs. They are not skilled enough to evade if you slip up."

I sigh slightly in annoyance. I don't slip easily anymore and she should know that, but I also know that if I don't pay attention, things I don't want to happen may be lethal. "I know, Taru. I'll be careful."

"Good. Here's your lunch, do not eat it before the break!" She puts a small green scroll next to my plate and I pout. It's not my fault I have a fast metabolism and get hungry easily.

Hugo says its a family trait and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one suffering from it. I had to eat a lot to get enough fat and muscle to my body so I could start serious training and now I'm all healthy and happy.

I took seconds and halfway to my bowl I glance at the clock. Oh peach! I glomb the rest of the porrige down with a glass of milk and dash out of the house. I can't end up late today!

A smile when the Academy comes to my sight and just as I'm running to the entrance I clash with someone so hard I feel my head hitting something before my body makes contact with the hard ground.

I groan and mutter colorful curse words that would make Taru wash my mouth with those herbs of hers... again.

I hear just as loud groaning next to me and I give the culprit of my pain a glare when the feeling starts to subside. The glare doesn't last long because I recognise the person.

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