27 ● Nightmare ●

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In the picture is someone I met today :3

In this chapter is a hint what may be weighting Lumi's mind. I hope it reveals itself out well enough. :)

Random question: Have you ever watched the Police Academy movies? I just watched the first one for the 100th time and the comedy in it just never gets old. XD

Hmm, also... WARNING! There is some... brutality here.

Lumi's pov.

"This guy sleeps a lot."

"That's what happens when you train hard." I respond to Shikamaru. I'm currently laying on the ground, still training my sensing ability.

Shikamaru huffs slightly. "Maybe he's dead." I huff back. "There's no way he would do such a thing a day before the exams."

Shikamaru let's out a sigh and continues his lone shogi game. "Why are you still keeping that blindfold on you? I thought you said you already figured the technique out."

"I did, but I want to make sure I also remember it. It doesn't mean that if you succeed once on something that you're the master of it from that point forward." Shikamaru must agree with what I said, because the only response I get is another shogi piece hitting the board again.

I had run into Shika while he was on his way to see Choji. I was gonna see Naru so we decided to tag along and visit both. When we had gone to the reception, Shika was told not to give the fruit basket, that he had brought with him, to Choji because his stomach still wasn't well.

Can you believe that the receptionist nearly banned me from coming here after that? Some nurses had thought that I was the one behind the giant frog's hand print on the front yard of the hospital, even though Naruto was found next to it. Can you believe that?!

Shikamaru had asked why the nurses seemed so eager to throw me out of the building and I had to explain that every time I had come here some mishaps had happened and apparently, when some of my dead clan members had come hear, some big mishaps happened.

To that he said he always knew I was troublesome. Such a great friend.

Well, because we couldn't go to Choji with the basket, we had come to Naruto's room first. When Shikamaru had brought out his board of shogi, I had immediately declined from playing it. I didn't know the rules, but that wasn't my main reason. I wanted to keep an 'eye' on the hospital for certain 'quests'.

It didn't take long when I felt some steps on the hallways.

"Damn, it's stuck. How troublesome." Shikamaru cursed while looking at the hourglass.

The steps are wandering around. Searching.

"Hey. Finally awake?" Shikamaru suddenly said.

"Where am I?" Naruto mumbled sleepily.

"The hospital. I heard you were asleep for three days straight." Oh how wonderful it would be to actually sleep such a long time. I thought dreamily as I chomped a peace from an apple.

"Three days?" Naruto asked, a bit confused. He wasn't awake completely yet, but in a second he would be. I pressed my hands to cover my ears as Naru started panicking while Shika tried to understand what he was fussing about.

"Geez, he's sleeping one minute, and causing a ruckus the next."

"That's Naruto for you." I said and Shika hummed in agreement, before finally getting enough of Naruto's freak out moment.

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