20 ● Monster ●

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Third person's pov.

It burst out.

The presence in Sasuke had reached its limit.

The chakra seeping out of Sasuke was now erupting like a fountain, consuming the boy completely.

"Sasuke-kun! You woke up...?" Sakura exclaimed, happy to see the boy moving. Her happy face was quickly turned into a mask of shock and fear as she, and everyone at the scene, could feel the strong and ominous chakra that was coming out of Sasuke. The chakra was so powerful it destroyed the ground near him, tearing it and making it clear where the boy had putted his feet on.

"Sakura... Who did that to you...?" Sakura was too shocked to answer to Sasuke's question.

"Who did that to you?" He repeated impatiently, angry to see his team mate in the state she currently was in. Left eye swollen half shut, bruises all over her body and her long hair was now short and messy.

Sakura couldn't concentrate on Sasuke's question, distracted and worried by the boy's new appearance. "Sasuke-kun... Your body..."

The girls words made Sasuke to look at his arm that was now covered by flame-like markings. He was slightly surprised to see the marks, but could care less about them because something else that came with the markings was something he cared about. "Don't worry. More importantly, I can feel power surging inside me. I'm feeling good right now. He gave it to me...
I finally understand now. I'm an avenger. I must obtain power no matter what, even if I must let the devil take hold of my body."

Everyone could hear that the boy was serious and the tone he held while speaking, made a chill run down their spines.

'I see... Just as I thought. The bruise in his neck that the Sakura girl was talking about was that cursed seal. Still, I can't believe he woke up.' Dosu thought as fear started to crawl up to him too.

"Sakura, say it! Who the hell hurt you?!"

Zaku, wanting to fight the boy, answered in stead of his team mate. "I did." His words made Sasuke turn his eyes instantly to his direction. The malice in them didn't even budge Zaku, for his eagerness to fight made him blind.

Shikamaru noticed the rising tension and made a quick decision to retreat and take cover. He yelled this command to his two team mates and they quickly obeyed. Ino released her technique and returned to her own body, while Choji ran to his team mates behind the bushes.

"Shikamaru, what's going to happen now?" Choji asked, feeling frightened.

"How should I know?!" Shikamaru yelled in annoyance.

At the same time, the hate in Sasuke grew and this made the markings spread to cover his face fully. The hate in the boy worked as a fuel to the seal which it devoured greedily.

Dosu could feel the feeling of thread growing to the heights he knew they couldn't handle it. The chakra in the boy was far too strong. "Dosu! Don't be afraid of that half-dead guy!" Zaku yelled, not understanding why his team mate looked at the raven haired boy with such a fearful expression. Zaku's senses were far too dull to see and feel the threat looming over his life, in a form of a young boy.

"No, stop Zaku! Don't you understand?!" Dosu yelled in panic.

"I'll kill them all with this! I'll finish this in a flash! Maximum Air Cutter!" Zaku yelled, not hearing his team mate and releasing a strong force of air pressure that destroyed everything in its path and making the ones in the sidelines have great difficulties at staying up. Lumi used a spurt of energy again, saving Lee from the way of the attack and running in front of Sakura so she could give her some protection also. She raised an earth wall in front of them just as her feet nearly lost their footing, she felt like Piglet. Her small size sure could be a drag sometimes.

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