Chapter 20

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Noelle woke the next morning, her body almost fully covered by Alex. She was laying on her stomach and he was on top of her, pressing her into the mattress, his large body practically suffocating hers. She lay there for a moment. It was still early, and she doubted that she had slept more than a few hours, but there was no way she was falling back asleep with him on top of her like this. She almost couldn't breathe.

She shifted and frowned. The man was dead weight. She pushed at him, borrowing some strength from her own wolf to slide out from under him. Before he could wake up, she slipped out of the bed, grabbed her bag and hurried into the bathroom. She didn't trust him to not try to help her bathe and she wasn't quite ready for that. He'd already pushed her boundaries a bit yesterday. He might be hers, but he was still a stranger to her.

Noelle flipped on the shower and got in, quickly bathing her body before getting out and dressing. She was still really tired and already thinking that a hot latte would help power her up. Maybe she could sleep on the plane. She could hear Alex up and moving around the hotel room, but he didn't bother her. She fixed her hair and her makeup, then opened the door.

Alex turned to her, and flashed her a smile. "Good morning, Little Mate."

She returned his smile and walked across the room to him. "Good morning, Alex."

He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "I need to finish getting ready, and then we'll head on out. The plane is already waiting for us. I hope you slept well."

"I sure did," Until you tried to suffocate me. "Breakfast?" Noelle asked him. She wasn't one to miss a meal and she desperately wanted coffee.

"..Will be served on the plane," Alex called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the bathroom. "I'll be quick."

Noelle threw her stuff back into her bag, and fifteen minutes later, they were back in the limo and headed towards the University's private runway to board his plane. Flora was in her same spot, as though she hadn't moved from last night.  She ignored them both, her eyes on her phone. Noelle was beginning to wonder about her.

They boarded the plane, and Noelle suddenly remembered that she needed to let her mother know that she wouldn't be home. She hadn't told anyone so far that she'd found her mate. She fished her phone out of her bag and looked up at Alex who had sat down and was watching her. "I'm going to call my mom real quick and let her know not to expect me home today."

Alex nodded and patted the seat next to him. Noelle sat down and pulled on her belt, then placed the call. She held the phone up to her ear, waiting for her mom to answer.

"Hey Sweetie!" Jenna's cheery voice said. Her mother was a morning person, though Noelle wondered how well she'd really slept last night.

"Hi Mom. I'm not coming home for the week." Noelle glanced at Alex and smiled at him. He looked good this morning and she saw his eyes glow as he looked at her.

"Oh you're not? Is something wrong?" Jenna asked her, concern in her voice.

"I found my mate." Noelle said.

"You did?? That's great. I'm so glad you didn't have a long wait. Who is he?" Jenna asked.

"Alpha Alex Artino from the Everglades Pack," Noelle felt him pull her hand in his, and she smiled at him. He was so good looking.

"I don't think I've ever met him. Your father isn't home right now. He had to make a trip to New York City very early this morning," Jenna told her.

"How are you feeling mama?" Noelle asked her. She could hear how tired her mother was. Her father being gone explained why Jenna was up.

"Just tired and huge," Jenna laughed.

"Mama please take it easy and get some rest today," Noelle said quietly. She was worried Jenna would over do it if her father wasn't there to make sure she didn't. Hopefully he wouldn't be gone long.

"You sound like your father," Jenna mused.

"And he's not wrong. There are plenty of people out there who will help you if you ask," Noelle reminded her needlessly. The pups couldn't come soon enough, though she knew even then, her mother would still be exhausted from taking care of them, but she also knew her father would help as much as possible, along with her grandparents. Her gaze darted back to Alex, and she wondered how long it would be until they had their first pup.

"I know. Charlotte has helped quite a bit. She's so excited for these pups!"

"Well I need to go but I will call you soon," Noelle said softly.

"Okay. Be safe. I love you," Jenna said.

"I love you too, Mama." Noelle ended the call and sighed, leaning back in her seat.

"Is your mother pregnant?" Alex asked her curiously.

She wasn't overly surprised that he heard both sides of the phone call. "She is with twins. She's due in two months."

"Your father must be excited," he commented. She could already see the questions in his eyes. A daughter in college and pregnant with twins? She'd wonder about that too.

"He is. I'm a little surprised that he left her but it has to be a quick trip or he wouldn't have," Noelle said, putting her phone away. She waited for him to ask more questions, but he didn't. She didn't really want to discuss everything in front of his sister either. She had her attention on her phone again, though she would still occasionally shoot a glare their way. Flora wasn't the most friendly person, and she didn't seem to like her brother, or Noelle by extension.

Noelle spent part of the flight dozing and the other part thinking and reading. Alex had been working most of it and paid very little attention to her. He was either on his phone or on his laptop or both.

Their relationship was something that was going to have to be figured out. Alex was an Alpha for a pack already and if he was thirty, he probably had been for a while now. So far he had no idea who she was. He would no longer be able to remain Alpha of his pack if they were to be together. She would not give up her position as Alpha Queen. Not even for her own mate. It was something that would need to be discussed between them but so far he hadn't given her the chance.

It wasn't something she wanted to discuss in front of Flora anyway. She didn't want to blindside him with something like that in front of his sister who was constantly glaring at her. And last night, she'd been too tired. She had no idea what Flora's problem was, but the she-wolf was irritating.

She found herself wondering if Flora was actually his girlfriend and he had lied to Noelle, not wanting her to be upset about Flora. It would explain the glares. But she could see the resemblance between them, so she didn't think that was the case.

She remembered that Flora had been annoyed with Alex last night before he'd even laid eyes on her. Maybe she was still.

Either way, Noelle wanted to get to the bottom of it all. She needed to talk to Alex about everything, especially before he marked her.

She and her father had quite extensively discussed her future mate before she'd turned eighteen. She knew having an Alpha as a mate could possibly result in a rejection. She'd been warned about it more than once. It was her lot in life if she chose to become Queen. She'd had to take it in consideration. She couldn't just settle for anyone.

Her father had also spoken to her about possibly taking a chosen mate as well. Not that he wanted her to. She knew that but it was always something to consider. Especially if she was forced to reject her fated mate. And possibly a second chance mate. That would be epic.

But she didn't want that. She wanted to be with her fated. Her gaze darted up to Alex. He was her fate and she would hopefully be able to make it work with him. But her position as queen would always come first. She'd had to accept that when she decided to be Queen. It was why she'd had so many discussions with both Daniel and Caleb. They wanted her to fully understand what all that entailed. Her wolf Holly was aware of it as well.

She spent a good deal of time talking to her wolf too. But Holly had always said they were meant to be Queen. She was aware as well that it might mean giving up their fated mate but she promised to be as supportive as she could and to understand that was just the way it might be. They both were well aware and had been for a long time. Well before they had turned eighteen.

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now