Chapter 3

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They drove for a while in stilted silence through the city until they reached downtown. While John Winchester liked to live in the upscale ritzy neighborhoods the city had to offer, it seems Castiel was the opposite, enjoying being smack dab in the center of the seedy under belly of the city. Dean rode in silence, staring out the window. His anxiety was building, but so far, he was managing it. If he could live through what he went through a few years ago, surely he could make it through this. He just had to make it three to five years, then he planned to get Sammy and move somewhere where John couldn't find them. Family business be damned.

The car pulled into the parking garage of a high rise that was all windows and sleek metal. The car was parked right next to the elevators, and he was jerked out by his leash gripped tightly in Castiel's hand. He stumbled but stayed up right on his feet as he was pulled into the elevator. Castiel casually leaned in the corner, looking over Dean with a smirk, Dean did his best to ignore his looks. The elevator opened, and as Dean went to move, Castiel kicked at the back of his knees, making him drop unceremoniously to them with a grunt.

"I don't know many dogs that walk upright, do you?" Castiel said as he stepped from the elevator and through a door that was guarded by two men with guns slung over their shoulders and into a lavish penthouse. Dean looked around, taking it all in. It was nice, nothing less than he expected, really of the man before him. Castiel led him to a plush leather couch, wrapping the length of the leash around his hand and drawing Dean closer to him until he was seated between his legs on the floor. Dean's face was red again as he stared down at his own lap.

"Why dont you show me some appreciation for helping your father out. For not killing both you and your brother instead?" Castiel said happily as he motioned to his lap.

"So what? All of this was to get your rocks off?" Dean asked, looking at the man through his lashes.

Castiel shrugged a shoulder, "Amongst other things, why not enjoy my new pet to the fullest?" Dean just continued glaring at the guy as Castiel unbuttoned and pulled the zipper down of his pants. He moved his hands to his boxers before he pulled out his long, hard length. "Maybe if you impress me, I'll find it in my heart to clothe you."

Dean was fully aware of the six guards stationed throughout the first floor, a few at the top of the stairs leading to the upper level. "I think I'd rather not." He said, breathing heavily.

Castiel tugged on the leash until Dean's head was level with his dick. "I'm not really asking, sweetheart." He said as he lined the head of his member up to his lips, "and if you get the bright idea to act out and use your teeth, I left a few men at your home, ordered them to follow your little brother around. As long as you behave, his head will retain the correct amount of holes in it."

Dean kept his angry stare on his face as he opened his mouth. Castiel grabbed at his hair, forcing him down his cock immediately to his base, his nose buried in his pelvis. Dean heaved around his thick length but kept his eyes on the man before him.

"You glaring at me won't put me off, sweetheart." Castiel said as he stroked Dean's hair. He grabbed onto the blonde strands, pulling him up before bringing him back down him instantly pushing down his throat.

Dean tried focusing on his breathing but once Castiel continued forcing him up and down himself it was near impossible, his body heaving with each gag that overwhelmed him as he kept pushing further and further down his length. When he brought Dean off of him with a pop he was panting, his throat already feeling raw. He could feel the eyes of the body guards on them, and even his neck was red with shame.

Castiel was panting on the couch as he brought Dean back to him, pumping his head up and down him over and over, giving him fewer breaks for breaths until Castiel stilled his head at the base of him. His hips stuttered as Dean felt him coat his throat, his eyes widening at the intrusion sliding down deep inside his throat.

Castiel held him there until his breathing  resumed to normal, Dean fearing he was about to pass out feeling light headed until he was finally pulled away from the man, drawing in deep shuddering breaths as he tried to swallow the man's orgasm, a string of saliva and the white substance connecting them.

Castiel looked him over with hooded eyes until he leaned forward, looking to Dean's lap. Dean fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable, the man hummed, leaning forward more and grabbing at Dean's soft length. "Hmm. That's surprising. From what my sources tell me, you swing both ways Winchester. What's your problem? I know I'm attractive, so that can't be it."

Dean pursed his lips, wiping at his face until Castiel was grabbing him by the hair again, bringing him up to him until Dean was hovering over him, one knee perched between his wide opened legs. "If you can't perform certain duties what fucking good are you?"

Dean stayed silent to this, not wanting to reveal anything about himself to this man. "I don't make idle threats Dean, so unless you want your brother bleeding out on the street then you'll figure your shit out. Got it?"

Dean refused to nod or acknowledge him, just stared down into his face trying not to show anything to the man below him. Castiel ran his hands over his body, from his sculpted arms to his hard chest and abs, "Would be a shame for this body to go to waste." He suddenly stood pushing Dean roughly off of him, Dean landing on his ass with a thud that knocked the air out of him. Castiel snapped at a guard at the end of the couch, holding Dean's leash out to him, "Secure him in my room."

Dean frantically tried to get to his knees to keep up with the guy but he couldn't with the mans pace and was essentially dragged by the collar around his throat up the stairs and down the hall into a large master bedroom. The guard took the leash and tied it to the corner of the bed, Dean could easily untie this, but as the man left, he heard several locks clicking into place on the bedroom door. He sat on the corner of the bed with his knees pulled to his chest, trying to breathe and not think too much on what his future held here.

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