11 ● To The Land Of Waves ●

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I used pictures from the Internet for this. Respects to their owners.

This is one of my favourite drawings :3

Lumi's pov.

"Sasuke here at point B!"

"Sakura here at point C!"

"Naruto here. I'm at point A!"


"Lumi! State your position!"

"As far from that creature as possible!"

"Lumi. Take your position. Now!" Kakashi sighed.

*grumble* "Fine." I took a step neared to the creature. "I'm at point Z." Meaning as far from it as possible.

After some shuffling and screaming, Sasuke's voice speaks through the ear piece. "Target captured."

I carefully dread my way to the cat that is currently gutting Naruto, starting from his face. The moment the feline saw me, it hissed like a maniac and tried to jump at me, but I growled at it.

Felines seem to really dislike me. Hm. Just like the mountain lion close to Lumen Mountain. Nearly killed me, that creature.

'Maybe it's just the cats?' I'm fine with that. I've never liked cats that much. They can be cute and all, but I'm more of a dog person. I always have this feeling that something is looking at me through the eyes of the cats. Me no likey.

"Alright, the mission to capture lost pet Tora is complete!" Eyes largening, I quickly rip the earpiece away from my ear as I see Naruto inhale a large breath.

"ISN'T THERE A MISSION WITH MORE ACTION?!" Wow... that was loud. My ears are ringing and I didn't even have this thing on me anymore.

I look around to my team mates and they all were on the ground holding their ears with pain streaked faces. Is that...? Yup. That's blood. It seems that Naruto's shout is more dangerous than you'd think.

I grabbed a stick from the ground and crouched next to Sasuke who was gritting his teeth tightly. He was quiet compared to Sakura who was currently manhadling Naru.

*poke* "Calling for princess." *poke* "Calling for princess! Do you copy?!" I receive a glare from this. A form of life confirmed.

"Well, it seems that now at least our little princess' ears are clean. Good boy!" By the look of it Sasuke is currently plotting my murder.

"Naruto, you should remember not to shout while the hearing device is on." I hear Kakashi saying. I turn to look at him and he is also rubbing his ears slightly

"Hehehee... oops." Naruto said with a smile, rubbing his neck sheepishly. It seems Sakura's attacks hadn't done a number of him thankfully.

Kakashi let out almost an inaudible sigh. "Let's head to the Hokage tower."

As we stepped out of the forest I saw a glimpse of blonde hair in the corner of my eye, but I saw no one when I turned to look.


It was the cat's turn to be manhandled. Even though I'm not in the most friendly terms with cats, I do feel a bit bad for it st the moment.

"Hahahahaa!! Serves him right, that stupid cat!"

"No wonder he ran away." Sakura said sympathetically.

Hiruzen ignored the commotion, probably quite familiar with this sight. "Now then... The next mission for Kakashi's squad: an errand to the neighboring town... to babysit the chief Councillor's boy... helping with digging potatoes.."

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