Chapter 36

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Castiel's p.o.v

Cas was right, the smaller dosage given to him not lasting as long as the larger dose he'd given Dean did. But two hours later, when his body finally stopped needing more, Jacob was using him one last time, "So you can remember your place." He'd whispered to him as he had shouted at him in his broken voice to get off of him.

His whole body hurt, he knew his entrance had to be raw and bloody, he knew he was covered in bloody bite marks and bruises, knew he had handprint shaped bruises around his neck, and finger shaped bruises all over from where he was gripped so tightly.

He wouldn't cry, and he wouldn't beg. He just stared at the ceiling as Jacob took him one last time, closing his eyes to the feeling of him orgasming inside of him, cringed at it spilling out of him as Jacob pulled out of him. As Cas laid there used, Jacob got his guards back in, Cas couldn't care that his hips and stomach were covered in his own mess, or that his ass was leaking and these two men could see it all as they dressed him again. His torn shirt hanging off of him loosely as Jacob grabbed at his jaw, forcing him to look into his eyes. "Get rid of him flower. And I don't just mean kick him out. Kill him. And then we will work on you and me. I've found a way for us to be together again. Don't make me get mad like this again and listen this time, okay? And stop killing my business partners, or next time will be so much worse for you."

Cas pulled his face away from the man, Jacob just laughing as the guards dragged him between them to the elevator. When it dinged open on the ground floor, he noticed Benny and the other two men they'd brought being uncuffed from chairs. Benny standing and rushing for Cas, looking him over with a mixture of rage and worry. Cas knew he must look awful because he sure felt that way, "Don't say shit right now. Get me home while I still have the dignity to be able to half stand." Cas whispered to him as he pulled him away from the guards' grip on him.

Benny gave one stiff nod as he turned to the two with them, ordering them to leave with them. In the car, Benny shot off questions at him and tried to convince him to go to the hospital. Cas stayed silent at all his fussing before finally turning tired eyes to him. "Just shut up and get me home, Ben, please."

Benny leaned back in the seat as they drove on in silence. It was late now, the city quiet. Benny helped him out of the car and up to the penthouse, as they stood outside of his room, though Cas sent him away. He was tired of how the man was looking at him. He opened his door and spotted Dean fast asleep under the covers. He started to limp through the room as quietly as he could, successfully making it to the bathroom and turning on the shower to the hottest water he could tolerate. He had just kicked off his shoes as the door started to open, "Cas?" Dean called out as he stepped into the room already filling with steam. He took in Cas' disheveled appearance. "What happened to you?" He asked.

"Nothing, though I'm glad to see you waited for me. Could do with more tail wagging, though." He tried to joke, but his voice was flat, "Just go back to bed, Dean." Cas got out in his raw voice as he turned away from him and started to undress.

Dean's p.o.v

"Go back to bed? No fucking way, tell me what happened, why were you gone for so long?"

Cas didn't answer him as he was unbuttoning his shirt, his back to Dean. When the material parted and dropped from his back, Dean took in a sharp quick breath. "Cas." He said with sympathy, seeing the marks on his flesh, taking in the location of them, his appearance, and understanding. "How did this happen to you? You had Benny? Did they kill him?" Dean rushed out his questions as Cas stepped out of his pants and underwear and opened the door to the shower, stepping in and closing the door on Dean.

"Go away Dean. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow." Cas groaned out as the hot water hit his sore body.

Dean stood there a moment contemplating giving the man the time and space he was asking for but decided, "No. Fuck that Cas." He opened the shower door and stepped in fully clothed in pajama bottoms and his shirt, the material instantly getting wet and sticking to him. He faced Cas without touching him, not sure if he could handle that right now. "What happened tonight? How did he do this to you?"

Cas just stared at him for a second, looking to Dean like he was going to fight back with him, yell at him, hit him, something. But instead he just took a step forward, burying his head into Dean's wet shirt clinging to his chest.

Dean stood there shocked for a moment, but then he brought his arms up and wrapped them around Cas. The man in his arms didn't cry or scream or do anything but stand there as Dean held on to him. "How can I help?" Dean asked quietly.

Cas stirred in his arms, "I smell like him. Makes me feel like he's still on me." He mumbled out.

Dean pulled away from him, leaning him against the wall of the shower as he grabbed soap and a cloth. After lathering up the cloth, he started to gently drag it over Cas' body. He worked his way over every bite mark, handprint, and bruise on his neck before going down his chest, narrating his movements to Cas as he went. Cas just watched him with half lidded eyes. After his front was washed, Dean asked him to turn around, Cas did. Dean got on his knees as he started to run the soapy cloth over his backside, he gently pried his cheeks apart as he went to wipe at his entrance, he winced at how red and swollen he was, he thinks he was even torn seeing the blood surrounding the area, but he cleaned here too as gently as he could, Cas flinching at the touch.

When he was done, he turned Cas back to face him, still kneeled before him, still dressed in dripping wet clothes. "What else can I do to help?" He asked. He was curious as hell as to how this happened. If Benny was still alive, how much of a struggle it was for Cas. His chest tight at the thought of it all. Cas placed a hand to his shoulders and pushed, Dean falling back to his ass, "Stop being nice and just get out." Cas said turning away from him.

Dean knew he must be in a bad place right now. So he listened with no fight, stepping out of the shower and pulling off his wet clothes, pulling new ones from the closet for both himself and Cas. He stepped into his clothes leaving Cas' on the counter for him as he sat on the bed, waiting. Half an hour later the water finally shut off from the shower, a few moments after that Cas stepping into the bedroom in the clothes Dean had laid out, his hair a wet mess on top of his head.

He slowly walked to the bed, pulling back the covers and burying himself inside of them and closing his eyes. Dean gently grabbed at his shoulder, "Cas I need you to at least give me something here. What happened?"

Cas rolled over, looking up at him, his eyes moving up and down him. That's when Dean noticed the blue of his eyes were glistening, tears building up as he stared at Dean. "I'm sorry for ever using that drug on you. I got my payback for that." He said as tears leaked from his eyes.

Dean's mouth straightened into a tight line to this. "Where the hell was Benny and the others when you got drugged?"

Cas shook his head. "Downstairs. He wanted a private meeting, and I agreed to it. I got what I deserved for ever doing that to you." Cas said, reaching a hand out to Dean.

Dean closed his eyes as that hand landed on his cheek, the thumb to it rubbing up and down. "Cas, I never wanted this to happen to you. You didn't deserve this at all. And I...I forgive you for that. It's in the past. You didn't deserve this."

Cas pulled his hand back to Dean's words, quickly as if Dean had slapped him. "This is what I deserve."

Dean shook his head, staring down at Cas. He didn't know how to help him, so he pulled the man to him, into his lap and buried his head in Cas' neck as he held him, "This is not what my master deserves."

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