this the season

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-Taylors Pov-

Christmas is my favorite holiday, especially now that we have kids who are more aware of what's happening. Last year they were just babies, not even walking yet, but this year they are more grown, and it shows in all aspects of our lives.

"do you think they're going to like it?" I ask Travis as we lay in bed waiting for the usual wakeup from the kid's baby monitors. We told them that Santa is coming, not that they actually realize what that truly means but at least I can get excited on their behalf.

"they are. You put a lot of love into it this year and the kiddos are going to be all over it" Travis says and kisses me softly.

"You know, next year there might be more of us at Christmas" I can't help but be excited as I think about the future, and what it might look like. We are going to meet with an adoption agency after Christmas, already made the appointment, and I'm excited to see where that road might take us. It might not pan out, and be the wrong choice after all, but we won't know before we talk to them. I think it's going to be a great thing for us and our little family.

"we might have a house filled with kids" Travis agrees, and I lean over to kiss him again just as the baby monitor goes off in Maddie's room. "the princess is up."

Usually in our house Maddie is the first one up and then we go together to get Avery. I like to have them up at similar times so they can go down for a nap at the same time as well. Thankfully Avery isn't bothered by being woken up.

"I'll get the princess and you get our little man?" I suggest as we slip out of bed and into pajamas. We spent the night tangled in sheets, ringing in Christmas in style, so I'm butt naked. But it's not Christmas morning without walking around in your pj's until you have to change.

Travis has a game today, so we have to be dressed at a reasonable hour today, but we can still enjoy Christmas morning. My parents and brother are visiting us as well, probably asleep in another room unless Maddie's screams for her mama haven't woken them. The girl doesn't quietly wake up in her crib, no she screams bloody murder for her mama or her dada until someone comes and gets her. And her room is next to her brother's so sometimes he is already awake due to his sisters' antics before we get to wake him up.

"Mama!" Maddie screams from her room and I meet with my mom in the hallway "Good morning honey. I think the princess is requesting our presence" she chuckles, and I give her a quick morning hug before going to get my girl.

"Mama!" she whimpers when she sees me, and I stifle my laugh at her dramatics. "yes, mama is here. it's okay."

I pick her up and change her nappy before meeting up with Travis in Avery's room just as he is finishing changing his nappy as well. With twins it's a lot of divides and conquer to handle both kids, we take one each. But we try to not always do the same kid, sometimes I do Avery, and other times Maddie. It's good for them to have both of us, not just get overly attached to one. But Maddie is in a real mommy phase at the moment, it's all about mommy all the time.

Together we head downstairs to a living room dressed up for Christmas in style. The tree has a range of presents in different sizes going up the sides of the tree, it's like Christmas threw up in here and I'm loving it. I might have gone a bit overboard this year, but I'm just so excited to have kids who are able to help open presents and enjoy the toys they get differently than last year.

"Look, Maddie, look Avery. Santa came while you were asleep. He came with loads of presents for you!" I chime and bounce Maddie in my arms making her giggle. "mama" she lays her head on my shoulder before wiggling to get down. My little girl toddles over to the tree, looking at everything in awe just as my parents and brother come downstairs.

Being over the top got everyone matching pajamas for the occasion and everyone kindly humor my antics by wearing them.

Together we all sit on the floor and couches to open the presents Santa left us. The kids get all the toys they could dream of, but also clothing and books that they need. It's good to give them something they need for Christmas as well, and something educational. Maddie gets a few new dolls and dresses for them; Avery gets cars because he loves to play with little cars or action figures. By now I think Maddie has all the Disney princess toddler and baby dolls, she loves them all and I'm trying to teach her to play tea party with them because I think that's cute.

"this one is for you," Travis says and hands me a neatly packed present. Opening it I'm met with a Cartier box and inside there is a bracelet with three charms, Avery, Maddie, and Travis's initials. It's the cutest present he could have gotten me and now I can carry them around with me when I'm away. "help me put it on" I say and hold out my arm for him, and he does it.

For him, I got some cufflinks because he lost his at an away game, and for fun, I got him a DILF shirt because I saw it and laughed my ass off. I was reading this book series, called "Playing for Keeps" by Becka Mack, and there my favorite character Carter Beckett got several for himself when he became a dad and I'm loving all the content from him. Needs to say I was inspired and knew I needed to get one for my man. He is the ultimate DILF after all.

"thank you, I love this" Travis laughs his ass off as he looks at the shirt "I knew I had DILF potential. Good to have it official. You bet your ass I'm going to wear this to the stadium today," he says, and I don't doubt he will for a second. My man knows how to throw in a good joke to get people going for the day. This will for sure make people snicker if not bend over in laughter.


I dressed the kids in Travis's jerseys and Santa hats before we headed to the stadium. Avery dutifully wore the hat while Maddie threw it on the floor the second, we got inside. She doesn't like wearing anything other than bows on her hair, so I thankfully had a Christmas bow tucked in their diaper bag on hand.

"Did I see Travis wearing a DILF shirt?" Brittany snickers and I laugh as I nod "Yes, I was reading this book where the over-the-top hockey player calls himself DILF any chance he gets, and I knew I had to get one for Travis"

"The porny book you tipped me about?" she raises an eyebrow and I grin at her "Of course, you know I like my books with a fair amount of smut" Smutty novels are how I get through downtime while I travel or late nights alone in hotel rooms. A book is better if it has some spice in it, and recently I've been on a hockey romance binge much to Travis's dismay. He prefers if I read football romances because duh, he plays football. But then I whip out my book and read a marked of a spicy scene out loud before I enlist him to act it out with me, and then the sport is forgotten.

"mama arm" Avery toddles over and I lift him up and point to his daddy on the field. "Look Daddy just caught a pass from Uncle Patrick," I tell him. Avery is a big fan of his uncle Pat and Patrick is stoked about his uncle's status. We spend so much time with them, and he is Travis's best friend so since Blake and Ryan got the same status it just made sense. Plus the bigger the village a kid has the better it is. Kids need a village that is there for them, and my kids certainly have one.

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