Chapter 69

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Noelle settled back on the table. She wasn't herself. She felt like she was running on autopilot. Sebastian approached her from one side, while Alex approached her from the other.

Sebastian set to work on her shoulder. The pain was almost unbearable, and while Alex had at first been just standing there watching, now he had ahold of her, holding her down while his Beta worked. She wanted to fight him, knew she was stronger than him, but she forced herself not too.

After several moments, she blacked out. Alex felt the change and looked down to see her eyes closed. "Probably for the best," he muttered.

"I've almost got it," Sebastian said, "Hand me those tweezers."

"They're not clean," Alex protested.

"It doesn't matter."

Alex handed them to him and he fished the bullet out, and dropped it on a tray. He breathed a small sigh of relief, then pulled on a fresh pair of gloves and cleaned the wound.

Alex covered her as Sebastian watched the wound close.

"Wow," he muttered.

"It healed that fast?" Alex said in amazement.

"Yeah." Sebastian shook his head. "She said she's not your average werewolf."

"I'd say. I'm still concerned with how she'll be over her mate's death." Alex sighed. It should be him. Not Nick. But he'd been stupid, getting involved with another woman before he'd even turned eighteen, and making promises he should have never made. He'd hurt two women in the process and would now lose them both. His wolf was still furious with him for the mess he'd made.

He looked at Noelle now. She would have been his, this tiny little she-wolf who had the power to Command him. It sorta blew his mind. But he'd wasted it before he'd even known her. She was so beautiful. How would it have been to have her in his arms every night, to be able to claim her over and over again? Instead Nick got that pleasure.

He watched her eyelids flutter open and she looked up at him. "Is it out?"

"Yes, Princess. It's out. How do you feel?"

She was quiet for a moment. "I'm fine. Really. I'm more concerned about Nick now. I need to see him."

They both just looked at her, and then Alex sighed. "I'll take you to him."

"Where's my shirt?"

Sebastian handed it to her and she quickly slipped it on. Alex led her down the hall and to the room where Nick was, but before they could walk in, the doctor hurried out.

"Princess! It's a miracle! Your mate is breathing again and his heart is beating! I want to take him into surgery!" The doctor exclaimed.

"That's not necessary, doctor. His body will heal up quickly on its own. He just needed that bullet out," Noelle told him.

He frowned at her. "That's why you kept demanding I take it out."

She lifted her eyebrows at him.

"Well, I am a little concerned about brain damage from him not breathing for so long," the doctor said.

"He'll be fine," Noelle said. She just wanted to get in there and see him.

"What about the bullet in your shoulder?"

"I made Sebastian remove it." She smiled at him.


"It's not a big deal." She pulled back her shirt and showed him her shoulder.

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now