17 - Isha Vs Surekha - Who Invited Her?

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As Isha stepped into the reception hall with a determined stride, her presence commanded attention as she fixed her gaze on the gossiping group.

"Excuse me," she said firmly, her voice cutting through the chatter. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. It's disappointing to see such baseless rumors being spread about Savi. Savi isn't an orphan or a poor girl; she has been raised well by a prominent family in Ramtek, from where I also belong."

The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Isha as she continued, her words measured but laced with conviction.

"Savi is a remarkable young woman with her own accomplishments and aspirations. It's time we judged her based on her character and actions, rather than succumbing to idle gossip."

Surekha couldn't stop herself and shouted back, "Who are you to insult my guests? Did they say anything to you? Did we invite you? You are no one to interfere in my family matters or with my guests."

Isha looked at Ishaan and Shantanu, then smiled at Surekha. "Namaskar, Vahini. I don't think I need permission to be here, do I? I have come here as Savi's guardian."

Surekha fumed and looked at Ishaan, expecting him to retaliate against Isha. However, Ishaan simply looked down.

As the tension simmered in the room, Shantanu stepped forward, joining Isha and standing beside her. He addressed Surekha with a calm but firm tone, "Surekha Vahini, Isha is not only Savi's guardian but also Ishaan's biological mother. It's her right to be here and express her opinions, especially when it concerns Savi's well-being and reputation."

Surekha's expression wavered between disbelief and anger, but before she could respond, murmurs rippled through the crowd. Some guests exchanged shocked glances at the unfolding drama, while others leaned in, eager to catch every word.

Meanwhile, the Bhosle family members watched the scene unfold with varying degrees of concern and surprise.

Rao Saheb stood tall with a stern expression etched on his face, his gaze unwavering as he silently observed the unfolding confrontation. 

Anvi chewed nervously on her lower lip, her eyes darting between Isha, Surekha, and Ishaan, her anxiety palpable in the tense atmosphere. 

Shikha and Asmita were scared as usual, and Nishikant and Durva were just making faces to please Surekha.

Savi, with the presence of Isha Mam and the silent support of Ishaan, firmly stood up for herself, facing the skeptical crowd. She raised her voice, her words cutting through the murmurs.

"I am not an orphan, nor am I defined by my tribal origins or perceived usefulness," Savi declared, her voice steady despite the tremble in her hands. "I am capable, and worthy, and I will prove it to all of you."

To her surprise, Ishaan stepped forward, his presence lending weight to her words. "She speaks the truth," he affirmed, his gaze unwavering. "Savi is as much a part of this community, and now Bhosle family, as any of us. Let us embrace her talents and potential."

At this point in time, he was torn between his loyalty to Surekha and his desire to support Savi and Isha. Guilt, frustration, and uncertainty battled within him, leaving his mind in turmoil.

Finally, he moved the curtain from the much-awaited suspense, 'She, I mean IshaMam, has been invited here by me!' His words echoed through the room, cutting through the tense atmosphere with a note of authority.

'Things have drastically changed in the last 15-20 days. Savi is all alone, but I don't want her to feel abandoned until she gets adjusted to us. She needs a support system where she can vent out her feelings.'

He looked at Savi lovingly, 'When I had invited Dr. Isha Bhosle on your birthday, I observed that she is the one with whom you have the most emotional bond. Sadly, I could not bring your Ajji, Badi Ajji, or Tai here, but how can I forget your mother figure?'

He then glanced at his Aai, his tone slightly taunting, 'Without a mother, the world seems empty no matter with whom you have been.'

Hearing this, Surekha seemed to freeze in place, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief. She quickly composed herself, faking illness as she asked everyone to depart, claiming that the function had taken an unexpected turn.

To be continued... (Upcoming: Yashwant informs Ishaan to go out of town for a week)

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