28 ● The Elder ●

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Pain. Ache. Painful ache. That's how my days have been, but I'm better now! (kinda) Yay! I hope you like this chapter where you will be meeting few oc's of mine.

Third person's pov.

Lumi was woken by two whisps of cold wind that passed her soul. Two people... Gaara...

Lumi stares at the ceiling from the bed she's laying on. Her eyes are slightly glazed over as she tries to convince herself that she is back to the reality and that her friends are still alive and kicking.

Her body is still shivering as an after effect to that power burst that had happened, but the biggest cause for her trembling are those bloody bodies of her friends she had seen. She could see the look in their eyes...

And the blood in her hands... That genjutsu must have shown her her darkest fears, but why had she been the one with the blood on her? The blood that was still warm after leaving someone's body...

Did she fear she was going to be the one to kill them? Why? She had never even thought about that...

Was it a sign?

The door opening didn't wake a reaction from the girl, she just kept staring at the ceiling, thinking.

Riku came to stand in front of her and he was surprised to find her so still. The only thing making him able to see her was her heartbeat and breathing.

"You wanna share what you saw, kid?" He asked. He had been sitting next to some elder ninja in the audience and he had received the knowledge of that genjutsu. The ninja had flinched when he had told what was its nature: to destroy one's mind through fear.

Lumi thought about the guestion, but eventually answered negatively. She didn't feel stable enought to start talking about it out loud just after the accident. Like fearing that they would become true... especially now that a clash was nearby.

"You shouldn't hold it in. It's not healthy." Lumi knew that and she was usually the one yelling to the characters to just spill their guts out, but she now realised how scary that actually was.

"I-I know. I'll tell you... after the matches. Okay?" She'll get some time to sort her thoughts out... maybe.

"I'll hold you to that promise." Riku said easily and sat next to Lumi. "Your team mate's fight has probably just begun. Would you want to go watch it?"

"Do you know how to release a person from a genjutsu?" Lumi asked instead of answering. Riku is a bit taken aback by her sudden question, wondering was she asking this guestion because of what happened in the fight?

"I do know how. I just can't use it because that is one of the set backs of nature energy. Although, it would be pretty impossible to put a blind guy under such a technique." Riku tried to joke a little, but it seemed to do nothing to the girl in her current state.

"Then let's stay here." She merely says, closing her eyes. Her behaviour bothers Riku, he had never seen Lumi act like this during the whole month. This was not even close to anything how she usually acts like. She must've seen something quite... devastating, if it affected this much. Fears have that unfortunate effect on people.

Riku was right with his thoughts. That genjutsu had made the fears Lumi had started to have the moment she started to personally know the people living in Konoha, surface. She knew what was coming and she knew people were going to die... especially off the screen.

She didn't want that. She didn't want innocent lives to end before they even got the chance in life. To see the final days as an elderly person and not as the receiving end of the final attack someone launches at them.

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