Chapter 11

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Dean p.o.v

Thankfully, Castiel needed just as much time to recover as Dean did from the after affects the drug had on them both. Weirdly, though, Castiel spent all of his recovery time with Dean. Dean didn't know how to act around the man, so a lot of their time was spent in stilted silence. Castiel would turn on some show or another to fill the silence between them.

Dean, once he was able to walk again, got to even sit with him in the living room. Dean didn't like this as much, though, as the guards in the penthouse would keep casting Dean looks that made him uncomfortable. Through all this, he still hadn't been given actual clothes, just his collar and a new pair of underwear every day. Castiel had said at one point if he were good he'd clothe him, how was fucking him to the point of their combined exhaustion not good enough to earn that?

Another uncomfortable happenstance that came with Castiel constantly being around him is he heard Dean wake every morning from his nightly nightmares. Castiel then spending a good chunk of each morning questioning him on it, Dean always stating he may own and can use his body but he didn't owe him his mind. Castiel would then remind him he'd just get the information from him next time he used that drug on him.

Dean lived in fear of when Castiel would use the drug on him again, relieved at least that Castiel needed time to recover just as much as he did. But the use of the drug that night didn't stop the man from still trying to get him aroused without it. And Dean was finding himself now everyday actually trying to get that part of him to work. He didn't want the drug used on him again and he didn't want to be so out of his mind Castiel would make him spill his secrets.

Today, a week after their drug fueled night together, Castiel went back to work, leaving him alone, well as alone as one could be with multiple guards stationed throughout the penthouse. He had left his leash off and given him permission to roam the place on the condition that he was good, didn't try to beat up his men, or escape. And Dean had thought about it, worked out in his head the strategy he would need, who to take down first, what moves to make to get out. But he genuinely believed Castiel when he said he was having his brother followed and he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his life.

He was getting over the awkwardness of constantly being near naked around strangers, in nothing but his collar and his underwear. And as he shouldered open a door to the penthouse finding a large personal gym, he decided he also didn't care to be watched while working out in his underwear. After twenty minutes on the treadmill, he found out sweat combined with the leather of his collar really agitated the skin under it. He took a hand towel and tucked it under the material as best he could to resume his regime. He went to the weights next and felt a few of the guys in the room tense up when they realized just how strong Dean was. He wished he could smile and revel in their apprehension, but they did have guns strapped under their arms for reassurance.

He was doing dead lifts when the man with the accent he came to know as Benny appeared in the room. Watching him breathe through each lift, the weight lifting belt around his waist cinched tight. "Kind of a shame you're just holed up here like this. Could use a guy like you out there." Benny made comment after a while of just watching.

Dean still felt uncomfortable around the man as he took his belt off, hanging it back against the wall and using the towel tucked into his collar to wipe at his face. "Yeah? Why don't you convince your boss of that then?"

Benny just gave a laugh, "No one convinces Cas Novak of anything."

Dean found it odd that the man used a nickname for his boss, reminding Dean he knew nothing of his captor. But obviously, this Benny was someone more than just some lackey to him. Dean muttered an agreement to Benny before turning to leave the gym determined to head for the shower. "Do I get a second pair of underwear for the day? Or should I have timed my workout better so I don't have to wear these sweaty things all day?"

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