Chapter 31

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A half hour later, Noelle stood outside the door of the small room they used to greet guests. Her father stood beside her and Nick was also there, his gaze on her.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" Daniel asked her.

"No. I need to do this alone. I'll be fine," she told him. There was no bond between them anymore. She was already very drawn to Nick, and her gaze darted over to him again. He looked so good today.

"He's going to try to convince you to come back to him," Daniel warned her.

"I know. He's not going to though." That was one thing she was sure of. She belonged to Nick now, and only Nick. He was the only one for her. She was very sure of that. As long as he wanted to be with her.

Daniel took her hand in his. "If you need me, Noelle, just link me. I'm not going anywhere."

She nodded, then took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and stepped into the room.

His scent didn't call to her like it did a few days ago. She barely noticed it now. Her body didn't react to his gaze as he stood and walked over to her. He was just another Alpha now. One she'd like to punch in the face.

She'd worn a blue dress that went just below her knees and heels. Diplomatic was what it screamed. Definitely not sexy, though it fit her well and flattered her figure. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders, and she'd put on enough makeup to just highlight her features. She looked good and she knew it.

He was in jeans and a T-shirt and he looked tired. His gaze moved over her, making her a bit uncomfortable. "Noelle."

"Alpha Alex. What can I do for you?" She didn't want to do anything for him. She wanted him gone.

"Come back to me." His gaze swept over her possessively and Noelle sighed inwardly.

"You rejected me. You cut the bond. You're married, Alpha. Your wife is pregnant," she reminded him, needlessly.

"I will get a divorce." His gaze hadn't left her. "I want you back."

"Alpha Alex, do you know what being mated to me means?" She asked. She wondered if she could just punch him in the throat. She might kill him though. Probably wouldn't be good if she killed her ex mate.

"It means I'll be King. And I'll have you," he added the end as an afterthought and Noelle quickly realized what he really wanted. He'd had time to think about the power he was giving up. It was enticing. And a huge red flag to her.

"No. It means you will leave your pack and come here to Pennsylvania. You will submit to me. One day I will be the Alpha Queen," she reminded him. "I will be your Alpha."

He opened his mouth and then snapped it shut again. "You are a woman."

She desperately wanted to roll her eyes. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. "Well, I'm glad you noticed. I'm a Remington, Alpha. I am more powerful than you think I am. I will not be manipulated, and I will not bow down to you. You are not my equal, but as my mate, I would have accepted you as such. I cannot mate with a man who is already married and has children. What kind of Queen would I be?" She watched him grow annoyed with her, but she remained as calm as she could. He had a temper. She could see them clashing over and over again.

"You'd give up your fated mate.." He stared down at her incredulously.

"Yes. I did." She stared down her nose at him in return.

"You won't get another." He said it as a taunt which really irritated her. He was trying to push her buttons, trying to manipulate her now and that pissed her off. She could hear Holly growling in her mind.

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now