10 ● The Eyes ●

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"Uumph!" Outch outch outch outch!

"Naruto get off of me!" I bark. Of course he decided to land on top of me!

I wrench my neck to see the blonde boy laying on me, he has shards on his hair and clothes but that is to be expected after what happened.

"Hey! You should be cleaning the windows, not breaking them." Kakashi said from the roof, near the second floor's window... or its remains.

"You are going to pay for this." Noo... I was saving up some money, but I certainly wasn't saving it for something like this!

"Naruto! Seriously, get off!" I only got few incoherent mumbles from him in response, but he remained still. Just as I was about to seriously growl at him, his weight disappeared and I could finally move.

When I got up I got to see Sasuke holding Naruto's body up from the collar of his jacket.

"Thanks, princess."

He didn't bother to react after a week of name calling anymore, sadly, it couldn't be even called name calling anymore. Currently, his name is princess and mine is idiot. That's how it is. He let go of Naruto, who seemed to still be a bit dizzy because of the fall, and let him slump back to the ground, his eyes swirly.

"Tell me how this happened." Oh god!

I turn around quickly to see Kakashi standing right behind me, watching Naruto on the ground, me and the shattered window in turns.

I glance at Naruto, he's currently useless, so the explaining part this time goes to me. Yeah... this happens quite frequently.

"Well, we got bored." Kakashi remained stoic. "So you broke a window?"

"No!" I defend. "We made it a competition."

"Competition of breaking windows?" Could he stop?!

"No! Listen! We made a competition who can clean one's side of the window faster, but Naruto tripped on the bucket, hit the window and made us fall." I can feel how sore my body is currently because of that abuse. To my relief I heal fast.

Kakashi closed his eyes for a moment, probably debating how punish us this time. For some reason he has been trying to get rid of our excessive energy so we don't destroy too many things on our missions, but that fails quite often.

"After this you will be going for a run. Around the village. Twice." Urgh!


I... can't.... breaaath!

This is good exercise for the mind and body, Lumi. You should think positively.

'So you mean that if I faint because of the lack of oxygen I should think that at least my brains will get some rest?'

Yes! I want to face plant.

Might as well.

My body collapsed in exhaustion, my face hitting the ground. What I said to Terra was meant to be one of my sarcastic remarks and she missed it completely. She says she lived with my clan for a long time, and I hear they had very similar sense of humor than me, it seems it didn't rub on her.

I hear hard panting from behind me. It seems Naruto finally got here. This means that this race is won by yours truly.

I feel less proud when I'm once again pinned under Naruto's limp body. Sigh. It seems this has become a habit of sorts. Just like Sasuke's and my arguing and Sakura's talking moments, although those are rarer. I prefer action over talking but it doesn't hurt to do it time to time.

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