Chapter 60

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Castiel's p.o.v

Dean slept most of the next day, he did too, neither of them waking until after the sun had set. When Dean woke, he was in pain and could hardly move. Cas looked him over as he tried to stretch but winced instead, but he hadn't had any nightmares last night, so he was counting that as a win in his book.

"I'm sorry Jacob took you because of me. I'm sorry that family hurt you again." Cas said, chewing on his lip. The guilt still eating away at him as bad as it had when Dean was first taken.

Dean brought his hand to Cas' face, pulling his lip from his teeth, "It's not your fault. I don't think they ever would have forgotten me, and I would have ended up back there one way or another. I'm just glad it was after I met you. Actually having someone care enough to come and get me was nice." He looked Cas over, lingering on his beat-up face and dark circles under his eyes. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that too. And that Jacob was a big enough of a dick to send you a hand as pretty as mine to trick you."

Cas smirked and wanted to slap at Dean for his sass, but he held back, considering his body was covered still in bruises, cuts, and burns. He had gotten in the habit of rubbing and kissing at Dean's hand scars he'd gotten because of him, now his body would be littered with scars that he felt responsible for. And he didn't mind the thought that he'd have to pay these new ones attention too.

He straightened a little to this thought, "Dean, I- about what we've said to each other. I know it was a bad time to say it, and I know you may have just felt pressured to with everything going on, but -"

Dean's brows drew together at this, "But what?"

"I'm just trying to say if you're not ready, or you actually don't feel the same way now that we've accomplished what we set out to do, then you don't have to say it. Ever if you don't feel it." Cas said, not looking Dean in the face, feeling his neck warming up a bit.

Dean sat up with a wince before leaning over Cas. "I love you." He said, kissing at his hot cheek. "And not because of Stockholm syndrome." He kissed the other cheek, "Or because I wanted to take down the Styne's." He kissed at his forhead, "I just love you. And maybe it's crazy considering every part of our lives leading up to this. But I'm happy it brought me to you." He kissed at his mouth, Cas wrapping an arm around his neck and smiling into the kiss.

A knock sounded on the door, and they pulled away from each other. "What?" Cas yelled out.

The door opened, and Benny peaked his head in, "You have got to attend to your crazy family before I hand in my notice." He grinned, looking from Dean to Cas. "Glad to see you in one piece, Dean." He said, nodding to the man.

Dean nodded with a smirk, "Yeah, but how cool would a hook for a hand have been?" He said with a smirk as Cas did lightly smack at him now.

Cas reached for his phone, "I'll give them a call right now."

Benny shook his head, "Oh no, they're all fucking here. Have been all day. And I'm about to murder at least Michael."

Cas threw back the covers jumping from his bed rushing for his closet, "And why the fuck are they all here? And why didn't you wake me sooner?"

"Oh your father forbade me from doing so. And they want to make sure you're okay, and Dean. And they want to go over numbers and logistics and shit." Benny said as he stepped into the room more so Cas could hear him.

Dean pushed his legs off the bed, trying to stand but not doing a great job at it. It reminded Cas of how many times he tried to rise when he thought Jacob was coming to torture him more the day before, and it hurt his chest to remember that. Cas thought he was definitely building up some unresolved trauma bullshit from this whole experience.

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