Chapter 53

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Castiel's p.o.v

It was Friday. Cas was pacing the whole house, keeping his eyes on his watch. He knew thanks to Balthazar that Eldon would be arriving at the Styne compound in thirty minutes. Cas kept going to his father and Michael, trying to convince them to move today. He was shot down every time. They even kicked him out of the final planning sessions as it always ended with him screaming at his family, screaming at everyone to go after Dean. He even pulled Gabriel and Anna to the side, his most caring sibling and his most unpredictable one and tried to appeal to them, taking their guys along with his and storming the place,  but even they turned him down.

Sam was just as antsy as he was, but the man ignored him. Cas even went to him, willing to only go in only the two of them with his men, but as worried as Sam was about his brother he declared he wasn't stupid enough to go in half cocked like that, on a suicide mission.

Cas hadn't slept since he woke up on Dean's chest Wednesday morning, and this only fuelled his bad mood. Benny constantly chasing after him, trying to convince him to lay down, eat, and take care of himself. Cas had forced himself to shower, swallow down a few bites of food, and guzzled some coffee. But he couldn't sleep because if he knew Jacob and knew the Styne's, then Dean wasn't sleeping either. He was feeling sick with worry, but this with his lack of sleep combined with his concussion from the explosion didn't help anything either.

He looked to his watch again. Eldon was arriving right now. He didn't know if he would head straight to Dean or give it some time, settle some things with his family before paying him a visit. Cas pulled at his hair before going to the nearest table and raking his arm down the length of it, every stupid glass decorative piece crashing to the ground. What didn't break he picked up, throwing it as hard as he could to the wall and watching it shatter. Once everything was in pieces on the ground, he slid down the wall, pulling at his hair again.

"Didn't imagine you as one for theatrics." Cas looked up to see Sam leaning against the wall at the end of the hall. The dark circles under his eyes, telling him he wasn't sleeping either.

"Eldon's there now." Cas breathed out. "He was the one who...who." He couldn't finish the sentence.

Sam stiffened to this but didn't move. "You really care about him?" He asked between them after a few beats of silence.

Cas sat there for a moment, his head buried in his hands. "I fucking love him. But I...I didn't tell him before..." He breathed out heavily. "I didn't want to say it and then risk dying, leaving him with that hanging over him forever. Now I realize how fucking stupid I was."

He heard a thump on the floor as Sam settled on the other side of the hall from him. He didn't say anything at first just sitting in silence with Cas as his head spun. "What are the odds he'll be okay?" Sam asked quietly.

Cas took his head out of his hands looking to Sam, he looked younger right now, vulnerable and worried. "I think you know Sam. He told you what happened the first time. He barely made it out last time. Even if he does he won't be the same."

"Dean's strong." Sam said simply.

Cas nodded, "He is. But Eldon's there now. He was broken from that, until very recently."

Sam and him sat there quietly for a while the shattered glass surrounding them as Cas just kept imagining everything Dean might be going through right now. "I think he feels the same way." Sam said quietly. "About you."

Cas looked him over, "I know he does." Cas said sadly.

Two hours later, Benny appeared, Cas and Sam had moved to a living room at the end of the hall, just sitting in silence. "Cas." He said on a breath.

Cas' head snapped up at the tone Benny had, at the look on his face. Benny was a rock. He never cracked. But looking at him now, he was pale, his brows pinched together. Cas shot to his feet, "No." He said, simply shaking his head. Not wanting to hear whatever he had to say.

"What?" Sam asked, looking between them.

"A package was delivered. It's in the dining room." Benny said, looking between them. "We are looking into it, bu-"

Cas shot up out of his seat, flying down the hall, Sam not far behind him. He felt like he was floating out of his body, like he wasn't the one running to a mysterious package that made even Benny look worried. He skidded to a halt as he ran through the dining room doors, his father sitting in his usual spot with a worried look on his face. Gabriel and Michael looking down into a small box and talking to each other.

Cas slowly approached, feeling like he was watching himself from a distance and not in his own body. He walked up to the table as Michael and Gabe parted away from the box for him and Sam. "Cas. I don't think -" Gabriel started.

"Leave him, Gabriel." His father spoke up watching Cas.

Cas closed his eyes as he was at the table now, looming over whatever it was. He heard Sam's intake of breath followed by a curse and his retreating heavy steps. He opened his eyes and closed them again as he felt the tears well up. In the box was a severed hand, tanned and calloused.

Dean's p.o.v

Dean was on the floor, his cheek pressed into the cold concrete. But it was sticky as his blood was congealing there too. Eldon had come for him. He was his welcome home present. But he hadn't used him, hadn't raped him yet. Just tortured and beat him more. He barely had any strength left. If Eldon came for him again, wanted to use him, he didn't know if now he could fight him off. Not in his condition.

He'd heard Jacob and Eldon talking after they cut, burned, and beat him. Dean was being gifted to Eldon. After their meeting this weekend, Eldon would fly him back to his home in Louisiana. Dean just laid there and laughed, blood bubbling up on his lips as he did. They tried getting from him what was so funny, but he just kept laughing, shaking his head. They eventually gave up questioning him, chaining him back to the floor as more blood spilled from his mouth and all his other wounds they'd given him and left him alone for now.

He laughed because he knew Cas was coming for him. That Cas was going to tear this place apart piece by piece, taking everyone within these walls down. He just had to make it to tomorrow. Not even a full twenty-four hours. Then Cas would be here. And he'd be safe.

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