Chapter 14

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Dean's p.o.v.

He just needed more. He couldn't get enough. Castiel was keeping up with his needs for the most part, but he was starting to move slower, responding less. He'd lost count of how many times he had been brought to an orgasm, how many times he'd gotten Castiel there either. And Dean, even through the haze Castiel had again put him in, didn't want to hurt the man.

His new leash had held up well, everytime Castiel went to release him from its hold, Dean would find his senses to stop him. If he wasn't tethered to something he was concerned he actually would hurt him. And he wanted the man to be able to get away from him if he needed to. He could tell the effects of the drug were starting to lessen, but he still felt like he couldn't get enough, couldn't stop just yet.

He was bouncing Castiel up and down his still hard cock, Castiel doing his best to stay upright, his cheeks red and eyes mostly closed, hair plastered to his forhead with sweat. Finally Castiel fell to his chest, Dean continuing to thrust up into him until he again came, his dick twitching painfully at the sensation.

Castiel breathed out on him trying to raise himself to prepare for more. But Dean wrapped his arms around him just holding him to his chest. Castiel tried moving out of his hold before finally looking up to Dean, "Are you done? Is it passing?" His voice was gravelly and raw from all the shouting and from Dean using his throat so much the past few hours. Dean shook his head trying to calm his breathing. "Then keep going, I'm fine."

Dean shook his head again trying to will himself to not need more, to calm his body down. He started tapping his fingers on Castiel's back as he held him to his chest. "No more." Dean said simply, because words were still hard for him. He couldn't imagine how Castiel was feeling all over and he had come down enough to realize this, that he needed to stop.

Castiel broke from his hold sitting up on him and looking him over. He looked better but still not as if the drug had completely ran through his system. He glanced down between them to see Dean's cum covered member still painfully hard, Dean's face pinched up in pain as well. "You need more." Castiel breathed out.

Dean pulled him back to him and just laid there, "You can't... take more." He closed his eyes trying to ignore the pain.

Castiel's p.o.v

Cas couldn't believe the man under him. He was the one who pumped poison into his veins to get them into this situation, yet the whole time Dean kept considering him. Sure he fucked him several times over, used his mouth, coated his hands in his pleasure. But he would break through the haze and do what he could to keep from hurting Cas. And Cas didn't know how to feel about that. But Dean was right, he couldn't keep going like this.

"I can call for a worker from down stairs to get you through this last little bit." Cas said as he tried to sit up and reach for his phone.

Dean's arms just tightened around him as he shook his head. "No, Castiel." He said as if words were still too difficult for him to produce too many effectively.

Cas laid against the mans chest, knowing they needed to at least get cleaned up, but he found himself listening to Dean's heart pumping wildly still in his chest. A part of him actually worried it would give out at any moment if it had been pumping this erratically for the last several hours. He looked up to Dean who was staring down at him, his pupils not as dilated but still overly large, the striking green starting to sneak back around the black. "Are you in pain?" He asked. Dean just nodded. "Then I need to help more."

He felt Dean's fingers quickly tapping on his back. "Why do you do that? All the tapping, you do it a lot." He decided if he couldn't fuck Dean anymore maybe he could distract him from the way his body was making him feel.

"Calms me." Dean simply answered, his fingers not stopping.

Cas didn't know what else to talk about with the man and that was an embarrassing attempt to even try. After several more minutes of listening to Dean's heart he went to sit up again, Dean tightening his hold on him. "Let's go shower. I feel gross, and the water will help."

Dean glanced to his leash still keeping him in one spot of the room. "It' not....I'm not safe." He said, worried.

Cas grabbed at his face, making him look at him. "You've kept me safe, Dean. Not that leash. I'll be fine... I trust you."

Dean's eyebrows pressed together to this, but he nodded and released his hold on him. Cas quickly unbuckling the leash from the collar. He stood from the bed, and Dean seemed to panic for a moment at the loss of contact until Cas held his hands out for him. Dean grabbed his hands, and Cas walked backwards, keeping eye contact with Dean to keep him calm. He knew his room like the back of his hand, so he didn't worry about running into anything or falling. Dean only kept his eyes on him.

When they were in the bathroom and Cas turned bending over to turn on the water, Dean grabbed at his hips with a bruising force. Cas stayed bent at the waist, running a hand along Dean's slender fingers, "If you need to, go ahead." He said quietly. He felt Dean's fingers tighten and then loosen on his flesh several times before he released him stepping back from him. Cas made sure the water was a good temperature and stepped in, turning to pull Dean in with him.

Dean sighed at the water, his body still overheated so Cas set it on the cooler side, he leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. Cas made sure one nozzle was pointed down Dean's body as he took the handheld nozzle and began to wet his hair. He ran shampoo through the strands and rinsed it, careful not to get any in Dean's eyes. As he started to lather up a wash cloth with soap, Dean's eyes were back on him.

"Just going to wash us up." He said, explaining. He quickly washed his body, again wincing at the pain from his ass, Dean's eyes following his hands the whole time. Cas added more soap to the cloth and brought it to Dean's chest, moving slowly across his shoulders and down his chest.

Dean's hands were fisted by his sides as Cas ran the washcloth down his stomach, cleaning the mess there from all the times he'd came on himself. As Cas moved past his waistline, Dean grabbed his wrist, "Don't." He said his chest rising and falling again.

"I can take care of you one more time." Cas said as he brought the washcloth to his still hard length gently running over it a few times to clean it and the rest of his crotch, before bringing his soapy hand to it giving him a few gentle pumps. He watched as Dean looked down to his hand before throwing his head back and meeting each movement of his hand with a thrust from his hips. Cas couldn't help but admire how attractive Dean was like this, wet, panting, seeking release. Cas kept moving his hand over his length as his other traveled up his chest. He leaned up on his toes as Dean looked down to him he connected their lips. Dean's tongue quickly found entrance to his mouth as he stroked him through his last orgasm Dean shuddered, whimpering out into his mouth as he came one last time, the water washing it down the drain.

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