Chapter 4

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Castiel's p.o.v

Castiel left his home feeling frustrated, needing to take his anger out on something before he went back inside and took it out on his new toy. He was trying to be good starting out with the guy, but his lack of control over his emotions might prove that difficult. He aimed his car for a couple of blocks over from his high rise to a fighting ring he owned. The bar there was a much needed distraction, and he needed to meet with Jacob. And he knew he hated the fighting ring, so what better place to bring him.

He watched as the headlights behind him made every turn he did, his men ever vigilant and not letting him out of their sight. Somedays he wished he never moved up the ranks of his fathers business, wished he'd stayed in college and made his own path in life, but he never should have thought he would ever get away from his extensive family and their influence, or everything else that had led him here. But he was settling in, finding his way through it all.

When John Winchester's debts were brought to his attention, he had originally wanted to go the usual route with the man, humiliation and payback, maybe a few broken bones or severed fingers. But after snooping into this family, he took a special interest in the elder brother. He didn't know what it was about him. He was attractive as hell, sure. But all the mystery that has surrounded his disappearance from the city was really what caught his attention. Years past, you couldn't see John without Dean behind him clinging to him like his overly muscled, intimidating shadow. Then suddenly Dean was carted off to some summer home, and no one saw or heard from him again. He wasn't involved in any meetings, any fights, or any family business at all. The father's favored son just cast away. It was odd.

And yeah, Cas did find all those muscles appealing. He wanted to meet the guy and see what he'd look like on his knees before him. And the best way to do that came with giving him no option. And embarrassing the hell out of the guys dad was a great add-on.

His family was hoping to wipe the Winchester's off the map, and this was a great step in that direction. Sabotaging moving their products too was another brilliant idea Cas had come up with. It wouldn't be long before John was back in debt with him or another organization, he'd build enemies quickly between his panic and his anger. But this was a long game Cas was playing, and Dean was the fun beginning to it all.

He pulled up to the warehouse, seeing a line queued up around it. He parked and walked for the front, the burly bouncer giving him a small wave inside. He glanced around the large area, choosing a table in the back next to the fighting area. Two large men bloodied up and swinging at each other inside it. A bartender came by slipping a top shelf bottle of whiskey on the table with two glasses. Cas poured himself a drink and willed his feelings to simmer under the surface. Facing anyone from the Styne family made his skin itch, but considering his history with Jacob, he was even more on edge.

And as if his thoughts summoned the man, Jacob slid into the booth seat across from him with a wide smile. "Heya Cas, you're lookin' quiet well." The man said, running his eyes up and down his body in a way that had Cas wanting to tear his skin off.

"Jacob. Nice to see that daddy loosened the reigns on you long enough to let you out for the night." Castiel replied, sipping on his whiskey.

"Oh, what daddy don't know won't hurt him." Jacob said, giving him a wink as he upended the bottle over his own glass. "So what did my little flower want to see me for?" He said, taking a long pull from his drink.

"Call me flower again, and I promise you I'll rip your favorite part from your body." Cas shot back through his teeth.

Jacob's smile widened to this, "I do love when you talk dirty to me, darlin." He glanced to the ring next to them with a grimace as one man pulled a knife, Cas satisfied to make him feel a small bit of unease.

Cas rolled his eyes and took a breath, determined to stay on topic here and not be dragged down into the man's depravity. "Listen, I'm here on a courtesy call. Keep your men away from my club. One more worker goes missing, and I'll start taking retribution out. Maybe I'll start with little Cyrus, set him up in a room of his own." Cas knew the youngest Styne was well beloved by his brothers, sheltered and protected, the weak link.

Jacob's eyes darkened to this, "I think we both know you wouldn't do that. Wouldn't want to upset me again, would you? You know how I get with you when you do." Cas casually straightened his sleeves, wanting to seem unbothered by the comment. "We haven't messed with your workers, Cas." Jacob said, rolling his eyes.

"So when we found one floating in the river missing her kidneys, that's just what? Coincidence? Not many people around here are working that corner of the black market."

Jacob took an easy drink, "Come on, babe. Kidneys are a dime a dozen on the streets. There's no need to murder anyone for 'em."

Cas quirked an eyebrow to the man, "This will be the only time I talk about this with you, Jacob. Leave my workers alone or else."

Jacob smiled, rubbing at his chin with a little laugh before reaching across the table and pulling Castiel to him by his neck, his hold firm and harsh. "You need to learn your fucking place Cas. It wasn't that long ago you warmed my bed, the perfect little house bitch waiting on me hand and foot. We can easily go back to that, you can stop pretending to be the big man we know you're not."

Cas slapped at the mans arm, his men several feet away going to step for them but Cas waved them off angrily as his face started changing color. He turned his eyes to Jacob, "Remove. Your. Fucking. Hand."

Jacob smiled doing just that. "Word around town is you've taken in quiet the pet." He said easily changing topic as Cas took in deep breaths trying to maintain his composure.

Cas pulled away from the man, straightening his tie. He knew news spread fast in their profession, but it's been what? A few hours since he brought Dean home? But he kept a neutral face, "My home and what goes on there is no concern of yours. Not anymore."

Jacob tilted his head, "I'll let you play for now, Castiel. But keep pissing me off and pushing me, and you'll have a dead Winchester on your hands. Have your fun and get rid of him." He stood, tipping the remainder of his liquor into his mouth before shooting Cas a smile, "Tell Benny I said hello, would ya?"

Cas glared after the man, finally running a hand over his throat. It was tender to the touch, and he knew it would already be bruising. He sat drinking from his expensive bottle of whiskey, getting more and more drunk with each glass. He finally stood feeling wobbly, one of his men reaching for him as Cas tossed him his keys, "Take me home. Need to make sure my puppy has behaved without me."


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