Chapter 10

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Dean's p.o.v

The next morning, Dean woke, and he felt terrible. The one upside was that since he passed out, he didn't have any nightmares. But his body felt just like it did all those years ago when he was beaten and used. He tried not to think about it.

He looked down his chest and arms, seeing angry red spots all over him that were sore to the touch. He lifted the covers seeing he was still nude and surprised to find his dick was still attached him to be honest. He couldn't remember everything from last night, but enough to know he's never had that much sex in one night. Remembered how painful it was the last several times to even orgasm.

He felt the mattress shift as he looked over to Castiel. His eyelids shuttered, and his breathing even. Asleep, he actually looked normal. And Dean had to admit he was attractive. He did everything he could to see Dean through his drug craze of last night, so he at least had some consideration for him.

He went to sit up, but his leash was tied at such a short length he could hardly move. Well, he's not that considerate then. He tried jerking around to untie himself, but he gave a groan, everything freaking hurt. Every part of him, even his lungs, from how much he panted and shouted last night.

All his tugging must have jostled the bed as he heard that deep gravelly voice from behind him, "Stop moving, or I swear to god, I'll bash your face in."

Dean settled, looking over the man beside him. "I need to stretch. Need to use the bathroom."

"So fucking do it." Castiel said throwing an arm over his eyes.

"I'm still tied to the bed." Dean simply answered.

Castiel grumbled sitting up and throwing himself over Dean undoing the complicated knots Benny had set last night, finally freeing Dean. "There. But you leave this room and my guys will-"

"Yeah yeah take me out." Dean finished for him feeling pissey as he tried to stand. His legs giving out on him and him thumping to the floor.

Castiel lifted his head from the bed. "Puppy?" He asked over the edge.

Dean sighed throwing his head back to the mattress, "I can't walk."

Castiel huffed a laugh. "Benny!" He shouted.

The man with the accent entered the room. Castiel pointed to him. "Get him to and from the bathroom. Little baby can't walk."

Benny sighed walking around the bed to Dean and getting an arm under his and hoisting him up. Once he realized Dean couldn't support any of his own weight he hooked an arm behind his knees picking him up bridal style. Dean glaring at the man, still not trusting him. Benny ignored his glare and took him to the bathroom placing him on the toilet. Dean barely hold his head up as he relieved himself. He decided he couldn't brush his teeth just yet and nodded to Benny that he was done. The man picks him up again and carries him back to the bed.

He went to secure his leash back, but Castiel shook his head. "Man can't even walk Ben, doubt he will be able to strangle me in my sleep." Benny removed the leash from the collar as Dean tried positioning himself better in the bed. Castiel held a hand out to Benny, "My turn. I don't think I'm any better off."

Benny grumbled, moving for his boss, handling him the same way he had Dean. When the door closed, Dean heard them arguing but couldn't make out any words. And he didn't really care to know what they were arguing about.

Once returned to the bed, Castiel demanded food, Benny rolling eyes but leaving the room shutting the door behind him.

Castiel propped himself up on an elbow, looking down at Dean. "And how do you feel?" He asked simply.

Dean avoided looking to the man feeling so ashamed of how he acted last night. He said softly, "Please don't do that to me again."

Castiel hooked a finger under his chin, forcing him to look at him. "Who owns you, Dean?" He asked.

"You. For three years." Dean answered.

"Three to five." Castiel quipped back. "And if you can't get your shit figured out, I'll use it until your heart gives out from the strain." He released Dean's chin. Dean turns away from him, staring straight ahead.

"Why? Why do any of this?" He asked into the open air.

"Because I want to. Because I can." Castiel answered. They sat in silence for a while. "Who is he?" Castiel suddenly asked.

Dean had his eyes shut again, barely holding on to consciousness, "Who is who?" He whispered out exhausted.

"I don't know. You kept bringing him up last night. Saying he took from you." Castiel said, picking at a loose thread on the sheet he was wrapped up in.

Dean's eyes slitted open as he turns his head back to the man, "I don't owe you anything." He said tiredly.

Castiel's eyes narrowed, "You should consider yourself lucky I don't have the strength to hit you. But if you don't tell me I'll get it out of you next time I give you your medicine. I bet you'll easily talk if I deny you release."

Dean breathed out to this. "Please, just please give me time. I can't do that again. I'll fix what's wrong with me."

Castiel ran a hand down Dean's arm, "I don't have the patience for that."

Castiel's p.o.v

Benny brought them breakfast, and Cas demanded he get the hot tub ready for him and Dean for when they are done with their meal. Dean ate in silence next to him, wincing anytime he moved, even just to bring the fork to his mouth.

Once they were done, Benny was back with another of his men, the man taking Dean and Benny helping Cas. They took them to the elevator, appearing out at a floor below where his hot tub was. The man Benny chose unceremoniously dumped Dean into the water. Dean sank down under the water and did not have the strength to pull himself back up. "Well fucking get him. He dies I take it out on you." Cas said rolling his eyes. The man reaches in and pulls Dean up by his hair. Dean sputtering as he emerged.

Benny lowered Cas into the water setting him on the built in seat inside. Cas groaned looking to Benny. "Fire that guy and be sure to throw him a wonderful going away party." He said loudly not even bothering to try to hide his words from the man who instantly paled. He knew he'd be getting a beating for his actions.

Dean stared at him shakily wiping the water from his face. "Why'd you do that?" Dean asked quietly.

"I don't suffer with assholes." He said closing his eyes to the hot water. Dean quieting down and sitting in silence. When Cas opened his eyes again Dean was sleeping with his head crooked back to the lip of the tub. He just sighed and sunk lower but stayed awake to be sure Dean didn't slip under the water and drown on him.

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