Chapter 34

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Castiel's p.o.v

Dean had remained quiet the whole ride back to the penthouse. He knew he was in a weird headspace with everything that's happened recently, everything they'd have to do. He had news he had to tell him that he knew he wouldn't like, but he was holding off on it for as long as he could, not wanting to add more to the man.

After getting everything brought up he had taken from his fathers house, and the place he'd lived at for the last two years Dean just plopped down on the bed, worry creasing his forhead. Cas glanced to his watch. He had to tell him before he left. He watched as Dean rubbed at his temples, he had to tell him he kept arguing with himself. Cas was not the greatest at relationships, and this definitely wasn't a relationship, but he'd try to be better at whatever this was.

"I'm going to meet with Jacob." He said out to the room casually.

Dean shot up from the bed, "You're going to what now?" He asked disbelief in his voice.

"He asked for a meeting. Probably to question me on your dad's death. I have to act normal right now if we want everything to work. And normal is taking that meeting."  Cas said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Dean stood walking to Cas and standing before him, looking him over with those concerned green eyes. "You can't go to him."

Cas quirked a brow to this, "I'm not the man I was before Dean. I've been dealing with him for a while now when it comes to business. I'm not asking your permission, I'm just being courteous and telling you what I'm doing."

Dean took a step back from him to this, "I'm not saying you can't handle yourself, Cas. I just don't want you to risk it."

Cas blinked up at him, confused. And he saw it in Dean's face. He really did believe he could hold his own against Jacob. He just didn't want Cas to put himself in that position. He grabbed Dean's collar, pulled him down to his level, and kissed at his mouth. Dean opened his lips for him as he slid his tongue inside his mouth, caressing every part he could touch. He pulled back and smirked up at Dean, "I appreciate the concern puppy. But I'll be back soon, and I want to see you here, waiting for me with a wagging tail when I return, yeah?"

Dean rolled his eyes but pressed another kiss to Cas' lips before turning back for the bed. "Just remember I think Benny owns me if you die." He joked as he laid back down. Cas just smiling and leaving. Jacob called him to his own building downtown that he lived in and worked out of. It wasn't as nice as Cas' little high rise, but it was impressive enough.

Benny and two other of his men were trailing behind him as they walked through the lobby. Two of Jacob's men looked him over, "They stay here with us."

"No fucking way." Benny said clenching his teeth together.

Cas refrained from rolling his eyes. "It's okay Benny. If he wanted to kill me he wouldn't have so publicly summoned me to here of all places." He looked back to the two guards, "You can keep these fine gentlemen entertained at least." He said to Benny.

Benny still looked tense but nodded anyway.  The two men stepped to the side allowing Cas into the elevator, one pressing a button for the top floor where Jacob's office and suite were. Cas wondered how long those guards had been around, if they were part of his 'break up' with Jacob or not. He never came here for meetings to avoid exactly this, all these men, not knowing who knew of that night and were involved or not.

He stepped off the elevator to two more men standing on either side of it, he straightened his tie and continued on his way to Jacob's office. He didn't knock, just entered as he wanted, Jacob reclined back in his chair at his desk, sipping at a drink in his hand. He looked Cas over as he stepped in, the men from the hallway closing it as he entered. Two more men in the office looked him over, one stepping forward with a wand, searching him for weapons. Which of course he had a few guns on him, one at his hip and one at his thigh, these were taken from him.

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