Chapter 21

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She watched Alex work. She was drawn to him much more than she had been to Ian or Nick. She could feel the bond between them, feel her need to be with him and to soothe him.

Something had him completely distracted most of the plane ride and he seemed stressed out. She watched him pace back and forth, listening to somebody on the phone. Noelle hadn't bothered to listen in to the call at all. It was his business and whatever it was, it was annoying him to no end. She watched him run his hands through his black hair again messing it up even more than it already was.

Alex finally ended the call and sat down. "I'm so sorry that I have been busy this entire time, but I made arrangements for us to have a couple days alone at my pavilion. That way we can get to know each other. No work, no pack business. Just you and I alone."

"That would be wonderful." It would give her time to speak to him about everything and they could figure out if this was going to work. She wanted it to, but at the same time, she could see it being rather complicated, and she couldn't be selfish. Her heart felt heavy at the thought of possibly have to reject him. She could feel herself holding back a bit. She was nervous about it.

'Just wait and see. Everything may work out better than we think it will. Stop being negative,' Holly told her.

'Trust me. I'm not trying to be, but we have to make the best decision,' She responded.

'Don't worry. We will.'

The plane landed and Noelle looked out the window. Alex leaned in close behind her. "See that building over there?" He pointed at a large structure off in the distance. "That's the pack house. We'll be back here in a few days. My pavilion is on a private island."

"It's lovely," Noelle said, looking the place over. The building was large and well cared for, reflecting positively on him.

Flora departed the plane, barely acknowledging Alex or Noelle as she walked by.

"I apologize for my sister's rude behavior," Alex said, watching her go. She could tell it annoyed him.

"It's fine." She hoped to one day be friends with his sister.

They both departed the plane as well and Alex took her over to where a helicopter was waiting for them. He helped her into a seat and the helicopter took off and out over the water. Noelle stared out the window, looking out at the water. It was quite beautiful. She wondered how he was going to feel about living in Pennsylvania. At least they had lakes.

The flight was short and only took about fifteen minutes. Once they landed, the guard who had come with them grabbed their bags and they followed him up to the house. She was a little surprised he only brought one guard, but she supposed it was because they were going to be secluded.

Noelle followed Alex inside and looked around. The place was made of mostly glass and gave a great view of the water and the beauty of the island. It wasn't a very big island and she could easily see the water no matter where she looked out from the house.

"What do you think?" Alex asked her. She realized while she'd been looking around, he'd been looking at her and it warmed her heart.

"It's so beautiful," Noelle responded, smiling up at him

Alex walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. "We'll stay here for a couple days before we head to the pack house and I'll show you around there and you can meet my pack before you go back to school."

"Okay that's fine." Noel smiled up at him. "There are things I need to talk to you about as well."

"We'll do that later. Right now, let's eat. I don't know about you but I'm starving." He turned towards the kitchen.

"Me too."

Alex had evidently had someone bring food to the house as there was a meal warming in the oven for them. He pulled it out and served it to her.

The meal was delicious and she enjoyed every bite. He must have an excellent chef. She tried to clean up after but he brushed it off and said somebody else would. She frowned at that, but nodded and left it.

After their late lunch, Alex showed her around the house. It wasn't very big and only had one bedroom, but that room was quite large and a perfect getaway for just the two of them.

He took her outside and they walked down to the beach, then walked along the water, holding hands. Alex spoke about his pack, and Noelle listened quietly. He'd been Alpha for five years and was very proud of how much he'd accomplished in that time. He'd taken a pack that his father had ran into the ground and brought it back up to the place that it was today. It still needed work, but his pack members were much happier than they'd been before he took over.

"So do you have any siblings?" She asked. The man loved to talk and she'd barely said anything to him.

"Yeah, I have a younger brother and of course my sister, Flora," he said. "You said you're mother is pregnant?"

"Yes, plus I also have a younger brother and sister as well. I'm the eldest," she told him. And heir to the throne.

"I was thinking, when you go back to school, we should add Luna classes to your schedule," Alex told her, lightly wrapping an arm around her. "Did you ever think you'd be a Luna?"

"Uh no." Nor would she. "Alex.."

"I think you'll make a great Luna, and you'll have help from..." He stopped.

Noelle looked up and saw the look on his face. He was getting a mind link. He sighed and then cursed under his breath before turning back to her. "I'm sorry, Little Mate, but we have to go back to the pack house. Something came up. Something I unfortunately cannot ignore."

Noelle nodded. So much for some time away. And whatever it was had brought him from calm to completely stressed out in a matter of seconds. Things moved quickly after that and they were soon on the helicopter again and headed back to his pack house.

"We'll come back here soon," Alex told her. "Perhaps over your Christmas break."

"I only have seven weeks left of school," she told him

He gave her a slightly odd look but nodded then smiled. "Seven weeks isn't very long." He frowned again as another mind link came through and he sighed in exasperation.

"What's pulling you away?" Noelle asked him curiously.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that." Alex kissed her forehead.

"Alex, if I'm to be your mate.." Noelle reminded him. If he thought he was going to leave her out of things, he was seriously mistaken.

"Like I said, don't you worry your pretty little head about it," Alex said, his eyes glowing, as his wolf came forward, and she could tell he was giving her a warning.

Noelle frowned at him but didn't say anything as the helicopter was already landing, completely distracting him.

They both got on board and he ignored her on the flight back. She was thankful it was short.

Alex got out, then held out a hand to Noelle, helping her out. The helicopter landing pad was located on the end of a dock, and they both walked up it. A car awaited them at the end, and Alex suddenly wrapped an arm around Noelle and pulled her against him. "Don't ever question me, Noelle. Not in front of anyone." He growled against her ear.

She stared up at him in surprise as she felt his aura press down on her. Did he seriously think he could dominate her?

'This mate of ours needs to be put in his place,' Holly growled, not liking the show of dominance.

"Alex, I will not.." She started forcefully.

"Enough!" He growled, cutting her off. "Get in the damn car. I don't have time for this right now." He stalked off and Noelle watched him go, shocked at his actions.

She climbed into the car herself, knowing she needed to talk to him sooner rather than later, or this just wasn't going to work. She would not be dominated and disrespected by any Alpha male like that. Mate or not.

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now