Chapter 60

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"Come on in," Daniel greeted Nick when he knocked on his door. He wasn't surprised to see Noelle with him. His gaze darted between them, looking at their necks. No mark yet. Not that he was surprised really. He knew Noelle was going to be extremely tired after yesterday with all of the power she'd used. She hadn't slept enough.

Nick sat down in front of his desk while Noelle settled on the couch. Her gaze darted up to him. You're not going to try to control our relationship are you?

He raised an eyebrow at her. I'm his Alpha Noelle. Basically his boss.

She didn't respond.

Do you know how many packs he's the liaison for?


Look at the white board.

She looked on the wall behind her, then suddenly stood and took a better look. "Oh wow."

Nick knew they were having a conversation and wondered if it was about him. His gaze darted over to where Noelle was looking, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Did you know you had that many packs, Nick?" Daniel asked him.

"I knew there was a lot, but I didn't realize it was that many," he admitted. Someone had taken the time to list all of the pack liaisons along with the packs they took care of. His list was three times as long as anyone else's.

"I never realized you had that many either. You're overworked, Nick," Daniel told him.

He sat back in his chair, and met Daniel's gaze. Before, his excuse had been that he wasn't mated, but now.. he didn't want that many.

"Jenna and Talia worked on that list yesterday to keep themselves preoccupied. I'd like for you to at least cut it in half, but that's going to be up to you. If I order you to, Noelle might come after me," he smirked.

Nick smiled. He had a feeling that's what they'd been linking each other about. "I'm willing to do that. I have other priorities now." He looked at Noelle. "But that's a lot of packs to split up. Especially right now." He looked pointedly at Daniel.

"Mitch and Lucy are going to take a few, and we have Liam and Finn as well, once they're out of school. They need to earn their keep." He smiled. "Astrid can teach Liam, but someone will have to work with Finn. I know you have six pack visits scheduled for the next two months. I'm taking at least three off your hands."

Nick nodded, feeling a slight bit of relief. It was kind of overwhelming seeing how much work he'd been handling for so long. He'd just taken it a visit at a time. "I'm fine with that."

"Okay. I need to work on this mess," Daniel said, waving at the board. "I need to talk to the twins and some others before I get it all finalized. Your next visit is this weekend and you're definitely giving that pack up."

Nick frowned and pulled out his phone, looking to see who he was supposed to be visiting. He frowned. "I'm fine with that." His gaze flicked up to Daniel.

Daniel clenched his jaw. "Not sure who I will send. Maybe Ragnar."

"He might be the best choice," Nick agreed.

"I'll let you know when I get it figured out. I know you two need to get going," Daniel smiled at Noelle.

They both stood and Daniel hugged his daughter. "I'll see you soon. Stay out of trouble. At least until the new pups are like two years old or so."

"I'll try. But no promises," she laughed.

"Say goodbye to your mother before you go," he said.

"I will. Love you."

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now