Chapter 48

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Castiel's p.o.v

Cas watched through the next week as Dean trained hard on his hand. He even started lifting weights again, the difference between what he could do with his good hand and what he could do with the weak one considerable at first. When they went to the gun range, Gabe always made him stay in the car, saying he was too negative on what Dean could do. It frustrated Cas to be told that, he wasn't negative. He just didn't want Dean to get hurt, and he worried.

Dean would at least update him on how many clips he was able to fire off, showing him how steady his hand was afterwards, and Cas had to admit he was improving, his hand shaking less and less after each visit to the range. Dean and Gabe were getting close, even though to Cas' face, he insisted his brother annoyed him, but he saw the way they laughed. But a part of him was glad that they got along even though Gabe was his most annoying brother.

Benny had a few talks with Cas as well about being more positive about Dean's healing, ever the relationship therapist for him. And Cas tried, he was more encouraging of Dean outright, hiding his worry to himself. Currently, he was sitting in the car waiting for Dean at the range. He spied Gabe and Dean walking out after an hour and waited for Dean to get in the car with him. Gabe opened the car door, though, poking his head in to look at Cas, "Hey buckaroo, dad's set up a day for us all to meet. He told me to pass it along to you. It'll be Wednesday at four at Michael's place. Bring Dean, and dinner will be served afterward along with some liquor cause we all know we can't be around each other for long without it." Gabe said, winking at Cas.

Cas rolled his eyes, seeing Dean over Gabes shoulder with a smile on his face. He'd been bugging Cas about this all week, meeting his family. For some reason, Dean really wanted to meet them, and if Cas was going to use them to go through with their plans, then he couldn't deny his father now. "Fine. We'll be there." He said, rolling his eyes. Gabe just smiled, stepping away to let Dean in the car, shoulder checking one of his guys as he passed him with a laugh.

The first thing Dean did when he got in the car was hold his hand out to Cas, and he smiled, the shaking of it barely visible. "How many clips?" He asked.

Dean set his hand down with a big grin, "Eight. And even you have to admit there's no way I will need more than 57 bullets. But even so, I should be up to ten clips by the end of next week."

Cas was impressed, shooting a gun did take a toll on the body and shooting that many rounds every other day had to be hard on Dean, would be hard on anybody, he knew his arms, shoulders, back, and hands must be hurting him. Cas grabbed at his weaker hand, massaging at the flesh of his palm. Dean smiled at him. "Im proud of you, Dean. You're really putting in the work, and it's paying off. Let me take care of you tonight."

Dean grinned at him, "And what does that include?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows at Cas.

Cas rolled his eyes, "Well horndog, it can include that, but I was thinking more of a nice bath, a massage, things like that."

"Well, if you're gonna have your hands on me, it's definitely going to lead to that." Dean said on a laugh.

Back at the penthouse, Cas led him to the master bath, pulling out several oils and bath salts, adding it to the steaming water. Dean quickly and easily stripped, smiling over him. Cas just smirked and pointed at the water, Dean climbing in and sighing at the hot water. Cas sat on the edge of the tub, grabbing at Dean's hands and massaging them, Dean smiling up at him as he did. Cas flipped his hand over, running it along the thick scar that marred each finger. He leaned his head forward and kissed along it over every finger. "I hate that you ever got hurt because of me." Cas spoke quietly out to Dean.

Dean curled his fingers around his hand. They never just held hands. They weren't hand holding people, but right now they were as Cas squeezed his hand back. "I couldn't let you get hurt, Cas, even then."

Cas looked him over with worry filled eyes, "Just promise me when we're in the thick of it, actually taking them down that you won't pull anything like that. Worry about killing Eldon and keeping yourself alive. Don't even think about me, okay?"

Dean looked him over before giving him a small nod. Once the bath lost its heat, Cas helped Dean step out and dry off before leading him to the bed, making him lay down belly first on it. Cas climbed onto him, sitting on his ass as he began to knead his hands into his back and shoulder muscles, moving up to his neck and working his way back down. Dean let out a deep groan, "Fuck it hurts so good." He murmured into the sheets.

Cas just smiled until he realized just how tight Dean's muscles were, "I think I need to hire an actual massage therapist for you."

Dean shook his head to this, "Fuck that, all I need is you, this feels awesome." Dean wiggled his hips under him, "Does feel weird to have you straddling my ass though."

Cas paused his hands for a little bit before continuing his movements, "Have you ever wanted to bottom?" He asked suddenly.

Dean sputtered and coughed to this before regaining his composure, "Uh honestly, I don't know." He said before going quiet, Cas just kept rubbing at his back, giving him space for his thoughts. "I didn't really date many guys before, just fool around and they always just assumed I was a top. I was never asked and just went along with whatever."

"Well, would you ever like to bottom? Or maybe just try it?" Cas asked working his hands into Dean's lower back as the man went quiet again.

"I don't know...about being...penetrated. I'm afraid I'll just think of my rape." Dean said quietly.

"I was just wondering. I wouldn't force that on you. But if you ever wanted to try, I'd promise to do what I could to make it a good experience." Cas said as he stopped massaging Dean, his hands beginning to cramp.

Dean rolled over, repositioning Cas on top of him and looking up at him, "How would you do that?" He asked quietly, rubbing at Cas' hips.

Cas ran gentle fingers down Dean's broad chest, "I would be slow, I would talk you through it, I'd have you looking at me the whole time, I'd make sure there wasn't any pain, I don't know, I'd just take care of you through it." Cas said on a shrug as he gave a small smile down to Dean.

Dean kept rubbing circles into Cas' hips, looking him over in thought. "I'd like to try." He said quickly.

"Are you sure? I'm not trying to guilt you into it or anything." Cas said, still running his hands over him.

Dean nodded his head slowly, "Yeah. I'd at least like to try. Take back one more thing that Eldon took."

Cas nodded as he sat on Dean, the man just staring up at him, "You want to try now?" Cas asked quickly as Dean just kept expectantly staring at him.

Dean laughed, "Well yeah. No time like the present."

Your Dark PromiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora