Chapter 21

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Castiel's p.o.v

Cas startled to the voice shooting up and looking Dean over, he quickly jumped off the bed taking him in. His blinks were slow, and his face was pinched in pain, but he was awake. "I-" he started but closed his mouth, not really knowing what to say. "I think after being stabbed on my behalf, you can call me Cas now." He didn't know why he said that, now feeling stupid for having even opened his mouth.

Dean tried to reposition himself but hissed at the pain and stilling his body. "Alright Cas, mind finding a nurse to knock me the fuck out again?"

Cas huffed a small laugh to this, "I'll call a nurse but if you fucking fall back asleep I'll finish the job the other guy started." Dean just gave him a thumbs up with his one good hand before bringing it to hold his side.

Cas quickly walked into the hallway finding the first nurse he could and making her stop what she was doing to go attend to Dean. The nurse checked over Dean's chart, asked about his pain level, and left for a brief moment. She returned, hanging different IV bags and handing Dean a small red button, explaining to Dean that it was morphine and to push the button when he needed relief. Dean immediately jams the button with his thumb. "The doctor will be in shortly to discuss everything with you." She said, avoiding Cas as she sidestepped him back out of the room.

"So guess there's no point in asking you how you're feeling, huh?" Cas said, pulling the one seat in the room closer to the bed where Dean could see him better.

"Like I got stabbed in the gut, and my hand turned to Swiss cheese." He groaned out before moving the arm of his injured hand a little, "The fuck is this anyways?" He asked of the device holding up his hand, Cas noting just how much more Dean cussed while in pain. Dean pressing the button.

"I can't remember what it's called. But it's to keep idiots like you from moving and messing themselves up more."

Dean shot him a glare, "You know for someone with the least amount of current knife wounds in this room, you're being a real jerk."

Cas just gave him a smile before letting it fall, "Why the hell did you do that? I told you not to ever put yourself in a situation like that again. Every time I let you out of the house, I gotta worry about you getting in a fight?"

"Would you have rather been stabbed?" Dean asked, pushing the morphine button and laying his head back in his pillows.

"Yeah! You idiot that's why I'm upset! You didn't deserve this!" Cas shot back his voice raising.

"No one ever really deserves to be stabbed Cas...well except possibly the guy who stabbed me." Dean answered, a smile hitting his lips, the medicine starting to go to his head, apparently. He looked Cas over with a lazy grin, "I needa pee."

Cas blinked at him before sputtering out a laugh, "You have a catheter in, go ahead."

Dean startled to this tossing the button aside and lifting up his covers and gown, glancing down at what had been done to him. "Fuuuuck, now it really can't do anything right." He said, looking back to Cas, who hid his smile and laugh with his hand as Dean dropped the covers back down.

Dean looked around the room with squinted eyes, staring at the board that had the names of his nurses and doctor along with the date. "Wait, how long have I been out for?" He asked, looking back to Cas.

Cas shook his head, "Not long, just three days." Three terrible days that Cas sat in this stupid chair, uncomfortable and worried out of his mind.

"Huh, was only out one day when I tried killing myself. This guy musta been a pro." Dean said with a laugh.

Cas quirked an eyebrow to this, "That's not funny, Dean." He said, leaning over and taking the button from him, "Just gonna hold onto this for a second for you, alright?"

Dean waved his hand at him dismissively, "Admit it, you were worried, right?" He said, laying his head back and smiling.

"You have no god damn idea." Cas said, deciding to be truthful since Dean was high out of his mind.

"Wouldn't wanna lose out on this 500k investment, yeah?" Dean laughed.

"That's not what I was worried about losing." Cas said seriously.

Dean opened his mouth to respond, but the doctor came in just then. "Mr. Winchester, I'm happy to see you awake." He looked Dean over, realizing the state he was in from the morphine. "I think we'll be having this talk again later, but at least your partner here will be able to remember everything I tell you."

Dean laughed to this but held his side as he did, "Partner." He said in a mocking voice before laughing again.

The doctor looked between them for a moment before continuing, "Yes, well we repaired all the damage from the knife in your abdomen,  we had to remove a very small section of your intestine for this, but luckily since you grabbed and held on to the blade it didn't cause so much damage that we couldn't repair it."

Dean was nodding and smiling as Cas sat there, taking in every detail. "What about his hand? The other doctor said he'd have to be stable from the first surgery before they could do anything with it." He asked.

"Yes, well, we've been monitoring it, and the bloodflow is still fine to each finger, it's just the ligamental damage we're concerned with. If his stats stay fine throughout the night and tomorrow, then tomorrow evening, we will get a hand surgeon up here and see what we can do."

"See what you can do? You don't know how it's going to turn out?" Cas asked, raising his voice. Den reached forward and slapped at his arm while holding in a giggle.

"Well, we have a good hope he'll get full function back with some therapy, but we can't make any promises right now."

Cas took in a steadying breath as he looked to Dean, who was just beaming at him before nodding to the doctor, "Thank you." The man nodded and left.

Dean was looking over Cas, "Y'know, this is like the third time you've seen me high on drugs. I feel like I'm owed a turn."

Cas hung his head, hiding his smile, jesus christ was he wishing he'd had the nurse knock him out after all. He was still covering his mouth, suppressing a laugh when Dean said, "I heard you, y'know."

Cas snapped his head up to him, looking into his green eyes, "Thanks, for pulling me out." Dean said still with a small smile plastered on his lips.

Cas just nodded, not knowing how to respond and sitting in silence for a moment with Dean. He'd thought Dean had fallen asleep until he jerked a little looking to Cas, "did you kill the guy, at least?"

Cas shook his head, "No, I was waiting to see if you wanted to."

"Aww, that's like, the nicest thing you've ever done for me." His eyes started to brim with tears.

"My god, Dean, get it together." Cas said, smiling at him. He reached forward, wiping the tears that slipped from his eyes.

Dean just nodded, "You kill him for me." He said, pressing his cheek into Cas' hand as he fell back to sleep.

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