Chapter 52

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Castiel's p.o.v

The house was controlled chaos as people were filing in and out. He couldn't even count how many men were stationed both inside and outside of the house if he wanted to. He felt suffocated. He was making his way to the dining room as large hands grabbed him and slammed him into the nearest wall, his head instantly going fuzzy from the impact and whatever injury he'd suffered in the parking garage. He looked into the angry hazel eyes of Samuel Winchester as he pinned him to the wall, glaring down at him.

"What the fuck have you done?!" Sam yelled into his face.

Cas felt guilty as fuck about what happened to Dean, but he wasn't about to bow down to the mans idiot brother. "Remove your fucking hands before I break them." Cas growled out. He had no time to deal with this.

"Only after I kill you where you fucking stand." Sam said back with just as much venom to his voice. "This is your fault. If you would have just left him the fuck alone he never would have been targeted like this."

Cas felt another pang of guilt but stood straighter, "You think the moment he would have came out of hiding he wouldn't be exactly where he is now?! At least this time he has a chance because of me! Everyone in this house right now, every man, every gun, is going after him. Tell me what you would have been able to do for him if I wasn't in the picture?! Now get your God damned hands off of me so I can go and actually figure this cluster fuck out!"

Sam blinked down at him, still breathing hard but released his grip on Cas. Normally Cas would go to straighten his clothes but seeing at how torn and ruined they were he didn't bother as he aimed for the large dining room where his family was gathering. He ripped his jacket off of his arms tossing it to the floor, everyone in his way taking one look at the murderous glare on his face and stepping aside.

In the dining room his four siblings were already seated and talking, his father at the head of the table. Benny sitting down at the opposite end with the collective other most trusted members of their family organization. He stomped to his seat next to Michael who was looking at him stone faced, never one to show emotions. Sam quickly taking up a spot across the table from him, not wanting to be too close to Cas apparently. Cas didn't care. He wasn't here to cater to or gain any favors from Dean's younger brother.

His father stared over them as the room fell to silence. When his eyes landed on Cas they softened a little but Cas spat out angrily, "I fucking told you. Told you all, that meeting today was a bad fucking move."

His father took in a breath but Michael spoke, "They got you in your own building Castiel, they could have done so any time."

"But they didn't, did they? They waited until we were on our way for this stupid event." Cas shot back.

"You were the one who had a rat." Michael said with a deadly calm voice.

Cas just took a breath as Sam glared daggers at him from across the table to this revelation.

"Is there any way we can move faster? I was told we're going on Saturday. But that's too long of a wait. My brother will be dead by then." Sam said, addressing the room but keeping his eyes on Cas.

"No. If we go earlier, the whole family won't be there." Gabe spoke up before looking to his right hand, Balthazar, "Balth has their travel itinerary." The man sliding a paper to Gabe as he spoke. "Cyrus and Jacob are, of course, already home, Eli will be there tomorrow, Eldon will be there Friday, and Roscoe is coming up last Saturday morning."

Cas closed his eyes and exhaled a deep breath, Eldon would be there for a whole day with Dean. And while that made Cas feel a little bit better, it still worried him. Even just one hour with Eldon could be enough to undo all the progress Dean had made these past months. If Eldon didn't decide to kill him after he used him, that is.

"What if we said fuck Roscoe and move after Eldon is in place Friday?" He breathed out, everyone turning to look at him.

"We leave even one Styne alive and they'll just keep spreading like an infection. We need to take them all at once. Wipe out the whole line." Michael said.

"But Dean-" he started.

"Is an important part of this whole plan, but not the entirety of it. We go now and we fail. We go Friday and we fail. We attack and don't get them all? Don't wipe out all of them along with all of their men and we could lose everything because of it." His father said finally speaking up.

Cas angrily stood from the table turning his back on his family as he left the room, "Dean is everything." He said as he walked down the length of the table and out the door.

Dean's p.o.v

Already Dean couldn't keep up with all his injuries. Everytime someone entered his room he fought, he fought with everything he had in him. He wouldn't give up or roll over. He had to assume that Cas would stick to the plan and him and his family and every able bodied person they had would be storming the place and he'd be ready. He wouldn't be beaten down enough that he couldn't participate. Jacob kept taunting him about Eldon, that he'd be sent to him soon. But after being here for a day already, he'd yet to make an appearance. Dean figured he wasn't here yet, and with every taunt from Jacob, he'd just stare him down, refusing to act as if the thought of the man terrified him. And a couple of days ago, he thought he'd let go of that fear. He hadn't been afraid at the thought of facing him Saturday and taking him out. But now chained to the floor and bleeding out on this familiar concrete that fear was starting to slip back in.

He'd been dragged out of his cell earlier today and tied to a chair and tortured until he passed out. But they didn't let him succumb to the peace of staying passed out, they didn't let him sleep the night before and with blaring music and people constantly coming by to bang at his door or push and kick him around, he wouldn't be sleeping tonight either.

His body was already breaking. Already turning weak from what they'd done to him so far, but he just had to hold out, make it another full day before it was Saturday and then just make it to that evening when they were planned to move. And no matter if he had to prop himself up in a corner to shoot or crawl to Eldon to kill him, he'd be ready.

Just as his eyes started to drift closed again, the door to his room opened, and Jacob returned with a knife, this one bigger and more deadly looking than what he'd first used on Dean. But Dean stood on shaky legs, ready to give him as much hell as he could.

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