Chapter 57

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Dean's p.o.v

Cas basically dragged him down the hall a ways until they came to a small area with a table and chairs. Must be where guards would sit while guarding this area. Cas plopped Dean down into a chair, Dean keeping an eye on the hallway leading to the stairs pointing his gun in his lap in that direction just in case they had any unwanted visitors. Cas turned for a metal storage cabinet, opening it and pulling out an armful of clothes, not pausing to find what was specifically Dean's. He dumped these on the floor in front of Dean, picking up pieces to gauge the size, and if it would fit Dean, tossing a shirt and some pants to the side before standing with the chosen items.

Dean looked him over, still not believing he was here, "What made you come a day early and apparently temporarily solo?" He asked as Cas started to help him into a shirt.

"Fucking Jacob sent me a beautifully tanned hand with long slender fingers in the mail. I may have acted rash and just came here on my own, assuming it was yours." Cas said as he worked Dean's arms into the sleeves.

"You think my hands are beautiful?" Dean said on a laugh as Cas dropped to his knees to work the pants up his legs.

"I was just worried you'd have one less hand to jerk me off with once all this was taken care of." Cas said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, I love you." Dean laughed at him. Dean working the button, and the zipper closed himself as Cas returned to the cabinet and pulled out a lockbox, fumbling with the key ring from Jacob to get it open. "What's that?" Dean asked.

The box clicked open, and Cas shuffled around in it, diamond earrings, cufflinks, necklaces spilling out the sides until he said, "Aha!" Pulling out the length of dark green leather encircled in diamonds. He smiled at Dean shoving this in his pocket before returning back to the cabinet a third time and pulling out a few more handguns, checking to see if they were loaded before handing Dean two and taking two himself.

"Really? You had to find my collar first before the guns?" Dean asked in disbelief.

Cas winked at him, "Of course, sweetheart, no one takes my puppy's things." Dean rolled his eyes. Cas came over to him looking down to his feet, "Fuck, shoes." He said scanning the cabinet once again but not seeing any. He started to tear boxes out of the thing but still nothing.

"It's fine, Cas. I'll make due without."

Cas at least found a shoulder holster helping Dean into this and securing two of his guns there, one being Dean's gun, he had no spare clips for it and he wanted to save it for Eldon. Cas shoved one of his guns in his waistband and the other into the ankle holster Jacob's guards left empty on him, holding on to one as he slung Dean's arm back around his shoulder. "Alright now we just pop over and pick up your prescription and then we'll go about the rest of our business" Cas said quickly getting out of breath dragging Dean back down where they came from, past the cells and to a back storage room. He propped Dean up on some boxes facing the door before he began looking around in all the boxes stacked up through the room.

"What exactly are you looking for, Cas? Don't want a raging boner while trying to murder my rapist." Dean said, watching the door for him.

"No, that'll come later." Cas said, laughing. He felt delirious from days of missed sleep and just everything catching up to him now that he had Dean back. "I'm looking for adrenaline. Just like an epipen or two will give you enough pep in your step for us to find Eldon, brutally murder him, and get the hell out of here while we let everyone else finish up the murdering."

Dean just nodded as Cas kept rifling through boxes. Cas finally found what he was looking for, pulling three epipens from a box and going to crouch in front of Dean. "Should have done this before the clothes." He murmured as he jerked Dean's pants down just enough to expose his thigh. He uncapped an epipen and looked to Dean, "This'll just increase your heart rate, open up your vessels for more blood flow, raise your blood sugar. Basically, as long as nothing is seriously injured, it'll wake everything up a little to get you moving."

"Yeah, yeah, I trust you Cas just stick me with it." Dean said, watching him.

Cas quickly brought the pen down to his thigh, feeling the needle engage and sink in his flesh he held it there for ten seconds, letting all the medicine drain into Dean. "Alright, five minutes, and you should be feeling it. Got more in case that one wears off or ones not enough for you."

Dean pulled his pants back up, smiling at Cas. "You said you loved me."

Cas gave him an unbelievable look, "Can we not focus on that right now when we might go upstairs and die?"

Dean knew Cas hated talking about his feelings and definitely knew now was not the time, but they had five minutes they had to wait anyway. "I'm sorry you couldn't kill Jacob better than what you had to." He said.

"I meant what I said. He wasn't worth any effort. Not anymore."

Dean reached a hand up for Cas, already feeling like he could do a little more with his beaten body. "I want my collar on, please."

Cas quirked a brow to this, "You just fussed at me for getting it."

"No, I fussed that you got it before the guns." His smile dropped a little to a more solemn look. "I want Eldon to know who actually owns me. Who I really belong to when I get to him. So I need my collar."

Cas leaned forward, kissing at his lips again. He sat back away from Dean, pulling the collar out of his pocket and fastening it around his neck, running his fingers over the material like he always does. His eyes raked over him. "Are you sure you're okay? Eldon didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"Besides laugh while he beat me? No. I mean I'm beat the fuck up pretty bad, and this epipen is making my heart beat pretty fast but I'm mostly fine. Fine enough to see this through." Dean said as he put his feet under him attempting to stand. To his relief he did, his legs were shaky but he would be able to hold his own and Cas wouldn't have to try to drag him around. His whole body felt a little shaky, very sore, and like he was using borrowed time before he passed out. But he was ready. He turned back to Cas, "Let's go find this son of a bitch and then go home."

Cas smiling at Dean's use of the word home and following after him up the stairs.

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