Part 51:the kids

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Flora Formula

"So, you're now officially the leader", said Ivan walking through the hallways. "I guess so, yeah", I answered. "Here's the briefing room, that's probably going to with you, me, maybe Matthias as we're here all the time, and, if necessary, your siblings, but yeah, you probably won't allow them here", said Ivan. "Yeah, I'm trying to keep them away from here", I told him looking at the map. "Is every damn thing owned by the mafia", said papa as he looked. There was a world map, your could see all the different mafias and where they're located. "No, some of these are a gang, especially around the US you have a lot. We're the black ones, I Demoni Della Notte", said Ivan. Papa looked confused at me. "The demons of the night", I explained. Papa rolled his eyes. "And what about those, those are empty?", I asked. "We don't know, we definitely know that there's someone there, but they have left us nowhere", explained Ivan. "Alright", I answered. I felt someone hug me from behind. "Hey", he said. "Hey, Matthias", I answered and I smiled. He let me go and stayed back to listen to everything. "How the hell am I going to lead an entire army of jerks?", I asked myself. "You'll survive, just lead them", told Ivan. "Like they're going to follow the orders of a 17-year old girl that races", I said. "Sure they will, girl or not, you're the leader, they have too", told Matthias to me. "Alright, so, I know you're not going to be here much, but you'll lead amazing. And you're probably not going to torture people and hurt them, kill them", told Ivan to me. "If I have to, why not?", I interrupted him. "Really?", asked papa. "Only if it's like, bad, if they have something that we need, but I will mostly just lead it, and not, do it", I answered. "Remember those twins, when you were thirteen, fourteen?", asked Matthias. "Yes?", I asked. "Well, you actually got them better, well, until they died. But, why don't you just come along?", asked Ivan. He walked out. 

"I never thought I would walk here without pain, without someone holding me, without someone holding a gun at me, or without someone telling to me to shut up", told papa. "I've walked here before like this, I sneak out more than you think", I answered. "Wait what?", asked papa. "You don't know?", she's here like, almost, twice, three times a month maybe?", said Ivan. "I try to come every week, but yeah, can't always happen", I said. "You are unbelievable", said papa. "What?", I asked. "I'm going to put locks on your windows", told papa to me. I just scoffed and we got into the room. 

"Line up!", I heard Ivan yell. "The fuck?", I asked before going into the room. I saw a line of children. Damn children. They were sorted by height. The biggest must be, 15 or something. And the youngest, 4, tops. "Ivan, almost half of these children are younger than ten or something", I said. "No, the youngest, is actually, 6, they're, small", explained Ivan. "Small? Small? What do you feed them?", I asked. "Oatmeal", replied Ivan. "They're children", I told him. "So?", he asked. "Whatever, why are they here?", I asked. "We're hoping that they become good soldiers", explained Ivan. "Can they fight?", I asked circling the group. "Some can, some are on their way, and some, yeah, maybe too young", explained Ivan. "Papa, sit down", I ordered him. Papa sat down on the chair, and so did Ivan. "Ivan, don't answer me anymore, I'm going to let them answer the questions", I ordered Ivan afterwards. "Sure", replied Ivan. "Hold up, I want to sit too", said Matthias coming in. He knew it was going to be a show. "So, how old are y'all?", I asked. Most of them are around 11-12. They were with about, 10 or something in total. "Does anybody have a problem with me?", I pulled it straight out of the box. Everyone said no, except for the oldest. "And you?", I asked standing in front of him. "I should stand there right now", he told me. I heard Ivan and Matthias make a sound. They probably thought I was going to kill him. The other children also looked at him. "And why is that?", I asked. "I'm his son, genetics always gets first place", he told me. "Do you think so?", I asked. "Yes, I do, and you're a girl, women can't lead", he spat out. "And why do you think so?", I asked. "They don't have the leader instinct, or the killing instinct, you couldn't possibly beat them", he told me. "Ivan?", I asked. "Yes, ma'am?", he asked. "How long have you guys tried to take out Los Vendettas?", I asked him not releasing eye contact with the high-attitude boy. "30 years", he answered. "How long did I do over it?", I asked. "2 years", replied Ivan. "2 years?", asked ego-boy surprised as I actually did it. "Yeah, and Ivan kidnapped me, so I was pronounced dead for a year, so. And, I'm the youngest to ever beat them, you know when? At 14, Ivan here, Is 46, he still hasn't beat them", I explained him. "You were the one that put them to the ground?", he asked surprised. "Yeah, she was, she had turned 16 right before she killed the leader", replied Matthias for me. "And, women have the feeling of following their hearts, if Matthias his life depended on it, you would save it", he continued. "Damn straight I will", I answered. He looked shocked. "If he was in danger I would protect him. If Ivan was in danger, I would protect him, If your father ever got in danger, I was there to protect him. I don't think you were there, for your own damn father. Yet, I've killed, what my fathers never wanted me to do, just to protect them. I've been tortured to literal death, just to protect my fathers. I don't think you did that, now did you?", I asked him. He was speechless. "I protect, whoever it is, hell, I've saved Ivan right after he tortured me for years", I told him. "I was kept here", he spat out of protection of his own ego. "I was kept in a room too, to chains, unable to walk, yet, I've managed to escape every. Damn. Time.", I continued. I won, dropped the mic. He tried to hit me, but I duck on time. I immediately took him and put him to the ground. "Still think a woman is weak?", I asked. "No, ma'am", he answered, he was shocked and scared at the same time. I let him go and commanded him to go back to his place. "So, why did you take me here?", I asked Ivan. "You're the one that's going to train them, guideline them, you know", he told me. I looked at him in annoyance. Ivan just smiled. "Why don't you floor him?", asked ego-boy again. I turned my face to him. "Sorry ma'am", he said clearing his throat and looking forwards. "He's exactly like you", told Ivan. "Not even a little bit, I can fight, he obviously can't. He's got a freaking ego from three towers long!", I protested. "Alright, come on, let's let little ego over there chill a bit, let's go", said Matthias. Papa and Matthias stood up and were soon followed by Ivan who lead the way. 

"That was absolutely badass", whispered papa in my ears. "Thanks", I answered. I finished the rest of the tour and met a lot of other people. "Hello ma'am, I'm the head of care in this base", said a woman once we entered the hospital of the building. It seems like they really hid a big luxury part that you can get through by a secret way. I shook her hand. "Flora", I introduced. "Agna, my son, Andre, is top of his class", she introduced herself. "Andre, the son of Juraj?", I asked. "Yes", she confirmed. "Yeah, he, let's just say, raised a few concerns to the topic", I told her smiling. "I'm sorry if he's been rude, he's just really upset about the situation", answered Agna with a scared look. "It's fine, I get it, I get why he wants the role", I reassured her. She left out a smile. She showed me around the med bay. After one more day, me and papa left for the road-trip again.

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