Chapter 31

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Castiel's p.o.v

Dean had a little more self-confidence to himself after their night together. Eldon Styne's influence over his life slipping just a little. Now they were both acting a little odd around each other, though, a little off, stuck in this weird limbo of not knowing what part they were playing with each other. So Cas decided to just exist with Dean, take what he could get from the man, and hope at the end of all of this that Dean had developed feelings for him too.

Dean got his cast off today, the stitches under it removed as well. Cas watched as he tried to bend his fingers, the pained expression on Dean's face and the fingers only making it to curl halfway in on themselves. Dean sighed out, frustrated, but Cas just gave him a pat on the shoulder, "We knew you'd probably need therapy for this. Don't worry until there's reason to. I've hired a private physical therapist, and they'll start as soon as you're ready.

"I'm ready now. There's no point in anything in my life the past few years if I can't take down Eldon with my own hands." Dean said, staring at the appendage he was currently mad at. Cas just nodded, pulling out his phone to get the therapist here quickly.

Cas watched as day in and day out Dean worked to get the strength back to his hand, and there were improvements. They were just small and slow going, and Dean most days was frustrated with himself. But even through all the frustration and pain, he wasn't giving up.

The time was coming to take Dean's dad down, and Cas wasn't really sure how to talk to Dean about it. Sure, Dean had told him before to go ahead with it, but saying that and being faced with the reality of it actually happening were two different things. Cas had been awkward with Dean all day, but he knew he needed to tell him before it happened. He found him in the bedroom, working with some glove that had resistance bands built into the material, his face scrunched up in concentration as he pulled and bent his fingers. He looked up to Cas with a blush and a smile, his collar settled on his neck like it had been since their night together when he declared it his. Cas was determined that after this was all over, if Dean stayed with him, he would get him something nicer, one with velvet lining and at least a few diamonds on it.

When Cas just stood there looking him over though Dean's smile faltered a bit, "You gonna tell me what's wrong, or do I need to start taking guesses?" Dean asked of him, taking the glove off and looking Cas over.

Cas walked and sat on the bed next to him, looking to those green eyes. "Everything is ready. It's time to move on John." He said simply, not wanting to dance around the subject.

Dean sat there for a moment, a line appearing between his brows as he worked through that statement. "And what if Sammy is there? What if he gets hurt?" He asked.

Cas wanted to smile at Dean, how fiercely protective he was of his little brother, even though that brother was bigger than him and had been raised in the same life they all had been. But he kept his face neutral as he said, "Before we move, you can call him, let him know what's coming and to find somewhere else to be. Don't text it, though. We don't want anything traced back to us if Samuel were to lose his phone."

Dean nodded, rubbing at his sore fingers as they sat in a stilted silence. "Any questions about your dad? How we're going to do it or anything?"

Dean just shook his head, "No, and I dont want any details of it afterward. The only thing I ask is take the 45 colt from him for me. It's engraved and has ivory grips. It's mine, and I want it back. "

Cas just nodded. He'd be sure to tell Benny and his other guys to be on the lookout for it. He wouldn't leave until they found it for Dean.

"Besides that you can kill him how you want, take everything, burn the house down if you want. I don't care, and Sammy won't either. We're both done with anything to do with him." Dean went back to flexing his fingers, wincing at the pain from it.

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