blake and ryan

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-Taylors Pov-

The doorbell rings and I run to open it "Taylor!" Blake gushes and I bring her in for a hug "Blake!" I match her enthusiasm before turning to her husband Ryan and their four kids. "looking good Taylor" Ryan says as he gives me a hug.

"Aunty Taylor. Mommy says you have babies now?" Inez says and I nod "I sure do. two of them even. Isn't that cool?"

"Are they stinky like Anna?" she scrunches her nose and I nod "Yeah babies are a bit stinky at times. But they also have a good baby smell. Come on, let me show you."

(A/N couldn't find anything on the smallest Reynolds child. So I'm going with a girl, Anna)

Taking her hand in mine we head into the house, and I have two other kids hot on my heels while Anna toddles around next to Ryan.

Travis is with the babies in the living room and Betty stops dead in her tracks when she sees him "Wow he is big" she says as she points to Travis. There is a quiet moment before the adults burst out laughing.

"Betty, honey, you can't say that about people," Blake tells her little girl while I can tell Ryan has a comment on the tip of his tongue. Blake turns to him "Don't you dare Ryan" already knowing that he has something on his mind. He throws his hands up, acting all innocent and I laugh again.

"oh my Taylor, they are beautiful" Blake gushes as she sees the babies for the first time in person. I've already sent her plenty of pictures, but there is something special about seeing something for yourself. "thanks. I'm in love" I sigh contently.

"hi Maddie, hi Avery," James says as she hangs over the bassinet. She is their oldest child and the kid at the start of the gorgeous song I wrote all those years ago. It's precious to see her grow up into a young lady.


We left Ryan and Travis at home with the kids, all six of them, while Blake and I headed to the spa. Travis still feels bad about the pia thing, so he got us a day spa appointment to get pampered. I've told him to stop apologizing, but I'm not going to turn down some R&R either.

"I can't believe you really have kids. It's one thing to know it, but it's another thing to see it" Blake and Ryan would have visited earlier, but they were stuck on a movie set for one of Blake's films and the kids had school. But now they finally got to come here and I'm so excited to spend the week with them.

"Sometimes I can't believe it either. But then I look at them and I just... I melt Blake. They are so precious. Even their projectile pooping and peeing is adorable to me."

We are on massage tables being worked on while we talk, so the talking is slightly scrunched up by the pressure on our faces. The employees are really working on my tight muscles and I'm so excited about how good it's going to feel afterwards. It hurts right now, but damn I know the reward is worth it.

"having kids.... I tell you Taylor it's the best thing in the world. Sure it's a lot of stress and work, but the payoff is worth every second of it. I remember when James was born and I didn't think I could do this, but then I did, and I feel silly now all these years later when I thought I couldn't do something that's been the best thing to happen to me" she says, and I hope I feel the same way in a few years.

Being a new parent is hard work, especially if you don't have kids already. But I wouldn't be without the twins in exchange for anything. Sure I had to upend my life, move to a new city, and push back my tour, but it's been worth it. seeing them every day, seeing them grow, it's the biggest gift I could ever imagine. It's like a fucking drug seeing them develop.

"yesterday Maddie rolled from both her back and stomach and I thought I might die of pride," I tell her. Avery can only roll one way so far, he struggles more than she does, but he will get there soon too. he almost got it, but I think he hesitates more than his sister does.

"It's so exciting when they can do new things. I know the second Anna started walking I was dying of excitement. Especially since I think she will be our last kid it was a really emotional moment for us" Blake says. She has talked about not having any more kids, but only time will tell if that's the case or not. I have always imagined them with a whole soccer team of kids, they are the kind of people who would have that type of thing.

"do you want more kids?" she asks, and I hesitate for a moment. It's not like I haven't thought about what the future might bring for us, because I see myself growing old with Travis. But isn't it a little early to decide? I don't know. But I've been thinking that if I'm going to have more kids I want to adopt. I want to adopt someone who is otherwise considered hard to place so a kid that normally wouldn't get a forever family got one.

"not for a while. The twins are so small still. But probably eventually. I haven't talked to Travis about it though. But I see myself adopting at some point. It just... it feels right you know. It feels like it's something I was meant to do at some point" I've felt that way for years, that I was meant to bring a non-biological child into my family. Time will tell if that's going to work out or not though, I'm not in a rush.

We stay in silence for a while as they finish up our massages. Now it's time for a bubble bath, so we get a glass of sparkles each and sink into the water. It's just us here, Travis is a bit extra and rented out the place so it's just us for the few hours we are going to be here.

"do you see yourself marrying Travis though? Because I've been wondering about that" Blake asks, and I feel the heat creep up my face. sure I've thought about marriage because I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. I've always seen myself as the marriage type of girl, and I know that's something I want for my future. But it's not like I'm going to put pressure on Travis about it, especially now. We have been together for about a year, that's not long at all in the big scheme of things. But life is also short, so I don't want to wait for years either. When you know someone is the right person for you, you just know, and I don't see the need to wait forever to lock it down.

"yeah, I do. it's all a matter of when though. The last thing I want is to be the bridezilla that pressures him. He had enough of that with his ex. When it happens it happens, it's on him to propose. I'm just going with what happens and working on solidifying our relationship as it is right now. I'm so tired of arguing and all that. I want us to be happy, be the little family we are creating you know?"

I'm in no rush in this, getting married isn't my first priority. I'm more interested in solidifying the relationship and taking care of the kids. A lot is going to happen this fall, with his season starting and my tour starting again. We have a lot to deal with so I'm not rushing into anything. I'm going to live in the moment and really take in the beauty of it. 

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