Chapter Fifty Nine - The Coming Storm

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As the group pressed forward, Razer, Aya, and Saint Walker along with the rest of Ruby's group followed the trail Maria had pointed out. They were all soon besieged by a terrible snowstorm. After a long search, they came across an abandoned farm.

Ruby: I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks... fine.

Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?

Razer approached the door and kicked down the door. Aya then used her scanners to survey the house. As she checked the room, she saw no sign of danger.

Aya: I detect no threats within the house.

Qrow: Hmm. Stay on guard.

Following Qrow's warnings, everyone presses forward with their weapons drawn, readying themselves for a fight.

Maria: Close the door already! It's cold enough in here as it is.

As Maria enters the farm, Razer proceeds to push a dresser against the door. 

Razer: That should hold for the time being.

Blake: I saw a chimney from the outside. Maybe we could get a fire going?

Razee: Good idea. 

Suddenly, a high pitch scream is heard.

Ruby: Weiss!

Everyone then heads up stairs to see Weiss quivering in fear as she comes across two decaying bodies laying on a bed. Some time later, a fire is started in the fireplace. Weiss is still shaking from what she had witnessed. Qrow soon entered the room.

Qrow: It's the same in every house.

Yang: What?

Qrow: Bodies. Every bed in every home. It's like the whole estate just went to sleep and never woke up.

Razer: At least they didn't suffer. 

Ruby: Do you think they....knew?

Razer: I don't know. I like to think that they didn't.

Saint Walker: Whatever the case may be, they now know peace.

Weiss: Then we're not staying here, right?

Qrow: We don't have a choice. Storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere.

Maria: Well, might as well get comfortable.

Yang: Yeah, fat chance.

Ruby: Okay, then, let's do something. If this place wasn't abandoned it might still have supplies we could use.

Oscar: Hey, yeah. Maybe even a car.

Qrow: I'll do another sweep of the grounds. No one else goes anywhere alone.

Razer: Watch yourself out there, Qrow.

Blake: Yang and I can search the other buildings for vehicles.

Yang: Fine, whatever gets me out of this house.

As everyone begins to search for supplies, Razer and Aya remained in the room with Ruby, Weiss and Oscar while Saint Walker joined Yang and Blake. As they settled in, he spoke to Oscar.

Aya: How are you holding up? 

Oscar: B...barely. I still can't understand what I saw.....

Razer: Can't say I blame you.

As Razer said this, his mind fell on Vice, knowing he was out there somewhere.

Weiss: Ruby? Are we really still going to Atlas?

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