Chapter 55

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Castiel's p.o.v

Jacob smiled at Cas, "Oh, you know, just the oldest poisoners trick in the book. Just slip in a micro dose into his morning coffee, another with dessert. Let things start out slow, the smallest side effects surfacing. A little cough, little stomach pain here and there, enough to notice but not alarming. Then, as time goes on, just keep increasing the dose little by little. Suddenly, daddy's tired all the time, falling asleep during meetings," Jacob grabbed at his chest, pouting his face into a mask of sadness, "forgetting his dear sons name."

Jacob grabbed Cas up, shoving him on the couch and sitting on the decorative table in front of him. "All the talk started with the board of directors with the pharmacy company, Daddy wasn't fit to run it anymore. And if he wasn't fit to run that, how is he fit to run our other business ventures? But his favorite son was there, feeding him every day, caring for him, helping him make all the right decisions. But poor daddy, his strength just gave out, his mind gone. I had to make the terrible decision to put him on hospice, watch him starve, and wither away to nothing." Jacob dropped the grieving mask from his face and smiled, looking Cas over.

Cas had to refrain from rolling his eyes at Jacob's monolog. "You always were clever Jacob. Kudos to you on patricide."

Jacob reached a hand for Cas' cheek, "You and your big words Cas. You always did like to use them to appear smarter than you are."

"And how am I not smart Jacob? It's been a while since you've reminded me of my shortcomings."He replied, sitting up straighter and giving Jacob a stern look.

"Well, first off, you left me." Jacob began.

"You tried to kill me, and I escaped." Cas snapped back.

"I wouldn't have let them kill you flower. After your lesson with the men, I would have safely hid you away from daddy. You should have known that." Jacob said with a click of his tongue.

"And what else about me hasn't been smart?" Cas asked, pressing on from that revelation. He'd never considered Jacob letting him live that night.

"Well, you out here pretending to be some sort of real man. You're not fit to wear your fancy suits, let alone carry a gun or be involved in man's work. A little bitch like you? No, that's not right. It was bound to catch up with you eventually. Just be glad I got you back before someone else hurt you." Jacob placed his hand on Cas' knee and rubbed his thumb back and forth across it.

"And then you going out and getting you a Winchester." Jacob said, squeezing hard on Cas' knee now. "You go all these years, being good for me until I could be ready to take you back. Not taking anyone else to your bed. And when you slip up, you choose him?"

Cas smirked to this, "Intimidated by the size of his dick Jacob? Afraid I can't go back to what you're packing?"

That earned him a backhanded slap across the cheek that had his head snapping to the side. "If I hadn't gifted your dog to Eldon as his own personal sex doll, I'd go and cut it off of him right now."

Cas felt a trickle of blood on his cheek from one of Jacob's rings cutting him, but that comment made him see red. "You take anything else from him with your knife, Jacob, and I promise you your death will be slow and painful. You'll be unrecognizable as I put you in the ground!"

Jacob smiled, "Now what do you mean take anything else? What have I taken?"

Cas paused to this scrunching his eyebrows together but pushed on, "Oh, now you want to play clueless? Like you didn't send me his hand in a fucking box?"

Jacob laughed, he stood grabbing Cas' phone from the mantle where Dean's gun was. He forced Cas to press his thumb to the screen to unlock it. "My my flower so many text messages and missed phone calls here. You really shouldn't neglect your family and friends like this. What if they have something important to tell you?"

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