Chapter 5

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Dean's p.o.v

Dean hears noises from downstairs in the penthouse until the locks to the room he was in started turning. He had been sitting in complete darkness for some time now. He could have slipped from the collar and leash to turn some on, but he was determined not to make things worse for himself if he could help it. So he was still sitting in the corner of the bed with his knees to his chest just as he was when he was first placed there.

He heard fumbling on the wall and a few whispered curses before the overhead light flipped on. Dean blinked away the spots in his vision. He'd been in the dark longer than he thought he had. When his eyes finally adjusted, Castiel Novak was standing over him, staring quietly down at him. Dean said nothing.

Castiel reached his hand out to Dean, giving his hair a stroke, making a mess of it on his head. "Look what a good little puppy you are." He said with a slow smirk,"waiting so patiently for his master. " Dean held his stare but pulled his legs into himself closer.

Castiel glanced down at how he was seated and reached for Dean's ankles, yanking on them until he was straight out on the bed, the leash and collar slightly choking him. Castiel was quick to climb on top of him. One hand digging into his hair, the other going to his boxers and rubbing at his flesh there. His lips found Dean's neck as he bit up the expanse of it until finally his hot breath was fanning across his face. "Are you...are you drunk? And what the hell happened to your neck?" Dean asked, trying to pull his face away from the man.

Castiel pulled back, looking down at Dean with hooded eyes as he began grinding his ass down into Dean's crotch. Dean laid his head back into the pillow, blowing out a breath and rolling his eyes. Between Castiel's hand and his movement of his body, it seemed the man was determined to get a reaction from him. After a few moments, he looked down at Dean's body, "Really? Still nothing?"

"Nope." Dean grunted, popping the p to the word.

Cas groaned frustrated, "We will get this fucking figured out." He said as he undid the button and zipper to his pants, easily pulling himself free of his constraints. He grabbed at Dean's hand bringing it to his length. "At least take care of this for me pet." He said smirking at Dean's stare. He prodded at his face with a slender finger, "Always so serious, huh?"

Dean rolled his eyes at the drunkeness of Castiel as he began to move his hand up and down the mans length. He wanted to go to sleep and wanted Castiel to leave him alone, so he actually tried to do a good job. He used both hands, one pumping him quickly, while the other ran soft fingertips over his sensitive head.

Castiel breathed out, leaning back on his hands, shamelessly grinding his hips to meet each thrust Dean gave him. As his hips moved quicker and quicker, his breathy moans became more pronounced. Dean just moved his hands faster. With no warning, Castiel tossed his head back as his stomach tightened, his orgasm long and drawn out. When he cracked open his eyes he huffed out a laugh, Dean had one eye tightly shut as some of his cum had landed there.

Castiel leaned forward still laughing as he brought his thumb to the man's face wiping the liquid away bringing it to Dean's mouth, "Looks like some got away from you Dean. Take care of it yeah?"

Dean leaned forward wrapping his lips around the mans thumb and sucking off the bitter cum. Castiel removed himself from Dean's body sitting beside him glancing at his crotch and the lack of what he really wanted glaringly obvious there. He sunk his head to Dean's shoulder, "Yeah. We're going to figure that out." He said quietly before his breathing evened and he was passed out.

Dean squirmed under Castiel but couldn't move enough to get the man off of him so as best he could he nestled in the pillow and closed his eyes.

It felt like immediately after falling asleep Dean was in his familiar nightmare. He was bleeding out onto a dirty stained floor. It was dirty and stained from the weeks he'd been here. His own filth and blood caking the floor. He lost count of every injury he had so far broken fingers, broken nose, blackened eyes, burns, stab wounds. But this pain he could handle, the worst came after the guards to his room would leave and he would come in. He'd also lost count of just how many times he'd been raped. He couldn't tell which brother it was, maybe they were all taking turns with him, he didn't know. The first few nights he'd had a bag over his face, then once his face was beaten until his eyes were swollen shut they stopped bothering with it. He definitely felt stubble scrape along his body but that didn't exactly narrow down who was doing this to him.

