52 - Ishaan's Homecoming & Savi's Pranks

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Ishaan drops Savi off at ISHANU's home. While Savi carries her bag, Ishaan handles the suitcase. As they enter the house, Savi glances at Ishaan, who gives her a reassuring smile before they both receive blessings from Aai and Baba.

Ishaan carefully places Savi's bags in their designated cupboard in the room, making sure everything is settled for her.

Later, as they all gather in the hall, Savi notices Aai and Baba sitting comfortably, and she instinctively brings water for everyone, a gesture of respect and care.

She puts the tray on the tea-poy and sits close to Ishaan, leaning slightly against him, feeling his comforting presence beside her.

Isha Mam observes their (ISHVI) body language and feels satisfied with how they are behaving with each other, displaying their affection and connection.

Ishaan, glancing at his wristwatch, announces, 'It's time for me to head to college. See you all later,' before turning to his Baba and adding, "Please come with me. We can go together, and I'll drop you back afterward." 

His words carry a hint of warmth and consideration, showing his affection for his father.

Isha Mam, observing the interaction, catches the subtle exchange between Ishaan and Savi and his mild wink at her. 

She looks at Savi and smiles knowingly, recognizing the unspoken bond between them because it is evident that dropping Baba home is an excuse for him to see his wife.

Savi, feeling a mix of shyness and happiness, blushes and lowers her gaze, but not before exchanging a fleeting glance with Ishaan, silently conveying her gratitude and love.


Throughout the day, Savi immerses herself in studying and engages in light conversation with her mother-in-law.

In the evening, Ishaan arrives to drop off his Baba and enters the hall, his eyes searching the surroundings.

Sensing his restlessness, Shantanu encourages him to go inside 'their' room, freshen up, and enjoy a cup of coffee before he departs.

Seizing the opportunity, Ishaan eagerly hurries into the room where Savi is staying.

He opens the door and finds the bed and chair empty. To check where she is, he takes one step further inside. Suddenly he is startled by a loud "Booo" from behind.

Startled, Ishaan jumps in surprise, exclaiming, "Who's there? Ouch!"

After recovering from the initial shock, Ishaan turns around to see Savi standing behind him, a mischievous grin on her face. 

She holds her hands up in mock surrender, chuckling at his startled reaction.

Savi: "Gotcha! Sorry, I couldn't resist."

Ishaan lets out a nervous laugh, relieved that it's only Savi playing a prank. He playfully shakes his head at her antics, his heart still racing from the sudden scare.

Ishaan: "You nearly gave me a heart attack, Savi! I should have known it was you."

Savi beams at him, pleased with her successful prank, and offers a sheepish apology.

Savi: "I couldn't help myself. You looked so serious when you came in."

In their bedroom, Ishaan's heart was still racing fast from Savi's playful scare, sparking a mischievous desire for revenge.

With a smirk, he declared, "Wait, I'll show you, it's now my time to take revenge" and darted after her.

Savi, her laughter filling the room, teasingly taunted, "Catch me if you can, Ishaan Sir!"

Ishaan, his laughter blending with hers, playfully retorted, "Oh, I'll catch you, just you wait!"

They circled around the bed and playfully dodged furniture, their joyous laughter echoing off the walls.

Savi, ducking behind a chair, called out, "You'll never catch me, Ishaan Sir!"

Ishaan, hot on her heels, teased back, "Oh, I think I will! You can't escape me!"

Their playful banter fueled their chase, bringing smiles to their faces and warmth to their hearts.

Finally, with a triumphant shout, Ishaan caught her, pulling her into a tight embrace. But his legs slipped on the carpet and they collapsed onto the bed, breathless and happy, enjoying the simple joy of being together in their cozy bedroom. The moment they fall on the bed becomes special for them, he rolls over on her and makes her comfortable to get up.

Ishaan: "Well, you definitely succeeded in surprising me. But now that you're here, how about one cup of coffee?"

Savi nods eagerly, and together they head to the kitchen, laughter filling the air as they share a light-hearted moment together.

ISHANU seeing them heading to the kitchen felt they were the most luckiest and happiest parents on the earth.

To be continued... (The IAS journey begins, with nervousness on the night before the first day of the exam)

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