Chapter 8

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Castiel's p.o.v

Castiel slept on the couch in his office several floors down from his penthouse. He made contact with everyone he knew in the experimental pharmaceutical trade. He avoided calling the Styne's. He knew they'd have what he needed, but he would do anything to avoid that repulsive family. Once his family successfully took down the Winchester's, Castiel was personally going to see to ruining and murdering every member of that cursed family.

But unfortunately, he had to go a back door way because, as it turns out, the Styne's are the only dealers with what he needed. So he got one of his best workers from the brothel, gave them money and sent him after what he needed with a story that the worker himself needed it to keep his job long enough to pay his debts. About midday, the scrawny worker made his way back with a leather zippered case. Cas was even feeling generous enough to tip him and give him the night off, sending him back to his room.

He opened the case noting the ice pack within, so he'd need to keep the stuff refrigerated then. Inside were 12 glass vials with a clear liquid. Cas pulled one out, spinning it in his fingers and reading the printed instructions on it. From what he understood of the drug, it was the improved liquid version of Viagra. It got you hard sure, but it also fired whatever neurons needed to make you crave sex, make you feel like you needed to get off as much as you needed your next breath. If this didn't work, well, Cas didn't know what he would do. He might actually have to kill the guy. But one problem at a time. And hopefully, this was a solution. He wasn't sure how much to give to someone of Dean's size, but they could experiment with it. He'd also go down to the brothel and ask around of who he employs that takes it and see if he can figure out a good gauge of what to give Dean.

Dean's p.o.v

Dean was abruptly awoken in the morning by the man with the southern accent shaking him. "You been on the floor all night?" He asked.

Dean sat up, stretching his sore muscles. "Not like I had a choice, right?" He tugged on the leash.

"What? Those muscles just for show? You and I both know you could rip this leash in two if you wanted to." He said, helping Dean to his feet and then to the bathroom, turning to give him privacy while he relieves himself.

Once Dean flushed and headed for his toothbrush, he glared at the man. "Yeah, and Castiel comes back and beats me for leaving the spot he left his 'dog'." He loads his toothbrush up with the paste and begins to scrub at his teeth.

"Fair enough." Benny murmured watching him. 

Once Dean was done, he led him back to the bedroom, securing the leash to the bed with enough slack for him to walk around. He left returning with a meal for him. He cleared his plate, letting the man take it back later. Two more meals passed, and he was bored out of his mind, pacing by the floor to ceiling windows overlooking downtown. He finally heard the front door open and close and decided to stay standing next to the bed as Castiel entered.

He looked Dean over, noting the red marks still on his skin from the night before, and he smiled. "I love seeing my little puppy waiting on me." He walked up to Dean wrapping his arms around his neck, "and who's your master Dean?"

Dean looked down at him, "You are." He said simply, not wanting to get on his bad side so early.

"And a dog trusts his master, right?" Castiel asked as he ran his hands over Dean's pecs.

Dean gave a stiff nod.

"Good, good." Castiel said, still smiling. "Boys?" He shouted toward the hallway. The two men from the night before came in with another length of rope.

Dean stiffened and backed into a wall, "What? No. Why again?" He asked, watching the men but directing his question to Castiel.

Castiel pulled a black zippered pouch out from his coat, setting it on his dresser and opening it. He had premeasured out a few syringes based on what he learned on the drug from his staff. His men were already pinning Dean's arms behind him and securing the rope around him as they had the night before. Roughly shoving him to the bed before exiting the room.

Castiel turned for the bed with a few syringes with capped needles. He set two on the nightstand next to them, keeping one in his hand as he straddled Dean. He held the drug in front of his face, "Tonight we figure out your issues." He said quietly into his mouth before kissing him.

Dean struggled before successfully pulling away from the man and looking wide-eyed to the needle. "You really are fucking crazy. You can't do this to me. Please. I'll figure it out. I...I just need time. Don't. Don't do this."

Castiel kissed at his neck giving small bites to the sensitive flesh there. "Don't worry pet. It'll be over before you know it. Then we'll find a therapeutic dose for you until you can hold your own finally and then we'll taper you off."

"Then, then untie me." Dean said pleading.

Castiel shook his head, "Can't do baby. See a possible side effect when given too much can be aggression. Just because you'd be so crazy with desire, would do anything to bury yourself inside of me." Castiel rocked his hips in his lap pulling at the ropes, "So really, these ropes are necessary for my safety."

Castiel's p.o.v

Cas uncapped the needle with his teeth, spitting it out onto the floor by the bed. "Hope you're not afraid of needles." He said with a smirk as he plunged the needle into Dean's neck and pressed the plunger releasing the liquid drug into his bloodstream. Dean tried fighting back but Cas just tightened his leash around the bedframe, limiting his movement. He sat back on his knees away from Dean as he stared at him, "Well?" He asked looking the man over.

Dean huffed a heavy breath pissed off apparently. "Well nothing. Still can't fuck you."

Cas just got comfortable looking at his watch, "We'll give it, say ten minutes before your next dose." He watched Dean for those ten minutes, anxious. But besides Dean breathing heavily there were no changes.

He reached for the other syringe popping the cap off and aiming for Dean's neck again.  "Please. Just stop. You don't have to do this." Dean tried convincing him again.

"Oh but I do. If you don't have a purpose you're not worth keeping." Cas said stroking the hair from his forehead. While he was distracted he brought the needle to his neck breaking the skin and pushing the plunger down again. Dean hissing at the pain.

Cas sat back again watching the man. After three minutes Dean broke out in a sweat, his chest straining against the ropes with his heavy pants. Cas smiled, "Maybe we are getting somewhere." He looked down to his briefs running a hand there but sighed. Still nothing. He waited seven more minutes before reaching for the third needle. He was advised not to go over three, but he'd do whatever it takes to get what he wants tonight. And if Dean's heart exploded from the stress of the drug then so be it.

Dean tried thrashing his body against Cas but made no headway again as before. "I-I can't. I can't take anymore. I f-feel like I can't breathe."

Cas placed a hand to Dean's chest, "I can feel you breathing, can hear it too. You're fine." He was getting pissed now, he uncapped this syringe angrily tossing the cap across the room before roughly shoving the needle into Dean's neck.

He leaned back again watching. Dean hanging his head. His whole body flushed sweat dripping from his hairline and down his chest. His arms straining against the ropes binding him. After a few minutes he leaned his head back, taking in deep, shuddering breaths as he let out a moan.

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