Chapter 47

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Castiel's p.o.v

On the ride to his families personal gun range the next morning, Cas couldn't help but smile. Last night had been something else, his thighs tired from how much he rode Dean over and over again. Every time he looked to Dean today, he saw the same smile reflected back at him. He kept his hand on Dean's knee, giving it a squeeze as they rode in comfortable silence.

When the car pulled up to the range, Cas let out a groan, spotting a car already there. "I don't know which one it is, but you're about to meet a sibling." Cas said, blowing out a sigh.

"I thought you liked all your siblings for the most part?" Dean asked as he stepped out behind Cas, his new collar feeling soft and snug against his neck.

"I do, but they can just be a lot to deal with." Cas said as they waited for Benny to grab the cases of guns from the back of the suv before heading for the door.

"Holy shit. Do my eyes deceive me? Can it be my baby brother?" Cas closed his eyes. He'd hoped it would have been Michael or Anna here or any of his other siblings, but instead, it was Gabriel.

"Hello, Gabe." Cas said, already annoyed by the man.

Gabe quickly pulled him into a hug. "Hello, Gabe," he said, mocking Cas, "That's really all I get? I'm out here risking my shit to follow the Styne's, and you can't even act happy to see me?" He released Cas before looking behind him, noticing Dean. "Well shit." He said, smirking down at Cas, "I guess your boy toy really is worth all this trouble with looks like that." Gabe held his hand out to Dean, "Gabriel Novak, nice to meet ya."

Dean looked to Cas with a raised brow before taking Gabriel's hand, the man shaking it violently, Dean was happy his injured hand was his non dominant one. "Dean." He said simply in return.

"Ah, a man of few words. You and my brother must have such a boring relationship." Gabe said with a smirk.

Dean pursed his lips, not knowing how to respond. "Alright, Gabe, you met him, now can we have some privacy?" Cas said, annoyed.

"What are you going to fuck here? This is a communal space Cas, that's rude." Gabe said looking around the large building.

Dean did huff a laugh to this until Cas shot him a glare and he let it drop. "No we are not having sex here! But Dean needs to get some practice in."

Gabe looked to the hand by Dean's side before meeting his eyes, "Listen, I appreciate you sticking your neck out for my brother. And for what it's worth I'm sorry you got hurt doing so."

Dean's p.o.v

Dean just nodded, unaware that Cas had told his family much of anything about him, least of all that he'd been injured. Cas brought his arm to Dean's back and gave him a small push, leading him away from Gabe, but the man just followed them.

Benny was already setting out the guns, one of them being his that Cas had taken from John's body for him, he hoped he could hold and use that one the most. But there were some smaller caliber options, and even a few rifles for Dean to try out. He put on headphones that Cas passed to him, looking behind him to see everyone putting them on too, even Gabe. Built in microphones rested in front of their mouths so they could talk to eachother between shots without having to stop and remove the headphones. All three men staring at him had Dean feeling a little self conscious. He reached for his gun, his hand steady and he closed his eyes to the  familiarity of it, he'd missed this gun all these years.

He took up his stance as he took aim for the target at the end of the range, he squeezed the trigger after lining up the shot, the recoil from the gun combined with his grip causing him to hit high. "A little high." He heard Gabe in his ear. "Readjust for the recoil and grip it tighter." Dean didn't need the advice, but he nodded anyways, adjusting the gun in his hands and lining up the shot again as he squeezed the trigger again.

This time, he hit the center of the targets chest, "Good." Cas said simply. "This time, aim for the head." Dean took aim again and hit where he wanted. He heard a breath of relief through the headphones, no doubt from Cas. "Now the shoulder." He ordered. Dean quickly shot off two more shots, one in each shoulder, hitting true to where he aimed. "Now, empty it." Dean shot off the remaining  three rounds until the gun was empty and the slide locked back. He set the gun down and balled his fist at his side, trying to hide the shaking of his hand.

"Aims pretty good once you accounted for your hand weakness." Gabe said in his ear.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned meeting Cas' gaze. He held his hand out to him, and Dean held his hand above his, the tremble, noticeable but small. Cas stared up into his face, biting on his lip, worried. "Try the 22." He said, stepping away.

"A 22 is for children Cas, don't insult the man." Gabe spoke up.

"He can't handle the 45 for more than one clip." Cas replied.

"Let him keep going with it. See how many with his own gun he can do before he physically can't anymore." Gabe shot back.

The two went back and forth for a moment, arguing as Dean reloaded the clip of his gun. "Dean, you can't do more with it." Cas said, turning his attention back to him.

"I'm not using any other gun. Gabe's right, I need to know how much I can do and work from there." Dean responded.

He slammed the clip into the gun and cocked the hammer back, taking aim again. He unloaded three more clips, the last round less accurate, but at least still hitting the target. When he set the gun down for the final time and turned back to the three, Gabe was smiling, but Cas was frowning. "Let me see."

Dean held his hand back up, and now the tremble was undeniable. Nothing he could do would stop it. "That's not good." Cas said, sighing out.

"What? That was 29 shots, Cas! Surely with all of us fucking going in he won't even be shooting half of that." Gabe said in disbelief.

Dean nodded to this but looked at Cas' worried face, "What's our estimated time on doing this?" Dean asked.

"At maximum a month, but it could be a few weeks." Cas said still looking him over.

Dean nodded, "A few weeks is plenty of time. I'll keep working on it. I can come here every other day, keep up the physical therapy, I'll be fine Cas. I'll be ready." He looked to the man with pleading eyes.

"Fine." Cas breathed out. "It's not as bad as I expected. But if you've not made much improvement by this time next week, we're going to have to rethink your role in all of this."

Dean nodded, but he knew no matter what he'd be going whether he had to sneak himself into everything or not. But he'd work at this and prove to Cas he could handle it.

Gabe came over as they pulled off their headphones. "How about I meet you here in a few days and help you out? That way, grumpy ass over here won't be such a wet blanket on you."

Dean nodded, thanking Gabriel before the man turned back to Cas, the two walking for the doors as Dean and Benny loaded up the guns. "For what it's worth, I think you'll be fine." Benny commented as they got everything packed up.

Dean nodded, "Thanks Benny." He slung a pack over his shoulder to follow Cas and Gabriel, the two now arguing about something.

"I'm just saying we all need a family meeting. We need to be in person to talk all of this shit over, and everyone deserves to meet him at least before we move." Gabe was saying.

"And how big of a target is that on us? All meeting in one spot, we've not done that in years, since I left Jacob." Cas shot back.

"Well, it's not your decision to make anymore. Dad's setting something up for the end of next week." Gabe said with a smile.

Cas rolled his eyes at this. "Fine." He said as Dean and Benny loaded up the hatch, holding the back door open for Dean.

"See ya later, Dean!" Gabe called out excitedly as Dean just waved after he got situated in the back seat.

Cas climbed in after him, "Well he's...a lot." Dean commented.

"They all are." Cas said, pinching at the bridge of his nose annoyed.

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