33 ● Love, Your Family ●

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~Hint here, hint there, hints everywhere!~

Lumi's pov.

"So... how have you been?" There is a silent moment where Tsunade's eye twitches, making me think of the fastest routes to evade the woman if she lashes out. I do annoy some people as my hobby, but I know Tsunade's temper and I don't want to tamper with it just yet. I like my head where it stands.

"Is that what you wanted to babble about, brat? I have better things to do than have a tea party with you."

This woman is in awfully awful mood today.

"So... Uh... I heard you are a medical ninja?" Can this be more awkward?

"I don't work in that field anymore." An immediate response... She's not going to make this conversation easy.

"Why? I heard you were the best."

"One of the best..."

"Eh?" Did she mutter something just now?

"Shouldn't a kid like you be sleeping at this time and hour?" She turned to look at me with a distasteful look. Why does it seem to me that she doesn't like me?

"No. It's not even eight o'clock yet. What was it like to help people?"

"Fruitless." Her short answers feel much like the Hulk with big boobs hitting my head with a train...

Only thing that makes it bearable is when I imagine that Hulk have a pink tutu on him. Fun.

"I didn't know you were supposed to get fruits from that job." Aaand she glares at me. She doesn't seem to appreciate sarcasm.

"Hehe... Uhm... I heard you had a sibling?" Maybe if I try to track this conversation to Nawaki it actually gets somewhere.

Tsunade freezes the moment I make the question. Her hold from the sake bottle tightens when a whisper escapes her mouth. "Siblings..." Angrily, she turns to look at me. "What is it that you want?"

I am too shocked of the revelation to pay attention to her question and instead make a question of my own. "Siblings?! I thought you only had a brother!"

"You thought wrong."

"What was it like to grow with siblings? I grew alone so I don't know." I always did want a brother or a sister but I never got one. Quess that's a good idea when you think how everything turned out after father died.

"Noisy." This time Hulk thankfully changed the train into a car. Not much of a difference, but at least the hit is somewhat softer.

"What were their names?" I know Nawaki, but I have never heard of any other siblings Tsunade has. I just thought it was just the two of them.

"Not your business." What a wonderful name, I must say. Mother must hate her kids to name them like that.

"Is it Top Secret or something?" This conversation seriously grates my nerves and it's obviously the same to Tsunade when she gives me her all mighty glare again.

"Fine. Did you have any other relatives?" I never even had a cousin and I'm curious of what it's like to actually have one. Those few times that have brought upon a conversation of the now passed Kuma members has always given me a picture of a big crazy family that I always yearned for. I quess I'm looking for something like that through other people and their stories.

"Too many." And now it's a motorbike. I quess her soft spot is her family.

"You're not fun."

"I'm not here to amuse you brat." No really? You fooled me there for a minute already.

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