grandma visits

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-Taylors pov-

My mom is coming for a visit to meet Jacob and Elena for the first time. I'm so excited for her to meet the kids I've fallen more and more in love with every day. With how much I care for them already I can't imagine that my mom won't be in love with them as well. There is nothing about these kids not to like. Their personalities are on point, and they are a joy to have around the house. My mom is going to be ecstatic.

We have waited a while, a few weeks, to have anyone over to meet them. Just to get them settled and not overwhelm them with family and friends right off the bat. We felt school was more than enough to handle in those early weeks, but now it's time to introduce them to the family.

"grama" I hear Maddie shriek from downstairs, so I pull down my shirt and head to join them. Once again, I was standing there looking under my arm at the progressing bruising and bumps. It doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon and I'm worried but ignoring it seems like a good enough way to handle it. if I ignore it long enough it will go away, I'm sure of it.

Downstairs I see my mom in the hall with one kid attached to each leg. Both Maddie and Avery love their grandma, whom they started calling Grama because they struggle with saying grandma yet. "there you are" my mom says, and I go over and hug her over the kids clinging to her legs.

"I see the spider monkeys found you" I chuckle and help my mom disentangle herself from the kids so she can walk. She is wearing her wig again, a long blond one because her hair has never been the same after all the chemo and surgery on her head. It's a self-conscious thing for her so I make it a point to not make a big deal about what she chooses to do on her head. She is my mom regardless; I don't care If she shows off her chemo hair or wears a wig or a scarf.

"Now where is that fiancé of yours, and the two new additions? I've been so excited to meet them" she says. I think they are in the living room so together we head in there where they sure enough are waiting. Elena looks like a nervous wreck while Jacob looks hesitant but also excited.

"Hello, I'm Andrea, Taylor's mom" She introduces herself and the kids do the same. "I'm a hugger" she adds and gives both kids one of her big hugs before giving Travis one.

"good to see you again Andrea," he says and picks up Avery from the floor who came toddling towards his dad. Lately, it's all about Daddy with Avery, he is obsessed with his dad and it's adorable. "dada" he laughs and pokes Travis's chin twice.

Elena stands there awkwardly so I go over to her and put my arm around her shoulders to comfort her. She has allowed more closeness after her breakdown that night after ballet, and I'm basking in it. she is so precious I could eat her up, all four of my kids really.

"I made dinner. It's ready to go on the stove" I say and we all head into the kitchen and take a seat around the dining room table. I love to cook and prefer a homemade meal instead of getting takeout. It's not that I don't like the convenience from time to time, but I think that it's important with a well-balanced home-cooked meal for the most part. Travis is even getting better in the kitchen recently; he cooks basic things now compared to the trainwreck he was when we first met. Back then he didn't know his way around the kitchen but now he is decent.

"It's really good Taylor," Jacob says as he digs into the chili I made today. "thank you, Jacob. I'm glad you like it" The boy is full of energy but also really polite for a ten-year-old.

"you know I barely had to teach Taylor anything in the kitchen. She was a natural from an early age. If I let her, she would cook up a storm or bake. For the most part, she loved baking as a kid" my mom tells the kids. I loved experimenting in the kitchen as well, with all different sorts of spices and recipes. Some didn't turn out edible, but I still learned something from it and that's what's most important.

"do you cook like Taylor Mrs. Swift?" Jacob asks making my mom smile "Oh honey, call me Andrea. We are family now. and yes, I do, I like to think I did teach her something even if she was a natural."

"poo poo" Maddie giggles and I suppress a smile for a stern expression "Maddison, we don't talk about that at the dinner table" I correct her again. She loves to say poo or pee, it's become a real game for her.


Travis is putting Elena and Jacob to bed while I'm downstairs having a glass of wine with my mom. The twins went to bed earlier so it's just the bigger kids. Sure they are old enough to go to bed on their own, but I like the novelty of tucking them in for as long as possible. Before we know it they will be teenagers and not wanting that stuff anymore. For now, they don't seem to mind, it's probably affection they aren't used to from before.

"They are well-behaved" my mom points out and I pour us some white wine "They are. I was a little surprised, but I also didn't really know what to expect you know. It's been hard but wonderful at the same time."

It's a different ballgame parenting pre-teen instead of toddlers, but I think we are doing an okay job at least. They seem happy, or at least like they are settling in well with our family. As far as I know, school is going okay as well, I haven't heard anything else at least.

I twist to get a better position on the couch and wince. "what's wrong honey? Did you pull a muscle?" my mom asks, and I shake my head. I haven't been talking to anyone about my bumps and bruises, it's just something I've tried to ignore. But when it becomes painful in front of people there is only so much explaining I can do without actually telling someone. And maybe my mom will give me some peace of mind?

"I have these bruises under my armpit. And then some bumps that hurt sometimes" I shrug. My mom's eyes widen "Taylor have you been to the doctor? That could be serious" she says.

I shake my head "It's no big deal, it will pass on its own. It's just annoying more than anything else when they hurt. I must have nicked a hair the wrong way while shaving to make some ingrown hairs or something like that. and keep bumping into places to create bruising. I'm just clumsy."

"you might not be the most coordinated person in the world, but you're not that clumsy that you get bruises under your armpit, Taylor. I think there might be more to this. What did Travis say?" Travis saw the bruises once and we haven't talked about it since. Since he hasn't asked about them, I figured there really wasn't that much to worry about for me either.

"I haven't talked to him about it" I admit, and she looks scoldingly at me. "Taylor Alison Swift. You know you're at risk for breast cancer and you haven't gone to the doctor. And now you're telling me you're not telling your fiancé about this? Have you lost your mind?"

"I'm fine Mom. I shouldn't have said anything. There is nothing to worry about. I'm just overreacting about all of this. It will go away on its own, I know it will" I argue, and we just stare at one another for a long time. 

hits different - Taylor Swift and Travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now