Chapter 23

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Dean p.o.v

The next day, Dean was discharged, Benny pushing his wheelchair to the car while Cas walked beside them. It still was odd for him to refer to the man by his nickname, but he did take a knife for him, and he never left his room the whole time he was there.

Benny helped him into the car, and Cas slid in next to him, looking him over. Dean held his side over every bump in the road, wincing at the pain. Cas pulls out his bag of meds he was discharged with, "Need something to take the edge off?" He jiggled the bag at Dean.

Dean shook his head, "No, I don't like how it makes me feel. I'll wait until I really need it." But with every bump, he was regretting that decision. Once back at the high rise, he was helped to the elevator and up to the penthouse. Cas tried to convince him to lay on the couch, but Dean didn't want to be ogled by all the guards that patrolled the house. The number that Dean noticed seemed to have doubled since he was here last.

Benny settled him in the bed as Cas watched. Once the man left, Dean looked to him, "Upped security a bit, huh?" He asked, trying to position the pillows behind him better but struggling.

Cas came forward touching him for the first time today, sitting him up and moving the pillows around behind him before laying him back. He went to the closet, grabbing another pillow and working Dean's arm out of his sling and settling it on a pillow to the side of him. Dean gave him a stare as if he'd grown an extra head, "What?" He asked.

Dean shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I didn't picture you as, like, the nurturing type? Taking care of me, it's odd."

Castiel's p.o.v

Cas tried not to feel bad about that. On the one hand, after Jacob, he told himself he'd never cater to another man again, but then, on the other, he hated that Dean thought so little of him. "Want me to poke at your stitches? Make you feel more normal?"

Dean did give a half smile to this, looking down at the bed as if he wanted to hide it. Cas didn't know what to do with himself. If he should stay, lay down with him, leave. Dean gave a cough and flinched holding his side, "I know you're trying to be like all tough or whatever by not taking any medicine, but you need to sleep and rest and neither of those things will happen if every cough or whatever bothers you that much." He said, picking up the bag and pulling out one medicine bottle.

Dean tapped the fingers to his one good hand, "And what will you do when they make me loopy? Make me spill more secrets to you?" He didn't ask it in anger more out of blatant curiosity.

Cas scratched at the back of his head, "Shit. Can't you just consider I'm being nice to be nice. Not many people would have done what you did for me. If I had been in your situation, I would have gladly let that guy run me through so I would at least have a better chance at being free."

Dean pulled at the covers, bringing them up higher over him, "So you'll play nice?"

Cas nodded, holding out the pill bottle and a water bottle to him. Dean took these and popped two pills in his mouth before washing them down. Cas took the water bottle from him, setting it on the bedside table, "Want me to leave?" He asked.

Dean shook his head, "It's your house, Cas, be where you want."

Cas settled into his side of the bed, and they sat in silence for a while. Cas thought about what Benny had said, that he should talk to Dean. But he didn't know how to talk to him when the guy held off on pain meds after two major surgeries, afraid Cas would take advantage of his delirious state and pull information out of him.

After a few moments in silence, Cas pulled two phones out of his pocket, his and Dean's.  He handed Dean's over to him silently, Dean taking it and thanking him. After several minutes silence of them both scrolling on their devices, Dean set his phone down, "So are we just never going to talk again?" He asked.

"You make it sound like we're some bitter old married couple." Cas said, still typing on his phone for a minute before setting his down, too. "But what do you want to talk about, Dean?" He said, rolling to his side to face him.

"I don't know. It's weird. I know nothing about you even though I've been here for weeks. I have wanted to ask, though, while I was away at the villa, I never got any news on anything. Then when I'm called back, you just showed up out of nowhere. Where did you come from. I'd not heard the name Novak before." Dean tried leaning on either side of his body, but with his stitches being on one side of his body and his hurt hand on the other it seemed like he'd be laying on his back for a good while. So he just settled into the pillows more looking at Cas.

"Well, we've moved around a lot. We'd figure out the most profitable area to be in and settle there for a while. Once a city or region with better opportunities came up, we'd move there. All my family cares about is money, we're not in it for the power. You mess with our money, though, and we hit hard." Cas answered honestly.

Dean looked him over for a moment, "And how did my dad get in debt to you? That doesn't seem like him."

Cas bit at his lip for a moment, unsure how to navigate this and not give him the full truth. "Well, that debt wasn't totally his fault." Dean raised a brow to this. "When we were getting closer to this city, your father went out of his way to prevent us from moving in. Apparently, he's very territorial in his number two in the city spot. So he staged attacks, fucked up our products, pulled building contracts out from under us. So when we finally got settled more here, I set him up just a little, made sure when he ordered from us he'd have a hard time moving the product, and the money racked up." Cas shrugged at the end.

Dean sat there a moment, "So y'all are in a pissing match and your family is determined to win." He stated, Cas nodded. "And with you being so new to here, how do you know the Styne's?"

Cas felt his face harden to this line of questioning but gave a little of himself up to Dean, "I knew Jacob from college." He said simply.

Dean sighed, "Thought we were getting somewhere, but I guess not. Keep your Styne directed secrets then. Not like you forced me to tell you mine." He pulled the blankets up further on him, closing his eyes effectively ending their conversation, "Can you close the curtains on your way out so I can sleep?" He asked without a glance to Cas. Cas just stood closing the curtains and leaving.

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