Chapter 13

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Dean's p.o.v

Dean, as he was every night, was deep in his reoccurring nightmare. The flashbacks from his incident replaying on a loop in his head, the pain feeling all too real and familiar. The hands on him, taking from him, that he didn't want to feel again but was forced to each time he slept, making him feel nauseous and dirty.

One pain he didn't quiet remember broke through on his neck. He huffed a whine as he thrashed in his sleep, not liking the feeling but thinking there was something familiar about it. His breathing became labored as the man he couldn't quiet ever pin point his identity to, smacked him around, biting at him, pulling his hips closer to him, and for some reason he was aroused. He usually only ever dreamt of when he couldn't get hard and would get beaten for it. He certainly never dreamed of being aroused and wanting to be touched.

He was so hot. He was never hot in his nightmare. He usually was shivering on the cold concrete floor. He wiped at his head as he slowly started to regain consciousness, his hand coming back sweaty. He groaned as he tried to blink awake, still feeling like something was different. Something was wrong.

He blinked his eyes open, still panting, still feeling uncomfortably hot and realizing he was shaking, as he looked to Castiel sitting up beside him, watching him with a grin. He felt at his neck and flinched at how sore it was before his sleep fuddled mind finally started to put the pieces together. He shot up to a sitting position, looking Castiel over who was naked, spying two empty syringes on the table next to him. "You... you didn't. Not while I...I was there." He said through his heaving breaths, getting panicked.

"While you were where?" Castiel asked him. When Dean didn't answer, Cas just looked him over and continued smiling. "And anyways, my idea worked. While you were unconscious and didn't have that big stupid brain shutting the drug out as much as it could, your body worked easier, only took two this time." He said, pointing to Dean's crotch.

Dean looked down to his lap and realized he was hard, and as he woke up more and more, he was being hit with the need to come undone. He could feel his heart beating out of his chest and realized he wasn't tied up, just the new metal leash securing him to the bed. "You... you're crazy. You're g-going to f-fucking kill me." He said, trying to slow his breathing and his heart rate. "P-please tie...tie me up...I can't...take."

Castiel quirked a brow to this, sitting at the edge of the bed just out of Dean's reach. "Who took from you?" He asked.

Dean's pupils were huge, but so far, two didn't seem as bad as three doses, close, and Dean still was being hit with waves of desire, of needing to be satisfied. He scrunched his hands up before sitting up and reaching for Castiel, his leash stopping him. "Please." He said in an already broken voice.

"Not until you tell me who took what from you." Castiel shot back.

Dean grabbed for his length giving himself several thrusts into his hand with a moan, Castiel reaching forward and grabbing his wrists, digging his knees into the bed for traction as Dean tried pulling him to his overheated body. "Please... just... just help."

Castiel held tightly to him, "Who took what."

Dean was looking like a panicked caged animal. He hurt so bad, he just needed a release, and Castiel was just staring at him, wanting an answer. He's only ever given this answer to his father, and that only brought more shame to him and his family. Got him sent away. He couldn't tell anyone else. " help me." Dean hoped calling him master would soften the man, or make him want to fuck him at least but Castiel, unlike Dean had complete control over his emotions and body right now. He can hold out as long as he needed to until he got what he wanted.

Castiel brought one hand to Dean's hard length running a finger down it, drops of precum running down his head already. "If you want me. Want to get off, all you have to do is tell me."

Dean moved his hips up into the small touch Castiel was giving him, but the man quickly pulled his hand back. He tried to roll over, not ashamed to seek some friction from the bed to relieve this pressure, this deep seeded need consuming him. But Castiel just sat on his legs so he couldn't move. He felt his eyes water with the frustration and despair of it all.

"Who?" Castiel asked again. 

Dean tried keeping his mouth shut. Tried keeping this secret but he couldn't fucking take this anymore. "Styne." He panted out.

Castiel's p.o.v

Cas felt his own heart speed up to that one simple word. The one worded confession of Dean Winchester. "Which one?" He asked with a dark tone.

Dean writhed underneath him still fighting for anything to relieve him and take the pain away. Cas reached a hand out and slapped Dean, needing him to focus a little, Dean just moaned to the hit. "Which one Dean?"

Dean's pupils were wide and seemed far away like he was barely here but he panted out an answer finally, "I...I never...never...knew which."

"What did they take?" Cas asked a bit softer now.

Dean shook his head, "please...please stop...I need...I...can't."

Cas crawled up his body, pinning Dean's arms between them. "I'll give you what you need. I'll take care of you. Just tell me sweetheart what they took." He said while grinding himself into Dean the man arching his back to get more contact with him.

"M-me. They...they...took me. He...he...tortured...and took...from me." Dean said half moaning it out half whimpering, his face red and sweat dripping from his hair.

"Took what?" Cas asked, but he knew. He just didn't want to be right.

Dean looked down his body to the space between his legs whimpering out before looking back to Cas, "took...everything...every...every part of me...I...I said no. I-I fought...and screamed. But he...every night...he came...and used he wanted."

Cas ran a hand through Dean's hair understanding. And feeling now a little more than shitty about the situation they were in. He realized Dean dreamed about being raped every night. Realized that's why he couldn't get aroused. Realized Cas made him get aroused while stuck in that nightmare. And now that the nightmare was laid out for him to understand, for Dean to remember, there wasn't a way out of this.

If he left Dean would still be in pain, would still go through the effects of the drug. And it would be hard on him to go through this alone.

Cas nodded at the man as he released his hands. Dean surged forward knocking Cas to his back grinding his hips onto his own dick a few times until he moaned out cumming all over him.

Dean looked to him trying to focus his eyes as one orgasm wasn't nearly enough, "I don't...don't want...t-to take."

Cas shook his head grabbing at his shoulders. "You're not taking. I'm giving." He reached between them and lined Dean up to him, this time being prepared for the situation he put them in, lube already leaking out of him. He could tell Dean was still trying to hold back, not wanting to be like whichever Styne ruined him, so he pushed off of Dean's solid shoulder sliding down him a little.

Dean closed his eyes to the feeling until his hips surged forward, bouncing Cas from the force as he fully entered him. Cas wrapped his legs around Dean's waist as Dean began to drive his hips roughly in and out of him. Cas grabbed at the comforter with one hand and Dean's neck with the other. His pained expression from reliving his past and worrying about doing the same thing slowly leaving his face as his need just consumed him and he fucked into Cas with such force his body was bouncing on the bed.

It didn't take long until Dean was coating the inside of Cas' ass with his orgasm, his breathing even more labored. He grabbed Cas by his hips and flipped him over shoving his face into the bed making him arch his back dramatically as he quickly shoved into him again. Cas tried to raise his body as he shouted out his own pleasure but Dean firmly held him down as he kept snapping his hips inside of him. Dean hit his prostate and Cas shouted out as he kept at that spot until Cas was cumming himself. When he tightened up around Dean the man came inside of him again.

He rolled Cas over looking him over, his cheeks red and body flushed, his orgasm smeared on his stomach. "You''re...okay?" Dean panted out looking him over. Cas nodded trying to get his breath back. "Good." Dean breathed out before picking him up and wrapping his legs around his waist.

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