And the worst of it all was how many times his body betrayed him. How many times they brought him to orgasm on the floor leaving him to lay in it day in and day out. His mind was disgusted with the situation he was in but his body kept betraying him over and over. Finally after what had to have been a week or more his body caught up to his mind and he no longer got hard to their touches, no longer came no matter what they did to him. But it didn't help him any. If anything they went harder on him, harsher. He knew he was torn open and could feel the blood rushing down his legs. As whichever man entered him he felt the pain explode in his body and his vision start to tunnel, but his hair was wrenched through rough hands, "No no darlin'. No passing out for you." The man whispered in his ear before biting at his ear lobe making a trickle of blood flow down his neck.

"Hey! What the fuck...wake the hell up!" Dean heard as a hand smacked across his face. He jolted from the bed, his arms flailing out before him trying to get away from the tormentor of his nightmares. "Ow! The fuck?"

Dean tried to calm himself, his fingers tapping together instantly as he panted frantically looking around. Castiel was rubbing at his cheek. He wasn't in that place. And Castiel wasn't his assailant. Well, not the assailant that hurt him all those years ago at least.

"Did you fucking hit me?!" Castiel said as he brought a hand to Dean's hair forcing him to look at him.

"Wh-what? Where? N-no" Dean stammered out still trying to get his breath back.

Castiel quirked an eyebrow at the man, "What's your problem?" He mumbled out staring Dean down.

Dean finally calmed looking into the dark blue eyes hovering above his. "Nothing. Nothing. I'm fine."

Castiel rolled his eyes. "Obviously." He went to stand from the bed running his hands through his hair and looking Dean over. He was pale and sweaty. He didn't care. He went to the bathroom quickly showering and dressing from his attached closet. When he stepped back out Dean seemed to have a better handle on himself, He leaned over him on the bed, "See you later puppy, we'll be doing some experimenting later." Dean just gave him a glare.

Castiel's p.o.v

Later when Cas arrived home Dean was just where he left him, waiting, showered and clean. Seemingly fine from whatever nightmare had a hold on him the night before. Cas stripped, coming to the bed, pulling Dean's legs again to straighten him out. Cas started by biting up his legs, stopping at the edge of his underwear. He ran his nails down Dean's chest, bringing his mouth to his chest and swirling his tongue around the man's nipples. He pulled down his underwear, and Dean was still soft. He brought his hand to his length and ran his fingers up and down it several times. He kept up with his teasing bites, Dean just watching him. After several minutes, Cas rolled off the bed pissed off, not saying anything as he left the room, Dean pulling his underwear back up.

The next day Cas was back in Dean's lap, nude and grinding his hard cock into Dean's crotch, kissing at his lips and pulling his hair. Dean sometimes letting out a hiss at how hard he pulled at the strands, but still no reaction. "Can you just fucking try?" Cas growled out frustrated as he pulled at Dean's hair so hard with frustration that his head snapped back. Dean just glared at him until he hopped off of him cursing as he left the room.

Cas came back to the room the next morning running his hand in Dean's boxers as Dean woke up grabbing at his hand and tossing it away from him. "I swear Dean my patience is getting real thin right now. If you don't give me what I want, I swear I'll make every day for you a living hell." Dean just stayed silent as he'd gotten in the habit of doing.

Cas was hard between them, bringing Dean's hand back to him. If he couldn't get what he really wanted from the man, he'd at least get something from him. Dean's large hands on him, felt good, his calloused palms against his sensitive skin driving him crazy, he pictured in his mind Dean inside of him while those large hard hands ran over him and he was quickly releasing over Dean's hand and stomach. He moved off of him, cleaning himself up with a tissue and tossing it on Dean's bedside table. He got dressed as Dean just sat there as unaffected as he ever was, Cas glaring at him as he threaded his belt through the loops on his waist.

"Tonight, we're going to figure out your little problem. Be expecting me at six with a little surprise." He said before heading for the door he turned back looking Dean over still secured to his messy bed, his drying cum still on his chest and stomach. "Be nice and the boys will allow you a shower today." And with that he turned and left locking the several locks on his door in place before heading out for the day.

Your Dark PromiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora