Chapter 9

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Castiel's p.o.v

With the deep moan that came from Dean's lips, Cas smiled quickly, bringing his hand to Dean's lap and grinning ear to ear at the long, hard length under the material of his underwear. "Well, finally, let's get these off of you." Cas quickly climbed down his body pulling at the underwear, springing Dean's cock free. It was already glistening at the tip. Cas crawled up Dean reaching a hand for it, when his fingers curled around him Dean thrust his hips into his hand.

Cas looked up to Dean, his pupils so blown he could barely see a ring of green around them. "Please. Please. I need-"

Cas leaned forward crashing their lips together, Dean moaning into the kiss and moving his hips as much as he could into his hand. He pulled back from him still grinning. "Oh I know what you need baby. Don't worry. Your master will take care of you."

Dean hung his head as Cas pulled back from him bending over and taking his length into his mouth. Cas moaned around him, he tasted better than he anticipated. He started bobbing up and down him until Dean started to thrust into his throat making Cas gag. He pulled back, wiping his mouth and glaring at the man. "You don't take more than I give you, you understand?"

Dean let out a noise that Cas could only describe as a whine. "Fuck...I...I can't control." Dean said between breathes.

Cas stood stripping himself quickly, "I said I got you." He said while stroking himself, he was hard and ready as well. He walked around the room to the dresser pulling lube out of a drawer. He went to the bed laying in front of Dean with his legs spread as he began to work himself open. He should have done this earlier but he really had no idea if this would actually work or not.

Dean was pulling at the ropes fighting against the leash binding him to the bed. "Fuck, just-just get the fuck over here. Now."

Cas laughed, "Now who's the impatient one?" He removed his fingers from himself crawling up Dean's legs, the man moaning at every touch Cas gives him. He positioned himself over Dean's hard length before slowly starting to sink down on him. It had been probably three years since Cas had anyone inside of him, since Jacob, and he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Move. Hurry." Dean growled through his teeth.

Cas ever the people pleaser went slower, riling Dean up. Feeling every inch of him as he slid down him. Once he was seated fully in his lap, he kissed at Dean. Dean still fighting and fidgeting, his skin hot under his hands. But then there was a loud and resounding crack in the room, the thick leather of Dean's leash snapping and tearing as he surged forward. Cas' eyes went wide as Dean's body surged forward, knocking him to his back, Dean panting and sweating over him.

Dean's p.o.v

Dean couldn't see straight. Couldn't think straight. He barely had a grasp on what his body was feeling, but he just knew he needed a release. He couldn't touch himself, couldn't touch Castiel, but he needed more than what his slow movements were giving him. His body was on fire, and he didn't know how to extinguish it. He just knew he needed the man who was somehow now under him.

How did he get here? He was tied off to the bed. But now he was over Castiel, who was wide-eyed under him. He couldn't. He couldn't take from this man like he'd had taken from him before. His abs were tight and trembling from his position as he stood from the bed throwing his back against the wall.

"You... need go. I can't. I won't... I won't do this." He choked out moaning around the words.

Castiel huffed a breath, quickly hopping off the bed, "Listen here, you little shit. I paid a lot of God damn money for this poison in your fucking veins. I've been patient trying to get you here, but if you don't lay the fuck down and let me take what I need and deserve I will put you down. Understand?"

"I can't. I can't just...just take...I...I won't be him." Dean slid down the wall feeling over heated.

Castiel raised a curious brow to this but pushed on. Walking to the man and sinking to his lap over his dick sliding down fully on to him. "You're not taking shit. I am. Now shut up before I tape your mouth shut."

Dean groaned and closed his eyes to the feeling enveloping him. Castiel attacking his neck biting at it as he brought himself up and down him quickly. Dean was in pain. He was so fucking hot and he couldn't think straight. All he could focus on was the painful need between his legs. The thing that hadn't worked in years, that the last time it did betrayed him. In a pitifully short amount of time he was tossing his head back and arching up off the wall as he came groaning at the end of it.

Castiel leaned over him barely panting, "Don't worry, we'll build your stamina up." He said before continuing his bouncing.

"Just...untie me. I...I need...more. Now." Dean said having to pause to moan.

"You'll hurt me." Castiel said shaking his head focusing on the movements of his hips.

"" He threw his head back moaning as he came again. "It''s not...not enough." He sounded almost pitiful now.

Castiel ran his hands through his hair. "Next time, if you're good tonight, okay?" He said going faster feeling closer himself. As his walls tightened up around Dean, he gave a shout releasing again.

Castiel's p.o.v.

Cas was sore. His thighs shaking and his ass feeling well used. He'd ridden Dean on every surface of this room. He even bent over the bed allowing Dean to slam into him from behind. He'd lost count of how many times Dean had came, the last time he did nothing even came out of him, his dick just twitching as he shouted.

Finally Dean was calming, or passing out, Cas wasn't sure. He was so sore he'd been using his mouth and hands on him the last few rounds. Dean's eyes were shuttering as he laid in the bed still panting.

Cas just watched him, too exhausted to move, to cover him up, clean him, or even untie him. Under the ropes in several spots, Cas could see raw skin peeking out, a few spots dripping blood between the bindings from where he fought so hard against them. He had to help him, but he couldn't help himself right now.

"Benny!" Cas shouted from his spot. Immediately, the door opened, and Benny was standing there, taking in the room wide-eyed. Cas didn't care if he saw him like this, cum leaking out of his ass and absolutely wrecked. He'd seen him in worse ways before. He lazily pointed at Dean, "help him. Untie him, clean him up. Then help me."

Benny moved swiftly to Dean who would look to him with slitted eyes every now and again. Benny undid the knots and gently unwrapped the ropes from his body, arms and wrists. He took stock of all the red torn skin, the open wounds on him. He glanced at the needle marks in his neck and turned to Cas. "You didn't."

Cas just gave him a glare, "Not talking to you about it." He breathed out still trying to recover.

Benny shook his head heading for the bathroom and coming back with a bowl of steaming water and a wash cloth. He moved about Dean, first cleaning his wounds, then the sweat still coating his body, before cleaning up his crotch. "You don't know what this shit does Cas." He mumbled out to his boss.

"Oh no. I experienced first hand what it does." He said rolling to the other side of the bed beside Dean. Watching as Benny applied medicine to Dean's torn skin.

The man left returning with a fresh bowl of water and new wash cloth, Cas slapping his hands away as he gingerly sat up determined to at least clean himself. He winced as he brought the cloth to his abused ass.

"There's a reason the Styne's aren't mass producing this shit and selling it to every pharmacy in the country. You don't know what the long-term side effects are. What if he dies?" Benny said lightly chastising him.

Cas gave a laugh, "Would be a good way to go."

"From the sounds of everything, not for him. He seemed like he was in pain from the outside listening in." Benny said taking the bowl and cloth from Cas.

"Benny do me two favors. Cancel my meetings for the week. And butt the hell out." He weakly pulled at the covers draping them over him and Dean as his own eyes started to close.

Benny just sighed, grabbing a new leash from the dresser and securing Dean's collar back to the headboard only giving him enough slack to roll over since Cas was staying in the bed with him. "Just be careful boss." Benny said as he headed for the door, Cas waving him off as he shut the door.

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