Chapter 10

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Nick pulled into the parking lot of the hotel they'd stayed in last night and parked the car. They walked inside and up to the front desk.

"Can we get a room for the night? Two beds please," Nick smiled at the clerk, who seemed a bit frazzled. He was the same one they'd spoken to yesterday, though his demeanor today was much more stressed.

"You're in luck. There's only one left. It's our honeymoon suite though. King sized bed with a jacuzzi," the clerk said, looking at his computer. "I don't have a room with two beds available."

Nick frowned and glanced at Noelle who shrugged. "Never mind." He wasn't staying in a honeymoon suite with her. That wouldn't be at all awkward.

"Suit yourself, but you're not going to find another one unless you go a few hours up the road. There's a convention in town and everything is booked up. Only reason I have this one is because someone called and cancelled," the clerk said, his eyes still on the screen. "Not getting married after all."

Nick raised an eyebrow at the clerk, and saw the man squirm a bit.

Just take it, Noelle linked him and he looked back at her. He could do this. He'd sleep on the couch and she could have the bed. Hopefully there was a couch.

"We'll take it." Nick pulled out his wallet and the clerk set them up in the room. He frowned when he heard the price. The room had better be worth it. Not that he really cared about the money, but still. The place wasn't nice enough to be charging that much for a room. Honeymoon suite or not.

He grabbed the room keys and then set off to find the room, Noelle close behind him. It was on the second floor all the way at the end. He walked inside and looked around. His heart stopped.

The king sized bed really wasn't and it was heart shaped along with the Jacuzzi tub that was off to one side. It was overly gaudy with way too many hearts everywhere he looked. The color scheme was of course red and pink. He noticed the chocolates placed in strategic places and the bottle of champagne on the nightstand with some glasses. Well, this was just perfect for a nice night with a beautiful, sexy woman that he couldn't touch.

Noelle walked in behind him and dropped her bag as her mouth dropped open. "Oh my," she whispered, looking around. "Well now you know the first place to bring your mate when you meet her."

Nick laughed, easing the awkwardness, glad she was cracking jokes. She wasn't running for the hills, screaming. He didn't know how he'd feel if he was a single she-wolf being forced to share a room with a man she probably viewed as a brother. Which, he supposed, might be why she was okay with it. She trusted him. And why wouldn't she? He'd never given her a reason not to, nor would he.

He walked slowly over to the bed and sat his bag down, glancing around. There were several chairs and a love seat, but no couch. He'd have to sleep on the floor. Great.

"Holy cannoli, this bathroom," Noelle muttered as she walked into it.

Nick turned and his eyes almost popped out of his head. There was no door and the shower was huge and the door clear. Why had he expected any less? This room was designed for a newly wedded couple and screamed sex. It didn't scream privacy.

"At least you get some privacy when you have to poop," Noelle laughed, opening a small closet.

Nick snorted at her comment. "That's good. Are you really okay staying here, Noelle? We could probably go sleep on the plane." There was also only one bed on the plane, but he could pull up some armrests and stretch out over the seats. It wouldn't be very comfortable, but it would be more so than the floor. And the shower would be private. Though it was tiny and not really built for a large man. Werewolf or not.

"It's fine, Nick. It's only one night," Noelle said, walking back across the room and stopping a few feet from him. "Why don't we go grab lunch and we can come back here and discuss what Hailey told us."

"Sounds good." And he could get out of the room that screamed sex for a bit. He wasn't even sure he'd want to bring a woman back here if he was alone. Might give her the wrong idea. He wasn't looking for romance. Not unless she was his mate.

An hour later, they were seated back in the hotel room at a small table. They both ate, and then cleared the table off and pulled out their laptops. They would still need to write a report for their meeting with Blake and Hailey today. He would put that in both Sierra Nevada's file and Salt Flat's.

"So I think Hailey is afraid of men in general," Noelle started. "She's even afraid of Blake."

"I noticed that. He hasn't marked her yet, either." Nick opened his file for Salt Flats and made a few notes.

"I don't think she's ready for that. Honestly, I don't think they've done more than hug," Noelle sad quietly, staring across the room. "Someone seriously has a thing for red."

Nick glanced up and smiled as he saw her looking around the gaudy room. She looked back at him and he saw her eyes glow briefly. "Did she say anything significant when we left the room?"

Noelle was quiet for a moment, thinking back over the conversation. "She said she wasn't as bad off as some. She also said she can't trust."

"She can't trust Blake?" If she couldn't trust her own mate, then who could she trust? Something had happened to her to make her lose all trust in anyone and everyone.

"She didn't specify anyone. She just said she couldn't trust, but if I had my guesses, I'd say men in general," Noelle looked back at Nick and sighed.

Nick sat back, thinking. He'd notice that Hailey had never even looked at him. She'd kept her head low and avoided him like the plague. He'd never met her before today that he was aware of. He thought back over the few times he'd met Mason, then further back. No, he had met her before, but it had been a long time ago. "Hold on."

He looked through older notes until he found what he wanted. "I met Hailey three years ago. She was a different woman then. Vibrant and outgoing." He got quiet for a moment, thinking. "If I remember correctly, she flirted with me."

"Didn't put that in your notes?" Noelle asked him.

He smirked. "Apparently not, but it also explains why I'd forgotten about it. The girl I met back then and the girl I saw yesterday are as different as night and day." And it was sad to see such a difference.

"Did you...?" Noelle raised an eyebrow at him.

He frowned at her. Was she seriously asking him what he thought she was. "Did I what?"

"You know.."

He watched her cheeks turn red and wanted to laugh but he didn't. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he lied.

"Never mind." She looked away.

"Spit it out, Noelle." He was kind of enjoying this.

She glared at him. "Did you have sex with her?"

He stared at her, faking how shocked he was. "No!"

Noelle rolled her eyes and he smirked. "You knew what I was asking you the entire time," she accused.

"Perhaps. But she was fifteen, and I don't sleep with she-wolves at the packs I visit. But they do try. When you start doing your own pack visits, you'll have men try to get you in bed with them," he told her. He'd been propositioned many, many times through the years. He'd learned early on to never take them up on it.

He watched Noelle shake her head and wondered what she was thinking. He had a feeling her father wouldn't give her any packs with unmated Alphas. Not that she wouldn't put them in their place if they tried anything. Noelle Remington wasn't going to let any man take advantage of her.

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