Chapter 7

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The southern man was back an hour later, grabbing at Dean's leash and taking him from the bed to the chaise at the end of the bed and securing him there. Two more men came in once his leash was secured, with one of them holding a length of rope in his hands. Dean tried to stand, but his leash held him tight to the seat. Benny grabbed his arms bringing them around his back as the two men worked on securing them, looping the length of rope over his biceps, forearms, and wrists before looping it around his body a few times. Once they stepped back, Dean tried pulling at the rope, but there was absolutely no give to it. He couldn't even move his fingers, his anxiety spiking along with his anger.

"What the fuck?" He growled out to the man with the accent, the other two having already left.

Benny shrugged, "it's what boss asked for." The sound of the front door opening and closing could be heard. Benny gave one more look over to Dean, "Just. Why dont you try tonight?"

Dean glared at him as he left. In the next moment Castiel opened the door, slowly strolling in and admiring Dean tied and waiting for him. He came over to the seat and straddled Dean running his fingers over the ropes he's bound in. "Now this is a good look for you sweetheart." He said as he started grinding his hips down onto Dean's crotch, taking his lips to his own. He pulled back from Dean, glaring at him, "It's only polite to kiss your master back." He said darkly to him.

Dean raised his head more to him as their lips crashed together again, him opening up to Castiel and caressing his tongue with his own. Castiel kept moving his hips on him and running his hands through his hair before dragging his nails down his chest.

Castiel pulled back, panting, looking down to Dean's lap and sighing. "I was hoping you'd work with me more here, Dean."

Dean just sighed, not saying anything. Castiel climbed off his lap, heading for the door. "We will figure it out, though." He opened the door and motioned for someone to come in.

Dean's eyes widened to the five people who walked in wearing hardly anything. They all smiled at Dean as they lined up in front of him. "One of these lovely people has to peak your interest. We'll find out what gets you excited tonight."

The five advanced on him, the woman going to his lap and wrapping her legs around him, shoving her breasts in his face, someone was behind him, and the other three took up spots around him. Hands were all over him, along with lips and tongues, and he was quickly becoming overwhelmed. He couldn't move his hands. He needed his hands. To count. To calm down. His breathing was coming out jagged, and Castiel just smiled from where he was leaning against the door. "At least we are starting to get a reaction." He said pleased with himself.

But Dean wasn't turned on. He was panicking. After a few moments, Castiel shoved the woman from his lap, grabbing at his dick and realizing he was still soft. He huffed out an annoyed air. "Line up." He said to the five. They quickly disengaged from around Dean following the directions given to them. Cas looked over the five, "If you have a penis step forward and strip." Two of the five took a step forward and did just that.

He walked around Dean rubbing at his shoulders, "Maybe you need something inside of you to get it up, huh? Take your pick, Dean." He loosened Dean's leash and pushed him to the floor, with his arms restrained his face met the floor, his ass high in the air. Castiel jerked his underwear down, exposing him.

Dean tried sitting back up, but Castiel held him with a firm unwavering hand, and he didn't have enough leverage to break free from his grasp. "Please. Just stop." He got out through clenched teeth.

"Choose. Now." Castiel said, pushing him harder down into the floor.

" I can't." Dean said around his panicked breaths.

"Fine, I'll choose." He pointed to the muscled man, "You. Lube up and take him for a ride." He slapped a bottle of lube in his hand. The man taking it and slicking himself up as he grew hard under his hand.

As the man approached his back side, Dean really started to struggle, whines escaping his mouth. "Please. Please. Castiel. I'll-I'll do whatever you want just please stop. I can't do this." The woman who was in his lap before walked over and draped herself across his shoulders, her heavy breasts hanging beside his head. There were hands all over him again as the man grabbed at his hips.

Dean panicked, straightening his body out and kicking back behind him at the man catching him in the thigh, the woman tumbling to the floor with his movement. Castiel came forward, grabbing Dean's hair and bringing his hand back, slapping him across the face. "Get yourself together. My god. What's your problem?"

Dean looked to him with tears brimming his eyes, his face pale and eyes wide and scared.  "Please. I-I'll try harder. I promise."

Castiel regarded the man for a moment before standing. "Get out. I don't need you anymore." The five hand selected sex workers turned, grabbing up their clothes and quickly filing out the bedroom door. Castiel looked down at Dean, who was panting on the floor. He went over and, with some difficulty, heaved Dean up to a sitting position. He tightened his leash to the seat behind him and undid his bindings. Smiling at the red marks, they left behind from his struggle. They would last a few days, he hoped, and he wanted to find reasons to tie him up more so he'd always have the marks.

Dean brought his hands around to his front immediately, his fingers quickly tapping against his thumbs in some type of pattern that Castiel didn't understand. He looked over the man in front of him, his color returning and breath evening out, the sweat on his forehead glistening. Castiel just stared at him for a while until he seemed calmer. "Settled now?" He asked. Dean gave a quick nod. He wasn't fully settled but was getting there. "Are you straight?" He asked, "Did the prospect of having a dick up your ass really scare you that much?"

Dean looked at him, confused. "Can't you just keep me locked up and forgotten for three years? Beat me every day of that time?"

Castiel ran a finger down his face, looking him over, "Three to five years. And no. I had a plan for you, but you're making it very difficult. So, are you scared of dick? Seemed to take it in your mouth well enough. Skilled with your hands, too."

Dean leaned his head back and ran his hands through his hair. "No, I'm...I'm bi. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear, you crazy bastard?"

Castiel smiled, "Then what's wrong with you?"

"I just have issues, I guess." Dean mumbled, feeling defeated.

"Have you ever gotten it up? Ever had sex?" Castiel asked, still not understanding.

Dean closed his eyes. "Yes. Yes, to both. Just, not in a while." Truth be told he hasn't been able to get aroused since his incident. Not with himself or anyone else. Sometimes, it frustrated him, but mostly, he was glad for it. He didn't want to feel those feelings again. To feel dirty again.

Castiel just clapped him on the shoulder. "Well, that's great! So, nothing physically wrong then. Just you being a stubborn ass." Castiel stood heading for the door again. "I'll see you tomorrow. And hopefully we will have a solution then."

The door clicked shut behind him, and Dean was still secured to the chaise. He pulled up his underwear over his ass and tried reaching for a blanket from the bed, but he couldn't reach it. So he curled up on the floor, drawing his legs up close to his chest.

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