Chapter 59

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Dean's p.o.v

Dean was getting out of breath. His hands were getting messier. Finally, through his rage, he stopped stabbing Eldon, his chest and stomach one big bloody mess. He looked back to Cas, who was standing a few feet away, watching him with a small smile. Dean stood on shaky legs, Cas coming forward to help hold him up. Dean turned in his hold on him and kissed at Cas, their teeth clacking from the force as Dean delved his tongue into the man's mouth. He pulled back away from Cas with a grin before it fell. "Fuck." He breathed out disappointed.

"What?" Cas asked confused.

Dean pulled his gun from his holster, "All that fucking training. You sneaking this to me today. And all I do is fucking stab him?" Dean dropped his arm holding the gun by his side.

Cas smiled at him, "Well I mean you can still shoot him, in fact I say blow his face off so it'll be hard for anyone to recognize him."

Dean looked down at the corpse with a frown, but raised his gun and shot Eldon in the face, a bloody mist coming off the body as his facial features contorted. "Eh, didn't feel as good."

Cas just laughed at him for a moment. They were both staring down at the corpse now. "How do you feel?" Cas asked looking up at Dean.

Dean stood there in thought for a moment, searching his emotions. "I feel like it's finally over. He can't get me again. I can finally move on from him. Physically I feel like I need to sleep for like, a week, minimum." He smiled down at Cas.

"Yeah well, let's go do that." Cas said turning Dean from Eldon and slowly making their way back through the forest.

When they were finally making their way to the edge of the property they heard a frenzied "Dean!" Shouted across the lawn. Sam was running for them, slowing as he neared them and scooping Dean from Cas into a large bear hug. He pulled back as Dean was grunting from Sam's hold on him and looked Dean over, "Oh my god Dean, we need to get you to a hospital." He breathed out taking in stock of every injury he could see.

Dean shook his head, waving Sammy off and pulling Cas back to him. "No. I'm going home, showering, and then sleeping for as long as I can." Sam frowned at him. "I don't have any broken bones, and mostly everything else is superficial, at least enough that Cas can sew me up."

Cas looked between them, "I'll call a doctor out to the penthouse on our way. I'm too tired to do any stitching today." He said when Dean glared at him.

"Can I at least stay with you for a little bit?" Sam asked on a sigh. "I want to see for myself that you'll be okay from all of this."

Dean looked to Cas who nodded, Sam helping Cas basically drag Dean back to the house. Dean took in everything, all the bodies as Cas and Sam lowered him to the front steps.

A man approached them, looking Cas over before his eyes traveled over Dean. "Are you happy with yourself, Castiel?" He asked, turning to him fully.

"Am I happy that I got Dean back, killed Jacob, and watched him kill Eldon? Yes Michael, I'm very happy with myself." Cas answered.

Gabriel joined them on the front steps his hands in his pockets.

"Well, now Roscoe is left. We had a clear shot to get them all in one fell swoop and you fucked it." Michael said sternly.

"We scrambled the phones once we got here Michael. We can search through their messages and calls. He may not know anything yet. We can grab him at the airport tomorrow." Gabe said trying to hold the peace between them all.

"And what if not hearing anything tells him there's trouble?" Michael asked.

"Doesn't change the fact he's still a mile up in the sky. He's gotta land. If we need to have a shoot out on the tarmac we will." Gabriel answered.

Michael looked them all over again. "You better hope it plays out that way Cas."

Cas just nodded as his brother turned to leave. "So Michael seems nice." Dean said tiredly from his spot, barely able to hold his head up.

"He grows on you." Gabe said with a smile.

"We're going home." Cas spoke up going to reach for Dean again. "Where's Benny?" Cas asked looking around for the man.

"He's inside getting a head count on everyone. We'll have a report on our numbers lost by the end of the day." Gabe said looking into the bloody entry hall from his spot.

Cas just nodded as he hauled Dean to his feet. "I'm taking at least a week off, spread the word." He said as Dean leaned into him before Sam grabbed at Dean's other arm.

Dean didn't remember doing so but he must have fallen asleep on the car ride home, his nights of staying awake and all his injuries catching up to him. The adrenaline from the epipen leaving his system. He was awoken to Sam and Cas pulling him from the back seat and dragging him to the elevators. He passed out again on the ride up, waking sometime later well after dark to who he assumed was a doctor looking him over.

He was stripped on the bed and cringed to the thought of all the blood and filth on him, making the bed dirty. "Need a shower." He mumbled out.

"I would agree." The man above him said.

Cas and the doctor propped him up in the shower, the doctor providing him balance as Cas cleaned him off. Dean tried to at least have some dignity and help scrub at his body but Cas just slapped his hands away. When he was returned to the bedroom the bed sheets had been changed by someone and a towel placed down that he was lowered on to. He tried staying awake to tell the doctor every injury he had but he couldn't. He woke up to a small tugging sensation half peeking his eyes open to see he was being stitched up. He felt this happening on multiple spots on him on the front and back of his body.

On his burns, he felt a cooling cream applied to him before his burns were covered. A few swabs of iodine over his other cuts and scrapes, and finally, a blanket was placed over him. The bed sinking to his side as Cas crawled in after him, looking clean himself, his nose with a stabilizing bandage across it and his arm with fresh stitches from his gunshot. Dean reached a heavy arm for him, Cas getting as close as he could to Dean without touching him.

Dean ran his hand up and down Cas' arm before murmering out an 'I love you' and passing out again.

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