Chapter Eighty Five - The Hunt For Tyrian Callows

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As the situation in Mantle began to deteriorate, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker set out on their search for Tyrian Callows. As they walks the streets of Mantle, they could see that the situation in Mantle was dire. People were in misery. They could see that it was a powder keg waiting to blow. Between the chaos brought upon by Tyrian's attack as well as Robyn's theft of Atlas supplies, they could see the powder keg that was unfolding before them.

Aya: The situation is even worse than anticipated. 

Saint Walker: Ironwood was right about one thing. This is a worst case scenario.

With that, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker continued following up on all possible leads on Tyrian. As their search went nowhere, it was clear that Tyrian Callows had covered his tracks. Soon enough, their search led them to a bar. Outside the bar was a group of Atlesian soldiers.

Atlesian Soldier: Stop right there! This is a restricted area! Move along!

Aya: We are on business from General Ironwood.

Without hesitation, the Atlesian soldiers allow Garrus and Tali to pass. When they entered the bar, they found it to be empty.

Aya: According to reports just before the attack, Tyrian Callows was spotted in this bar.

Razer: Then this is as good a place to start our search.

With that, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker searched the bar for any clues that could lead them to Tyrian. As they searched the bar, Aya used her scanners to detect to find any structural abnormalities. During her search, Aya walked behind the bar. Using her scanners, she notices something on the ground. Aya then gets on the ground and knocks on the wooden floor. When she hears a hollow sound, Aya calls Razer and Saint Walker over. Razer blasts the door open with his Ring, revealing a hidden passageway.

Saint Walker: A hidden passageway. Clever.

Razer: Let's go. 

With that, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker began exploring the tunnels in search for Tyrian. Like the rest of the search, it seemed to be going nowhere. However, they soon found something. Near the tunnel's exit, Tali found a list. Tali began reading over the names on the list. Some of the names had been crossed off. Robyn's name came up on the list. The name that linked the list to Tyrian was Forest: a known associate of Robyn Hill and the Happy Huntresses as well as a vocal critic of Ironwood.

Aya: Forest was a vocal critic of General Ironwood and ardent supporter of Robyn Hill and the Happy Huntresses. 

Razer: This list has to be Tyrian's. Every name on that list are critics of Ironwood. Tyrian must be killing Ironwood's opponents to frame him. Or at the very least make him look bad. And with all that's happening in Mantle, Ironwood is not making things any better for himself.

Saint Walker: Devious. 

With that, the trio continued to investigate the underground tunnel. Beeping was heard. They looked around to see red lights. Without hesitation, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker began running for the exit. As they made their way to the exit, an explosion was heard and felt as the tunnels began to cave in. Razer, Aya and Saint Walker were able to escape just before the tunnels were completely caved in. After narrowly escaping the booby trap, the trio took a moment to process this. Suddenly, Aya received a call from Yang tell him that she and Blake were pursuing Robyn. Realizing that their search for Tyrian was practically over, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker rushed over to Yang and Blake's position. They soon regrouped with Yang and Blake who had cornered Robyn.

Robyn: If Ironwood wants me, he'll have to send more than a couple of kids.

Yang: He is. Stopping the trucks alerted the Ace-Ops. We don't have long before they arrive, so please listen to us. You need to know the truth.

Robyn: You're stalling.

It wasn't long before Razer, Aya and Saint Walker arrived.

Robyn: You three again. 

Saint Walker: We have not come here to fight. We've come here to talk. 

Robyn: We've got nothing to talk about.

Blake: Amity Colosseum, all these supplies, they're for....

Blake pauses and looks to the others who nod at her. 

Blake: They're for a new communications tower.

Robyn: That doesn't make any sense.

Yang: A new tower means the kingdoms can finally....

Robyn: I know what the tower means, Fisticuffs.

Robyn then approaches the four and extends her hand.

Robyn: One of you take my hand.

Yang: What?

Robyn: You said time is short. Either take it, or I'm gone.

As Blake and Yang were hesitant about this, Razer speaks up.

Saint Walker: If we want Robyn to trust us, then we have to trust her.

Trusting Razer's words, Blake walks forward and takes Robyn's hand. Pale lilac Aura manifests over their hands and forearms.

Robyn: Tell me again what is Ironwood building out in the tundra?

Blake: A new communications tower. He's trying to help...everyone.

As Robyn uses her Semblance on Blake, she sees that Blake is telling the truth.

Robyn: You're telling the truth.

Yang: Handy Semblance.

Razer: Indeed. No lie could escape you. 

Robyn: Why keep that a secret?

Blake: Because he doesn't know who he can trust. Atlas isn't out to get anybody. The people murdering civilians in Mantle are just trying to make it look that way. And if those same people learn about Amity, they'd do everything in their power to destroy it.

Robyn: So, who are "they"? Who's actually behind this?

Suddenly, Harriet contacts them through the communicator.

Harriet(Communicator): Yang, Blake, where are you?

Aya: You must leave before the Ace-Ops arrive.

Robyn: Not until I get some answers.

Yang: Look, we are trusting you, so trust us when we say that Amity Tower needs to stay a secret until it's done. We just need a little more time.

Razer: You asked us to trust you, now we need you to trust us.

As the Ace-Ops zeroed in on their position, Robyn left the area to regroup with the Happy Huntresses. With that, Razer and Aya along with Saint Walker, Blake and Yang had revealed the truth about the Amity Tower to Robyn Hill. Only time will tell whether or not that it was a mistake.

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