Chapter 40

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Dean's p.o.v

It had been five days now since Dean left Cas' penthouse. Cas still wasn't answering his texts, and Dean broke down and asked Benny about it on their daily phone call to brief Dean on all the updates on the Styne's, the man laughing at him and telling him Cas was just giving him his space.

But he was tired of this. He enjoyed being around his brother, the awkwardness from their disagreement over Cas mostly dissolving, and things felt a little more normal between them. But he missed Cas, this was the longest they'd been apart in the time since he bought him, and they had just been making progress with each other when he left. He felt foolish for volunteering to stay gone for a week, but he wasn't about to admit that to anyone. He still had some pride.

Last night, he decided to stop doing anything on his phone, putting it away in a drawer. If Cas couldn't be bothered to answer his calls or texts, then he couldn't use the app to spy on him. Dean went two years without a phone at the villa while he was hidden away. He could make it a few days now. But he kept opening the drawer just checking to see if he had any notifications, but nothing was ever there. He'd told Sammy not to answer any calls from Benny or Cas if he, for some reason, decided to call him.

He knew that if Cas wanted to check in on him, he'd just call one of the numerous guards around the house to do so. On the sixth day, he was sure that was happening, more of the men popping their heads into the room he was in and glancing him over before quickly disappearing again. He'd roll his eyes and pull his book closer to him. He stopped even tapping his phone awake to check his notifications. It just frustrated him.

On the seventh day, he was making Sammy and himself a full pancake breakfast complete with eggs, sausage, bacon, and fresh squeezed juice and fruits when there was a knock on the door. Sam's head shot up from his laptop, he'd taken to looking into the Styne's these past days, and looked to Dean confused. "Who would knock?" He asked, standing.

"I have an idea, even though it would be weird." He held up his orange juice covered hands, "Answer it for me?" He asked.

He listened as Sam made his way down the front foyer, heard the door open, and then get slammed shut. There was murmuring he could hear muffled by the door, Sam yelling back for the person to fuck off. "Just let him in Sam!" Dean yelled down the hall as he brought another cut orange to the juicer, pressing it down with his weaker hand, turning and squeezing it, he couldn't completely juice the fruit with that hand, but he got further with it than he did yesterday.

Cas appeared in the kitchen door, watching Dean until he switched hands, finishing up the orange half he was working on. He looked up to Cas, who still hadn't said anything, "I'll make more pancakes." He said, wiping his hands and turning for the stove top, "take over the juice." He said over his shoulder.

Cas walked into the room standing behind Dean but turning to the juicer, "Is that all you're going to say?" He asked as he picked up a fruit.

"What do you want me to say, Cas? I missed you so much! You really made me so happy by ignoring me day in and day out!" Dean said, faking an overly excited voice as he poured more batter into the skillet.

Cas sighed, "I was giving you space, Dean. How can you know you like me for me and not some other influence if I were talking to you every day?"

Dean flipped the pancake, breathing out, "Just anything would have been nice. Not just being dumped and forgotten, like I always am."

Cas stopped what he was doing, Dean plated the new pancake as he felt hands on his waist trying to turn him. Cas may dominate him in every aspect between them, but Dean was still stronger than him. He couldn't move him unless he wanted to be moved. "Dean." Cas said, tugging on him again.

Dean turned around, looking down at the man, "Cas." He said softly. He missed his eyes and missed the faces Cas would make at him, like right now as he glared up at him.

Cas ran his hands up his stomach and chest from his hips, stopping on either side of his neck. "I did not dump you here. I said spend one night, you decided on a week. I gave you space."

Dean stared down at him before finally bending a little kissing Cas for the first time in seven days, running his tongue against his lips until Cas opened for him, both exploring each other slowly. "That's what Benny said." He said, pulling away before dipping his head back for his lips and taking them greedily.

"You know I'm still here, right?" Sam spoke up from the kitchen island.

Dean smiled into the kiss, pulling away from Cas again and smirking at his brother, giving him a face before turning back to the stove. He added more mix as he moved the sausage links around in their pan. Cas turned back to the juicer, finishing up the pile of half cut oranges and bringing the pitcher to the small breakfast nook in the corner of the kitchen. Dean handed him plates of fruit and meat before grabbing the glasses with his good hand, the platter of pancakes in the bad.

Cas watched him, "Seems like your hand is doing a lot better." He said, sliding into the booth, Dean sitting next to him and Sam across from them.

"Yeah, Sammy's a hard coach, won't let me get a moments rest." He said, winking at Sam.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Sitting around isn't gonna fix anything." He said as he loaded his plate with fruit and pancakes.

Dean loaded up his own plate before noticing Cas hadn't made a move for the food. Dean gave him a look before plopping down two pancakes and sausage on his plate, pushing the syrup to him. "Eat." Dean said before digging his fork into his plate, moaning around the food. He was a pretty good cook.

Cas watched him as he started on his own food, his eyes popping at the flavor, "Dear lord." He breathed out. Dean smiling proudly to the comment.

After finishing the meal, Dean pointed at Sammy, "I cooked you wash." Sam waved him off as he followed Cas out of the room.

Dean lead him to the room he had claimed as his temporary one, Cas looking around at it, at the books he'd stolen from through out the house and piled up on the nightstand once he stopped using his phone. Cas turned to him. "You haven't used your phone in a few days."

Dean looked him over, still feeling a little pouty, "I wanted to piss you off a little." He said on a shrug.

Cas pushed at his shoulder so he'd sit on the bed. He stood between his legs, smiling at him, "Well, you successfully worried me, at least." He said, running his finger over Dean's collar that he was still wearing, Dean closed his eyes as his fingers brushed his skin.

"I know, you made your men ogle me all the time after that." He said with a smirk.

Cas pinched at Dean's chest, "They better not have ogled you."

"And what if I liked it? Knowing they were only looking at me because you ordered them to?" Dean said, sliding his hands up and down the back of Cas' thighs as he stood before him.

Cas quirked a brow at him, "Are you teasing me, Winchester?" He asked, snaking his arms around Dean's neck.

Dean pulled Cas into his lap so he could feel how excited he was to see him, "I don't tease." He said with a smile. "Master."

Cas felt him underneath his ass, his eyes widened excited to Dean. "That's a new development. What changed?" He asked, moving his hips against him as he leaned Dean's head back, kissing into his mouth.

When they pulled away, Dean just smiled, looking at the man on his lap, moving his hips against him. "I missed you. I just need you."

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