Chapter 8

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It took them an hour to get to Sierra Nevada Pack lands and Nick pulled up in front of the pack house. Blake and Hailey walked out to greet them and Noelle noticed immediately that she looked better just in the short time since Noelle had last seen her. She'd filled out some and looked happier, and a bit more relaxed.

She greeted the other woman warmly, hoping to put her at ease. Blake took them up to their private apartment. Nick had explained over the phone to Blake that he wanted Hailey to be as comfortable as possible.

Noelle watched the dynamics between the couple. It was obvious that Blake adored Hailey and she him, though she didn't fully trust him, which broke Noelle's heart. Remembering Mason's and Rob's eyes on her, she could understand why the woman had trust issues.

The men sat on one side of the living room, chatting with each other, while Noelle sat with Hailey, making mundane conversation. She watched Hailey's gaze dart over to Blake several times though she avoided looking at Nick all together. It wasn't the fact that her father was King that intimidated Hailey, Noelle realized, it was the fact that her father was a man. She was afraid of men in general.

"We visited Salt Flats Pack yesterday," Noelle told her after a bit, watching fear appear in Hailey's eyes, and the woman shrank into herself as she looked down at her own hands.

"And?" she asked softly.

"Everything appeared normal, but I only saw two women while we were there," Noelle told her, watching her closely.

Hailey's shoulders fell and she sighed.

"Hailey, we want to help. We really do, but we need to know what we're looking for," Noelle said gently, reaching out to take her hand.

Hailey stiffened a bit, then Noelle watched her visibly force herself to relax. "I can't say anything bad about my pack," she said quietly.

Noelle frowned. "Can't or won't?" She hadn't missed the way Hailey had worded it.

"I can't say anything bad about my pack," she repeated, her gaze meeting Noelle's for a moment before she dropped it again.

Noelle's gaze darted over to Nick and Blake. Blake was looking at Hailey but Nick wasn't. After the initial meeting, he'd avoided looking at her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. She's been commanded not to, Nick linked her.

Yeah, Noelle agreed. She'd been thinking the same. It's why she'd asked her the way she had. "Do you want to?"

Hailey nodded, tears in her eyes as she bit her lip. Blake suddenly stood and walked over, unable to stay away, and sat down next to her on the couch. He didn't touch her and Noelle could see the pain in his eyes. He looked at Noelle helplessly.

"I can override the command, but I don't want to. It will be excruciating for her if I do so," Noelle told him sadly.

He paled. "Please don't."

Hailey looked up at Noelle. "You can?"

Noelle nodded and looked away. "I don't want to Hailey. Trust me, it's not going to be pleasant."

"But if it helps." She stared down at her hands again.

Noelle looked at Nick who hadn't moved from his seat. He raised an eyebrow at her and she knew he was telling her that she needed to make a decision. Would you?


She agreed with him. Hailey was fragile enough without Noelle overriding an Alpha Command. She looked back at Hailey. "Where are all of the women?"

Hailey suddenly reached out and took Blake's hand, and Noelle saw the surprise and joy that crossed his face. "Mostly underground."

Noelle sat back at that. They were keeping the women underground? Why? That explained why she hadn't seen any but the two that had served them their meal. She thought for a moment, debating what and how to ask questions. "How can I get to them?"

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now