3 - An Awkward Moment for Savi & Ishaan

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Savi comes out of the bathroom with wet hair, sling on her right arm, struggling to hook her top with her left hand. Ishaan sees it and feels awkward.

He couldn't face her, but he couldn't ignore her unease either. A lot had happened in the past week. They were both struggling with how to handle their problems, how to act around each other, and what to expect from one another.

As he moved closer to her, she didn't react on purpose. Savi's heart raced as she felt her husband nearing her. She wished she could just leave, but she felt stuck in a commitment that seemed endless to her.

She stood ten feet away from him, each step he took towards her felt like a loud heartbeat to her.

Meanwhile, Ishaan felt as if he was traversing ten miles in those ten steps, with thousands of confusions swirling in his mind. Should he help her? Should he call someone? Should he leave the room? His mind was absent; all decisions were being made by his heart.

Finally, he reached and stood face to face. There was a pin drop silence but the breathe and beats were killing those silences.

Without saying a word, he extended his hand towards her back and holded the hook.

Unintentionally, he glanced at her eyes which were seeing him with questions and hesitations. He got lost in those oceans of emotions for a while. 

She was feeling his presence, his arms around her and was not able to think how to manage her body language. She flinches a bit and breaks that eye lock which led Ishaan to lock the hook.

There were no words. They both looks apart and flashback flashes on their minds!!!

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