Chapter 12

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"Oh Nick, Darling, could you come help zip me up?" Noelle called suddenly.

Had she just called him darling? But he quickly realized she was giving him an out and he turned towards the dressing room. "Excuse me." He hurried back and saw her standing in the doorway.

Noelle looked up at him and smirked. Are you trying to pick up women?

He frowned at her and she laughed and turned around. He carefully zipped up the dress for her, then looked over her head to the mirror on the back wall of the dressing room. "It looks really good on you." She looked gorgeous in the dress.

She smiled at his reflection. "Thanks."

"You going to buy it?" he asked her, still watching her.

"Yes, but not from her. I'll order it online and have it shipped home. Then I don't have to drag it all over the country," she said, holding up her phone, the website already pulled up.

"Well I'll get out of your hair and let you change." He took a step back.

"And get harassed again?" She reached forward and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him inside. She pushed the door shut then turned around. "Unzip me?"

His eyes widened at what had just happened, but he did as she asked, pulling her zipper down. He tried to avoid looking at her bare back.

"Turn around."

He did as she asked and waited while she changed.

"Okay, let's get out of here," Noelle said, walking around him and opening the door.

Nick followed her out and immediately spotted the blond woman, glaring at them.

Noelle fell back and slipped her arm through his. "I've had so much fun today, Baby." She smiled up at him.

He looked down at her and wrapped his arm around her. "Me too." He dropped a kiss on her forehead. The moment they were out of the store, he let go of her.

Noelle laughed. "That was fun."

"Thanks for helping me avoid prowling women," he grimaced.

"Anytime," she smiled up at him. "You ready to get out of here?"

"I sure am."

They stopped on the way back to the hotel to get dinner. Once they were back, Noelle turned to Nick. "How are we handling showers?"

Nick glanced over at the shower again and frowned. The shower was positioned in such a way that if someone was sitting on the bed, they could plainly watch whoever was bathing. He looked around the room. "You shower and I'll sit in this chair over here." He walked over to it and sat down. From this spot, he wouldn't be able to watch her bathe. Why did he find that a bit disappointing? He pushed that thought out of his mind.

Noelle nodded and grabbed her bag, pulling out what she needed. She disappeared from his view, though he could plainly hear her taking off her clothes and getting into the shower. He stared off into space, trying not to visualize her naked. What the heck was wrong with him? He needed to find himself a woman and stop thinking about Daniel's daughter. Who was a woman. A very beautiful woman, that he'd had a lot of fun with today. This was probably a one-time thing. Unless she wanted to do more pack visits with him. He wouldn't mind that.

"I'm done."

He looked up to see her back over at her bag, putting her clothes away. She had on a pair of shorts and a tank top and he found himself looking at her long legs. He quickly looked away and stood.

"Are you going to take one?" She turned to him.

"Yeah." He walked over to his own bag and picked it up.

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now