Chapter 22

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Castiel's p.o.v

Dean woke up off and on throughout the next day, waking and pressing the button for morphine, staying pretty high the whole time. At first, Cas found it amusing, but Dean being high was a little exhausting to deal with. Luckily, his stats stayed where they wanted them, and the next afternoon, he was taken for his second surgery on his hand, Dean waving goofily as they wheeled him back.

Benny was sitting in Dean's empty room with him while they waited on him to return. Benny kept looking Cas over as he seemed to be a ball of nervous energy. Benny found this amusing. When Benny huffed a laugh for the third time, Cas shot him a glare, "What are you laughing at?" He shot at him.

Benny held up his hands, "Nothin' just don't think I've ever seen you act this way over someone before."

Cas sat down and thought through this. He trusted Benny, he had seen him through the worst times in his life. "I think I might like him." He said on a whisper between them.

Benny looked him over, "Well that much is obvious." He said amused.

Cas shot him a look, "Really?

Benny smiled and nodded, "Yeah, and ya know, I don't think he hates you for what it's worth."

"Maybe he should. It's not like I've ever really been nice to him. I don't know anything about him, he doesn't know anything about me." Cas began.

"And you bought him like a piece of furniture, drugged him, have beat up on him a little bit, humiliated him." Benny added.

Cas shot him a glare, wanting to defend himself, but he just slumped in his chair, "Yeah, you're right. So, how could I ever turn this around?" He buried his hands in his face, them sitting in silence for a few moments.

"For what it's worth, I don't think he hates it all." Benny said with a little smirk as he scrolled through his phone.

Cas thought on this and again just didn't know what Dean thought, didn't know what he thought about how Cas treated him. His head was spinning with everything.

And as if Benny could feel his inner turmoil, he spoke up, "Maybe talk to him about it all, Cas? Slow things down a little. Get to know him." Cas pinched his face up to this, "Who knows, maybe the boy likes being owned by you." He said with a laugh. Cas would laugh at this, too, if he didn't hope that wasn't true a little bit.

This surgery was taking hours, and while Cas hoped they took their time and did everything they could for Dean's hand, he was anxious to have him back in the room, to know he was okay. Benny convinced him to at least use the small shower in the hospital bathroom. He also tried to get Cas to eat, but he couldn't until he knew Dean had made it through.

Finally, after several hours, the door opened, and Dean was wheeled back into the room, tucked into his bed and sleeping. "He woke up for a little bit in recovery but fell back asleep on the elevator ride up. But he'll come around when he's ready to. The doctor will be in shortly to talk to you about the surgery." The nurse said as she settled Dean, made sure all his IV lines were untangled, and that Cas didn't need anything before leaving.

Dean started to stir on the bed, small noises coming from his throat, seemingly stuck in his usual nightmare. Cas walked to the side of the bed leaning over the safety railing, Benny clearing his throat behind him, "I'll be in the hall." He said before leaving.

Cas looked Dean over, his color was better, and besides his brows being drawn and him tossing his head from side to side, he looked better.

He gave Dean's shoulder a little shake, calling his name to try to wake him. He did this a few times, being sure not to jostle him too much and hurt him any. Eventually, Dean cracked his green eyes open, blinking slowly and looking up at him.

He tried to stretch but hissed at the pain, glancing down at the large cast now enveloping his arm. "So I still have an arm, that's nice." He slurred out before licking at his lips.

Cas poured him some water from a jug the nurses had left putting a straw in it and holding it infront of Dean, the man giving him an odd look before leaning forward and taking a few pulls from it. After he had his fill, he leaned back, holding his injured arm to his chest. "You're being suspiciously nice." He said, his voice still raspy, "thought you'd be pissed I'm still laid up from this."

Cas just sat in the chair, pulling it up more to the bed, "Well, I do need to make sure my investment is in good health. Wouldn't do me much good if you died, right?" Cas hated himself for not knowing how to even be normal with the guy, how to be nice.

"Yeah, guess that makes sense." Dean said, laying back on the pillows.

They were both quiet until the doctor came in. He explained how well the surgery went, that once his cast and stitches were removed in two weeks, he could start physical therapy, but the outlook for him having full functioning was good. Cas breathed out a sigh of relief to this, Dean just nodding along to the information. He could go home tomorrow, too, if he felt okay.

Once the doctor left, Cas propped his feet up on the end of Dean's bed, trying to get more comfortable for another night in this horrible chair. "If you want, you can share my bed." Dean said, watching him struggle a little bit.

Cas shook his head, "No, I'm fine, don't wanna accidentally hit you with an elbow and bust a stitch open or anything."

"Well, what stopped you from being in my bed when I woke up the other day?" Dean asked, pulling the blanket up around him.

"I just didn't want you to be in pain and having a nightmare, so I was only up there with you to try to help." Cas said, not putting any emotion into the explanation.

Dean just looked him over, "Fine, be uncomfortable then, Cas. But just remember when you're sore from sleeping there that I offered."

Cas gave a small smirk at Dean using his nickname, outside of his family and Benny, no one would dare call him that, but he liked the sound of it on Dean's lips.

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