Chapter 45

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Castiel's p.o.v

Cas enjoyed taking Dean out today even if they had to cut the day short. He wished he could take him out more, but with the threat of Jacob wanting to kill him or Eldon possibly wanting him back, and the Styne's being in a current power upheaval it wasn't safe to make many public outings right now.

They'd found out from the physician they'd kidnapped that Monroe just suddenly got sick, started forgetting things, acting incoherently. The physician said the best he could figure was a fast acting type of dementia. Cas and Benny had figured that this was Jacob's doing, tired of waiting for his turn and living under his father's hard rule.

Cas remembered how Jacob had said the night he used the drug on him that he'd found a way for them to be together. Cas would admit he was a little scared now. Jacob looked to Monroe like he was some god, for him to take him out in the hopes of getting him back freaked him out. They needed to move quicker with everything. He'd take Dean to the gun range soon and see how much his hand has improved. Hopefully, it will be enough to make their move and wipe out the Styne's before they become a bigger threat to them.

A knock on the door sounded, and Cas answered it, Benny standing there with a large tray of the food he'd ordered them, another of his men holding a wine bottle and glasses. Cas took everything from them as Dean was finishing up a shower. He had a small table by the large windows overlooking the city and set their plates there, filling the glasses as Dean stepped out.

Cas smiled at hi,  motioning to the table, "If I can't take my puppy to the restaurant, then the restaurant comes to us."

Dean just gave him a smile as he sat, Cas taking the seat across from him. They ate in mostly silence for a while before Cas spoke. "With everything going on with the Styne',  I'd like to take you to a gun range tomorrow. See where you are with your hand now. I think we're running out of time to play with."

Dean nodded to thi,  setting down his fork, "I think I'm close. I'd like to see what I can do, but to be honest, I think I still need a few weeks."

Cas bit at his lip, afraid they didn't have a few weeks, but he'd stall as much as he could to get Dean the time he needed to heal more so he'd be safer when the time came to move. "I think we can work something out." Cas grabbed at the injured hand, "Squeeze, and let me see if your brother actually knows what he's doing."

Dean smiled at him but looked to their hands as he gave Cas a quick, hard squeeze. Cas was impressed. There was some strength behind it. "Now squeeze and hold it for as long as you can."

Dean squeezed again, scrunching up his eyebrows as he held the position. Thirty seconds passed before his fingers started to loosen, but he kept trying. At a minute, he let Cas go, shaking his hand. "I've just done a lot with it today. It's better than what it seems, really."

Cas looked him over worried for a moment before he gave Dean a smile, "You're right. Tomorrow, show me before the gun range. Rest it tonight." Dean nodded but kept his eyes downcast. Cas reached for his hand again, rubbing his thumb over the back of it, "It'll be okay."

Dean looked to him, "I really am close with it. If I could just get two more weeks, it'll be steady and strong enough to do what we need to do."

"What do you mean steady?" Cas asked.

Dean exhaled a large breath before holding the hand up in the air between them. It shook significantly. When Cas' eyes widened to this, Dean quickly brought it back down to his lap, "It only does that after I've used it a lot."

"Dean -" Cas started, but Dean stood from the table going to the edge of the bed, his cheeks red."

"Don't say my name like that. It will be fine. I've really just done too much with it today, I made breakfast, squeezed oranges, tossed you around, and carried a lot of books." He ran his hand through his hair, Cas could still see the tremble in his fingers. "It really will be fine. Two weeks is all I need. And the day before we move I won't use it at all so it'll be fine." Dean had been talking faster and faster through his speech, his hands started up their tapping in his lap.

Cas stood, walking over to him and looking down at him. He placed his hands on either side of his face, making Dean look at him. He brushed his thumbs over his cheeks. "I'll buy you as much time as I can. We'll see what you can do at the range tomorrow and go from there." He leaned down and kissed at Dean's forhead, the man closing his eyes to his words and touch. Cas wouldn't say anything more until he could see for himself how Dean held up tomorrow.

Cas gently pushed him back on the bed, motioning for him to move up to the pillows. Dean scooted himself up there, and Cas laid out beside him, mostly on his chest squeezing Dean with his arms, "It'll be okay. We will figure this out." Dean, just nodding to this.

After a few moments of silence, Dean looked down to Cas, "So, what are we officially?" He asked.

Cas sat up to this looking Dean over, "Do we really need to have this discussion? Shouldn't we wait to see if we live or die through everything first?"

"But if you die, what will I tell people? The man who called me his dog died, and I'm sad?" Dean said with a half smile.

"What people would you even tell? You don't know people." Cas replied, teasing Dean, "Plus I doubt you'll be sad for long. You'll bounce back."

Dean rolled his eyes, "Yeah cause my track record of bouncing back is good." Cas slapped at his chest before standing from him and heading for his closet. "Where are you going?" Dean asked, concerned that Cas was already leaving him for something else.

Cas popped back out, holding up swimming shorts, "Let's take that wine, and maybe some back up whiskey, and let's go to the hot tub." He said with a smile. Dean grinned and stood grabbing the bigger pair of shorts from Cas, stripping in front of him and pulling them up his hips, Cas watching him the whole time, "Shit, or maybe we stay here for a little bit." He breathed out.

Dean winked at him and moved for the door, "Maybe later I can find it in me to service you master." He said, picking up the half empty wine bottle from the table.

"And maybe you won't have a choice, and I'll take what I want." Cas said, quickly pulling off his clothes and pulling the shorts up himself. Dean just laughed as he walked out the door quickly.

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